G. Bocquet

First observation of the KS → π0γ γ decay

Using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS, 31 KS → π 0γγ candidates with an estimated background of 13.7 ± 3.2 events have been observed. This first observation leads to a branching ratio of BR(KS → π0γγ) z>0.2 = (4.9 ± 1.6stat ± 0.9 syst) × 10-8 in agreement with Chiral Perturbation Theory predictions. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Precision measurement of the ratio BR(KS→π+π−e+e−)/BR(KL→π+π−πD0)

Abstract The K S → π + π − e + e − decay mode was investigated using the data collected in 2002 by the NA48/1 Collaboration. With about 23 k K S → π + π − e + e − events and 59 k K L → π + π − π D 0 normalization decays, the K S → π + π − e + e − branching ratio relative to the K L → π + π − π D 0 one was determined to be BR ( K S → π + π − e + e − ) / BR ( K L → π + π − π D 0 ) = ( 3.28 ± 0.06 stat ± 0.04 syst ) × 10 − 2 . This result was used to set the upper limit | g E1 / g BR | 3.0 at 90% CL on the presence, in the decay amplitude, of an E1 direct emission ( g E1 ) term relative to the dominant inner bremsstrahlung ( g BR ) term. The CP-violating asymmetry A ϕ in the sin ϕ cos ϕ distri…

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Measurement of Kμ30 form factors

Abstract This Letter reports on a new high precision measurement of the form factors of the K L → π ± μ ∓ ν μ decay. The data sample of about 2.3 × 10 6 events was recorded in 1999 by the NA48 experiment at CERN. Studying the Dalitz plot density we measured a linear, λ + ′ = ( 20.5 ± 2.2 stat ± 2.4 syst ) × 10 −3 , and a quadratic, λ + ″ = ( 2.6 ± 0.9 stat ± 1.0 syst ) × 10 −3 term in the power expansion of the vector form factor. No evidence was found for a second order term for the scalar form factor; the linear slope was determined to be λ 0 = ( 9.5 ± 1.1 stat ± 0.8 syst ) × 10 −3 . Using a linear fit our results were: λ + = ( 26.7 ± 0.6 stat ± 0.8 syst ) × 10 −3 and λ 0 = ( 11.7 ± 0.7 s…

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Empirical parameterization of the K±→π±π0π0 decay Dalitz plot

As first observed by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS, the π0π0 invariant mass (M00) distribution from K±→π±π0π0 decay shows a cusp-like anomaly at M00=2m+, where m+ is the charged pion mass. An analysis to extract the ππ scattering lengths in the isospin I=0 and I=2 states, a0 and a2, respectively, has been recently reported. In the present work the Dalitz plot of this decay is fitted to a new empirical parameterization suitable for practical purposes, such as Monte Carlo simulations of K±→π±π0π0 decays.

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Measurement of the Ξ0→Λγ decay asymmetry and branching fraction

In data taken with the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS in 1999, 730 candidates of the weak radiative hyperon decay Ξ0→Λγ have been found with an estimated background of 58±8 events. From these events the Ξ0→Λγ decay asymmetry has been determined to α(Ξ0→Λγ)=-0.78±0.18stat±0.06 syst, which is the first evidence of a decay asymmetry in Ξ 0→Λγ. The branching fraction of the decay has been measured to be Br(Ξ0→Λγ)=(1.16±0.05 stat±0.06syst)×10-3. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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A new measurement of the branching ratio of K(S) → γ γ

Abstract The decay rate of KS → γγ has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. A total of 149 KS → γγ events have been observed. The branching ratio is determined to be (2.58±0.36(stat)±0.22(sys))×10−6.

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First measurement of the rate K0L → πμνγ

Abstract In a preliminary version of the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS, in which an iron-scintillator sandwich calorimeter was used as a photon detector, the ratio of K L → πμνγ and K L → πμν decays was measured. The branching ratio BR(K L →πμνγ, E γ ∗ ≥30 MeV )/(K L → πμν ) is found to be (2.08±0.17 +0.16 −0.21 )×10 −3 , where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. The result is in agreement with theoretical predictions.

