

Zur auswertung von Diffusions- und Sedimentations- Messungen

Von G. Meyerhoff


ChemistryPolymer chemistryAnalytical chemistryGraph


Es wird ein Verfahren beschrieben, das es ermoglicht, bei Diffusions- und Ultrazentrifugenversuchen unter Verwendung der Lammschen Skalenmethode die fur die Auswertung erforderliche Zeit betrachtlich herabzusetzen. For diffusion- and sedimentation-measurements the refractometric scale-method of Lamm1 is nearly ideal for most of the substances to be tested. Its only disadvantage is the time-wasting evaluation of the photographic plates by means of a comparator to about 10 μ (better 1 μ). It is shown, that the time of evaluation can be diminished considerably by using an enlarging camera. From the picture of reference- and main-scale, projected simultaneously on the screen, the requested difference of displaced and undisplaced scale-line can be measured directly. With a reduction circle this difference may be enlarged to a fitting proportion on the graph. Thus the complete work of evaluation to the plot of versus x is done in one working process.
