Application of the Morris method for screening the influential parameters of fuzzy controllers applied to wastewater treatment plants
María Victoria RuanoJosé FerrerGürkan SinJ. Ribessubject
EngineeringParameterFuzzy controllersWastewater treatmentWastewaterScreening methodChemicals removal (water treatment)Parameter significance rankingWaste ManagementWastewater treatment plantsStatisticsWater treatmentFalse positiveControl systemWater Science and TechnologyControllersPhosphorusMorris methodFine-tuningError analysisPollutant removalFuzzy mathematicsCalibrationFalse negativesScreeningSensitivity analysisType I and type II errorsOptimizationWastewater treatment plant (WWTP)Environmental EngineeringWaste water treatment plantNitrogenIterative proceduresNumerical methodRepetition NumberFuzzy logicSewage pumping plantsArticleFalse positive resultFuzzy LogicControl theoryMorris methodSensitivity (control systems)Water treatment plantsBiological water treatmentFalse negative resultTECNOLOGIA DEL MEDIO AMBIENTEBiological nitrogen and phosphorus removalType II errorToxicitybusiness.industryNitrogen removalFuzzy mathematicsRankingFuzzy controllerType-I errorbusinessdescription
In this paper,we evaluate the application of a sensitivity analysis to help fine-tuning a fuzzy controller for a biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal (BNPR) plant. TheMorris Screeningmethod is proposed and evaluated as a prior step to obtain the parameter significance ranking. First, an iterative procedure has been performed in order to find out the proper repetition number of the elementary effects (r) of the method. The optimal repetition number found in this study (r = 60) is in direct contrast to previous applications of the Morris method, which usually use low repetition number, e.g. r = 10 ~ 20. Working with a non-proper repetition number (r) could lead to Type I error (identifying a not-important factor as significant (false positive)) aswell as Type II error (identifying an important factor as not significant (false negative)), hence emphasizing the importance of finding the optimal repetition number for each study in question. With the proper r found, the Morris Screening helped identify the parameter significance ranking, thereby facilitating the calibration of fuzzy controllers,which containmany parameters that need to be adjusted for different wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) applications. © IWA Publishing 2011.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-01-01 |