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Measurement of K-e3(0) form factors

The semi-leptonic decay of the neutral K meson $K^{0}_{L} \to \pi^{\pm}e^{\mp}\nu (K_{e3})$, was used to study the strangeness-changing weak interaction of hadrons. A sample of 5.6 million reconstructed events recorded by the NA48 experiment was used to measure the Dalitz plot density. Admitting all possible Lorentz-covariant couplings, the form factors for vector $(f_{+}(q^{2}))$, scalar $(f_{S})$ and tensor $(f_{T})$ interactions were measured. The linear slope of the vector form factor $\lambda_{+} = 0.0284 \pm 0.0007 \pm 0.0013$ and values for the ratios $|f_{S}/f_{+}(0)|=0.015^{+0.007}_{-0.010} \pm 0.012$ and $|f_{T}/f_{+}(0)|=0.05^{+0.03}_{-0.04} \pm 0.03$ were obtained. The values fo…

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A new measurement of the K±→π±γγ decay at the NA48/2 experiment

Abstract The NA48/2 experiment at CERN collected two data samples with minimum bias trigger conditions in 2003 and 2004. A measurement of the rate and dynamic properties of the rare decay K ± → π ± γ γ from these data sets based on 149 decay candidates with an estimated background of 15.5 ± 0.7 events is reported. The model-independent branching ratio in the kinematic range z = ( m γ γ / m K ) 2 > 0.2 is measured to be B MI ( z > 0.2 ) = ( 0.877 ± 0.089 ) × 10 − 6 , and the branching ratio in the full kinematic range assuming a particular Chiral Perturbation Theory description to be B ( K π γ γ ) = ( 0.910 ± 0.075 ) × 10 − 6 .

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Search for CP violation in K0→3π0 decays

Abstract Using data taken during the year 2000 with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS, a search for the CP violating decay K S → 3 π 0 has been performed. From a fit to the lifetime distribution of about 4.9 million reconstructed K 0 / K ¯ 0 → 3 π 0 decays, the CP violating amplitude η 000 = A ( K S → 3 π 0 ) / A ( K L → 3 π 0 ) has been found to be Re ( η 000 ) = − 0.002 ± 0.011 ± 0.015 and Im ( η 000 ) = − 0.003 ± 0.013 ± 0.017 . This corresponds to an upper limit on the branching fraction of Br ( K S → 3 π 0 ) 7.4 × 10 −7 at 90% confidence level. The result is used to improve knowledge of Re ( e ) and the CPT violating quantity Im ( δ ) via the Bell–Steinberger relation.

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Observation of the decay KS→π+π−e+e−

Abstract We present the first observation of the decay KS→π+π−e+e− based upon the data collected in 1998 by the NA48 experiment at CERN. We have identified a clean sample of 56 events with negligible background contamination. Using KL→π+π−π0D decays as normalization sample, the branching ratio is measured to be BR(KS→π+π−e+e−)=[4.5±0.7(stat)±0.4(syst)]×10−5. This result is in good agreement with the theoretical expectations from the mechanism of inner bremsstrahlung.

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Measurement of the branching ratios of the decays Ξ0→Σ+e−ν¯e and Ξ0¯→Σ+¯e+νe

Abstract From 56 days of data taking in 2002, the NA48/1 experiment observed 6316 Ξ 0 → Σ + e − ν ¯ e candidates (with the subsequent Σ + → p π 0 decay) and 555 Ξ 0 ¯ → Σ + ¯ e + ν e candidates with background contamination of 215 ± 44 and 136 ± 8 events, respectively. From these samples, the branching ratios BR ( Ξ 0 → Σ + e − ν ¯ e ) = ( 2.51 ± 0.03 stat ± 0.09 syst ) × 10 −4 and BR ( Ξ 0 ¯ → Σ + ¯ e + ν e ) = ( 2.55 ± 0.14 stat ± 0.10 syst ) × 10 −4 were measured allowing the determination of the CKM matrix element | V us | = 0.209 −0.028 +0.023 . Using the Particle Data Group average for | V us | obtained in semileptonic kaon decays, we measured the ratio g 1 / f 1 = 1.20 ± 0.05 of the …

