

First observation and study of the K± → π±π0e+e− decay

J. R. BatleyG. KalmusC. LazzeroniD. J. MundayM. W. SlaterS. A. WottonR. ArcidiaconoG. BocquetN. CabibboA. CeccucciD. CundyB. Bloch-devauxC. CheshkovJ. B. ChezeM. De BeerJ. DerreG. MarelE. MazzucatoB. PeyaudB. VallageM. HolderV. FalaleevM. ZiolkowskiS. BifaniM. ClemencicS. Goy LopezC. BiinoN. CartigliaF. MarchettoH. DibonM. JeitlerM. MarkytanM. FidecaroI. MikulecG. NeuhoferL. WidhalmNa48/2 CollaborationL. GatignonA. GonidecW. KubischtaA. MaierA. NortonM. PatelA. PetersS. BalevP. L. FrabettiE. GersabeckE. GoudzovskiP. HristovV. KekelidzeV. KozhuharovL. LitovD. MadigozhinM. MishevaN. MolokanovaI. PolenkevichYu. PotrebenikovS. StoynevA. ZinchenkoE. MonnierE. SwallowR. WinstonP. RubinA. WalkerP. DalpiazC. DamianiM. FioriniM. MartiniF. PetrucciM. SavrieM. ScarpaH. WahlW. BaldiniA. Cotta RamusinoA. GianoliM. CalvettiE. CeleghiniE. IacopiniM. LentiG. RuggieroA. BizzetiM. VeltriM. BehlerK. EppardM. Hita-hochgesandK. KleinknechtP. MarouelliL. MasettiU. MoosbruggerC. MoralesmoralesB. RenkM. WacheR. WankeA. WinhartD. CowardA. DabrowskiT. Fonseca MartinM. ShiehM. SzleperM. VelascoM. D. WoodG. AnzivinoE. ImbergamoA. NappiM. PicciniM. RaggiM. Valdata-nappiP. CenciM. PepeM. C. PetrucciF. CostantiniN. DobleL. FioriniS. GiudiciG. PierazziniM. SozziS. VendittiG. CollazuolL. DilellaG. LamannaI. MannelliA. MichettiC. CerriR. Fantechi


rare decayNuclear and High Energy PhysicsChiral perturbation theoryCP violation; Monte-Carlo; searchAstronomy & AstrophysicsSpace (mathematics)quark mixing01 natural sciencesPartícules (Física nuclear)Charged Kaon decaysPhysics Particles & FieldsCharged Kaon decays quark mixing radiative kaon decay chiral perturbation theoryEconomica0202 Atomic Molecular Nuclear Particle And Plasma PhysicsViolació CP (Física nuclear)MONTE-CARLOSEARCH0103 physical sciencesKaon decaysradiative kaon decay010306 general physicsPhysicsScience & Technology010308 nuclear & particles physicsBranching fractionPhysicsKaon decays Chiral Perturbation TheoryAmbientaleK mesonNuclear & Particles PhysicsChiral Perturbation Theorylcsh:QC1-999fixed target experimentPhysics NuclearPhysical SciencesK meson rare decay fixed target experimentCP violationHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentCP VIOLATIONAtomic physicslcsh:Physics


The NA48/2 experiment at CERN reports the first observation of the K-+/- -> pi(+/-)pi(0)e(+)e(-) decay from an exposure of 1.7 x 10(11) charged kaon decays recorded in 2003-2004. A sample of 4919 candidates with 4.9% background contamination allows the determination of the branching ratio in the full kinematic region, BR(K-+/- -> pi(+/-)pi(0)e(+)e(-)) = (4.24 +/- 0.14) x 10(-6). The study of the kinematic space shows evidence for a structure dependent contribution in agreement with predictions based on chiral perturbation theory. Several P- and CP-violating asymmetries are also evaluated.
