

RBS and ERD cross-sections and optical model parameters for the analysis of lithium, boron and nickel

Petteri PusaEero RauhalaJyrki RäisänenA. Nurmela


010302 applied physicsElastic scatteringNuclear and High Energy PhysicsScatteringchemistry.chemical_elementCoulomb barrier02 engineering and technology021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesIonNickelsymbols.namesakechemistry0103 physical sciencessymbolsLithiumRutherford scatteringAtomic physics0210 nano-technologyBoronInstrumentation


Abstract Elastic scattering cross-sections for RBS analysis of nickel by 7 Li and 11 B ion backscattering near the Coulomb barrier have been determined. The lithium ion measurements were performed in the energy range of 8–15 MeV at the laboratory angles of 115° and 135°. For boron ions the energies between 14 and 24 MeV and scattering angles of 89°, 110° and 130° were used. For the analysis of lithium and boron by ERD the scattering cross-sections have been calculated by kinematically reversing the backscattering process. The calculated 58 Ni ion energies thus varied between 65 and 125 MeV for lithium and between 75 and 130 MeV for boron recoils. For the Li + Ni and B + Ni systems the threshold energies, where the Rutherford scattering model becomes invalid, were determined. Above the thresholds the cross-sections fall off rapidly. The scattering cross-section results have been used to obtain the optical model (OM) parameters describing the potential forms used in the OM calculations.