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Observation of the rare decay K-S -> pi(0)e(+)e(-)

A search for the decay Ks->pi0e+e- has been made by the NA48/1 experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator. Using data collected during 89 days in 2002 with a high-intensity Ks beam, 7 events were found with a background of 0.15 events. The branching fraction BR(Ks->pi0e+e-, m(ee) > 0.165 GeV/c^2) = (3.0^{+1.5}_{-1.2}(stat) +/-0.2 (syst)) x 10^{-9} has been measured. Using a vector matrix element and a form factor equal to one, the measurement gives BR(Ks->pi0e+e-) = (5.8^{+2.9}_{-2.4}) x 10^{-9}.

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Search for direct CP violation in the decays K-+/- -> 3 pi(+/-)

Abstract We report a measurement of the direct CP violation asymmetry parameter A g in charged kaon decays K ± → π ± π + π − by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS. The experiment has been designed not to be limited by systematics in the asymmetry measurement. Using 1.67 × 10 9 such decays collected during the 2003 run, the charge asymmetry in the Dalitz plot linear slope parameter g has been measured to be A g = ( 1.7 ± 2.9 ) × 10 −4 . The precision of the result is limited by the statistics used.

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Measurement of the KL→e+e−e+e− decay rate

Abstract The decay rate of the long-lived neutral K meson into the e + e − e + e − final state has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using data collected in 1998 and 1999, a total of 200 events has been observed with negligible background. This observation corresponds to a branching ratio of Br ( K L → e + e − e + e − ) = ( 3.30 ± 0.24 stat ± 0.23 syst ± 0.10 norm ) × 10 −8 .

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A measurement of the CP-conserving component of the decay KS0→π+π−π0

Abstract The NA48 Collaboration has measured the amplitude of the CP-conserving component of the decay K S 0 → π + π − π 0 relative to K L 0 → π + π − π 0 . For the characteristic parameter λ , the values Re λ = 0.038 ± 0.010 and Im λ = − 0.013 ± 0.007 have been extracted. These values agree with earlier measurements and with theoretical predictions from chiral perturbation theory.

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First observation and branching fraction and decay parameter measurements of the weak radiative decay Xi0 -> Lambda e+ e-

The weak radiative decay Xi0 --> Lambda e+e- has been detected for the first time. We find 412 candidates in the signal region, with an estimated background of 15 +/- 5 events. We determine the branching fraction B(Xi0 --> Lambda e+e-) = [7.6 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 0.4(syst) +/- 0.2(norm)] x 10^{-6}, consistent with an internal bremsstrahlung process, and the decay asymmetry parameter alpha_{XiLambdaee} = -0.8 +/- 0.2, consistent with that of Xi0 --> Lambda gamma. The charge conjugate reaction Xi0_bar --> Lambda_bar e+e- has also been observed.

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Measurement of the branching ratio of the decay Ξ0→Σ+μ−ν¯μ

Abstract From the 2002 data taking with a neutral kaon beam extracted from the CERN-SPS, the NA48/1 experiment observed 97 Ξ 0 → Σ + μ − ν ¯ μ candidates with a background contamination of 30.8 ± 4.2 events. From this sample, the BR ( Ξ 0 → Σ + μ − ν ¯ μ ) is measured to be ( 2.17 ± 0.32 stat ± 0.17 syst ) × 10 − 6 .

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First observation and measurement of the decay K±→π±e+e−γ

Abstract Using the full data set of the NA48/2 experiment, the decay K ± → π ± e + e − γ is observed for the first time, selecting 120 candidates with 7.3 ± 1.7 estimated background events. With K ± → π ± π D 0 as normalisation channel, the branching ratio is determined in a model-independent way to be Br ( K ± → π ± e + e − γ , m e e γ > 260  MeV / c 2 ) = ( 1.19 ± 0.12 stat ± 0.04 syst ) × 10 −8 . This measured value and the spectrum of the e + e − γ invariant mass allow a comparison with predictions of chiral perturbation theory.

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First observation and study of the K± → π±π0e+e− decay

The NA48/2 experiment at CERN reports the first observation of the K-+/- -> pi(+/-)pi(0)e(+)e(-) decay from an exposure of 1.7 x 10(11) charged kaon decays recorded in 2003-2004. A sample of 4919 candidates with 4.9% background contamination allows the determination of the branching ratio in the full kinematic region, BR(K-+/- -> pi(+/-)pi(0)e(+)e(-)) = (4.24 +/- 0.14) x 10(-6). The study of the kinematic space shows evidence for a structure dependent contribution in agreement with predictions based on chiral perturbation theory. Several P- and CP-violating asymmetries are also evaluated.

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Search for the dark photon in π0 decays

A sample of $1.69\times 10^7$ fully reconstructed $\pi^0\to\gamma e^+e^-$ decay candidates collected by the NA48/2 experiment at CERN in 2003--2004 is analysed to search for the dark photon ($A'$) production in the $\pi^0\to\gamma A'$ decay followed by the prompt $A'\to e^+e^-$ decay. No signal is observed, and an exclusion region in the plane of the dark photon mass $m_{A'}$ and mixing parameter $\varepsilon^2$ is established. The obtained upper limits on $\varepsilon^2$ are more stringent than the previous limits in the mass range $9~{\rm MeV}/c^2<m_{A'}<70~{\rm MeV}/c^2$. The NA48/2 sensitivity to the dark photon production in the $K^\pm\to\pi^\pm A'$ decay is also evaluated.

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New measurement of the K±→π±μ+μ− decay

Abstract A sample of 3120 K ± → π ± μ + μ − decay candidates with ( 3.3 ± 0.7 ) % background contamination has been collected by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS, allowing a detailed study of the decay properties. The branching ratio was measured to be BR = ( 9.62 ± 0.25 ) × 10 − 8 . The form factor W ( z ) , where z = ( M μ μ / M K ) 2 , was parameterized according to several models. In particular, the slope of the linear form factor W ( z ) = W 0 ( 1 + δ z ) was measured to be δ = 3.11 ± 0.57 . Upper limits of 2.9 × 10 − 2 and 2.3 × 10 − 2 on possible charge asymmetry and forward–backward asymmetry were established at 90% CL. An upper limit BR ( K ± → π ∓ μ ± μ ± ) 1.1 × 10 − 9 was e…

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Measurement of the polarization of the Ξ0 (Ξ0¯) hyperon beam by the NA48/1 experiment

Abstract A total of 368 415 Ξ 0 → Λ π 0 and 31 171 Ξ 0 ¯ → Λ ¯ π 0 were selected from data recorded in the NA48/1 experiment during 2002 data taking. From this sample, the polarization of Ξ 0 and Ξ 0 ¯ hyperons was measured to be P Ξ 0 = − 0.102 ± 0.012 (stat) ± 0.008 (syst) and P Ξ 0 ¯ = − 0.01 ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.008 (syst) . The dependence of P Ξ 0 on the Ξ 0 transverse momentum with respect to the primary proton beam is also presented. With the same data sample, the ratio of Ξ 0 ¯ and Ξ 0 fluxes in proton collisions at 400 GeV / c on a beryllium target was measured.

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New precise measurements of the and decay asymmetries

Abstract The decay asymmetries of the weak radiative hyperon decays Ξ 0 → Λ γ and Ξ 0 → Σ 0 γ have been measured with high precision using data of the NA48/1 experiment at CERN. From about 52 000 Ξ 0 → Λ γ and 15 000 Ξ 0 → Σ 0 γ decays, we obtain for the decay asymmetries α Ξ 0 → Λ γ = − 0.704 ± 0.019 stat ± 0.064 syst and α Ξ 0 → Σ 0 γ = − 0.729 ± 0.030 stat ± 0.076 syst , respectively. These results are in good agreement with previous experiments, but more precise.

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Search for direct CP-violation in K±→π±π0π0 decays

Abstract A search for direct CP-violation in K ± → π ± π 0 π 0 decay based on 47.14 million events has been performed by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS. The asymmetry in the Dalitz plot linear slopes A g = ( g + − g − ) / ( g + + g − ) is measured to be A g = ( 1.8 ± 2.6 ) × 10 −4 . The design of the experiment and the method of analysis provide good control of instrumental charge asymmetries in this measurement. The precision of the result is limited by statistics and is almost one order of magnitude better than that of previous measurements by other experiments.

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Measurement of the quadratic slope parameter in the K-L -> 3 pi(0) decay Dalitz plot

A value of (-6.1 +- 0.9_{stat} +- 0.5_{syst})*10^{-3} is obtained for the quadratic slope parameter h in the K_L -> 3\pi^0 decay Dalitz plot at the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS. The result is based on 14.7*10^6 fully reconstructed K_L -> 3\pi^0 -> 6\gamma decays. This is the most precise measurement of any of the Dalitz plot slope parameters in the charged and neutral kaon decays so far.

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Measurement of the decay rate and form factor parameter in the decay KL→e+e−γ

Abstract The decay rate of the neutral K meson KL→e+e−γ has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. A total of 6864 events has been observed with an estimated background of 10 events. The branching ratio is Γ(KL→e+e−γ)/Γ(KL→all) = (1.06±0.02stat±0.02sys±0.04calc)×10−5. The parameter α K ∗ describing the relative strength of the two contributing amplitudes to this decay through intermediate pseudoscalar or vector mesons was measured to be α K ∗ =−0.36±0.06stat±0.02sys.

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Measurement of the ratio Γ(KL→π+π−)/Γ(KL→π±e∓ν) and extraction of the CP violation parameter |η+−|

Abstract We present a measurement of the ratio of the decay rates Γ ( K L → π + π − ) / Γ ( K L → π ± e ∓ ν ) , denoted as Γ K 2 π / Γ K e 3 . The analysis is based on data taken during a dedicated run in 1999 by the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS. Using a sample of 47 000 K 2 π and five million K e 3 decays, we find Γ K 2 π / Γ K e 3 = ( 4.835 ± 0.022 stat . ± 0.016 syst . ) × 10 −3 . From this we derive the branching ratio of the CP violating decay K L → π + π − and the CP violation parameter | η + − | . Excluding the CP conserving direct photon emission component K L → π + π − γ , we obtain the results BR ( K L → π + π − ) = ( 1.941 ± 0.019 ) × 10 −3 and | η + − | = ( 2.223 ± 0.012 ) × …

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Precise measurement of the K±→π±e+e− decay

Abstract A sample of 7253 K ± → π ± e + e − ( γ ) decay candidates with 1.0% background contamination has been collected by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS, which allowed a precise measurement of the decay properties. The branching ratio in the full kinematic range was measured to be BR = ( 3.11 ± 0.12 ) × 10 − 7 , where the uncertainty includes also the model dependence. The shape of the form factor W ( z ) , where z = ( M e e / M K ) 2 , was parameterized according to several models, and, in particular, the slope δ of the linear form factor W ( z ) = W 0 ( 1 + δ z ) was determined to be δ = 2.32 ± 0.18 . A possible CP violating asymmetry of K + and K − decay widths was investigated,…

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Search for the decay KS → π0γγ

Abstract A search for the decay K S → π 0 γγ has been made using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using data collected in 1999 during a 40-hour run with a high-intensity K S beam, an upper limit for the branching ratio BR ( K S → π 0 γγ , z ⩾0.2) −7 has been obtained at 90% confidence level, where z = m γγ 2 / m K 0 2 .

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Measurement of the Dalitz plot slope parameters of the K±→π±π+π− decay

Abstract The distribution of the K ± → π ± π + π − decays in the Dalitz plot has been measured by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS with a sample of 4.71 × 10 8 fully reconstructed events. With the standard Particle Data Group parameterization the following values of the slope parameters were obtained: g = ( − 21.134 ± 0.017 ) % , h = ( 1.848 ± 0.040 ) % , k = ( − 0.463 ± 0.014 ) % . The quality and statistical accuracy of the data have allowed an improvement in precision by more than an order of magnitude, and are such as to warrant a more elaborate theoretical treatment, including pion–pion rescattering, which is in preparation.

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