

Effect of Six-Month Diet Intervention on Sleep among Overweight and Obese Men with Chronic Insomnia Symptoms : A Randomized Controlled Trial

Xiao TanKun WangMarkku AlenSulin ChengSulin ChengPetri WiklundPetri WiklundMarkku PartinenJarkko Tenhunen


CounselingMaleobesityTime FactorsINTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATIONOverweightinsomnia symptomsBody Mass Indexlaw.invention0302 clinical medicineRandomized controlled triallawSleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersSurveys and QuestionnairesInsomniasleep onset030212 general & internal medicineFinlandPOPULATION2. Zero hungerdiet interventionNutrition and Dieteticsylipainota3141Middle AgedWEIGHT-GAINPREVALENCE3. Good healthTreatment OutcomeBALANCESleep diarymedicine.symptomSleep onsetNutritive Valuelcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supplyAdultmedicine.medical_specialtyDiet ReducingNutritional Statuslcsh:TX341-641Articleuni (lepotila)DISORDERS ICSD03 medical and health sciencesInternal medicineWeight LossReaction TimemedicineHumansQUALITYNocturiaoverweightsleepAgedCaloric Restrictionbusiness.industrynutrientENERGY-EXPENDITUREinsomnia symptoms; sleep; sleep onset; diet intervention; nutrient; overweight; obesity3141 Health care scienceNutrition AssessmentFATRISK-FACTORSPhysical therapylihavuusSleep onset latencybusinessWeight gain030217 neurology & neurosurgeryFood Science


Growing evidence suggests that diet alteration affects sleep, but this has not yet been studied in adults with insomnia symptoms. We aimed to determine the effect of a six-month diet intervention on sleep among overweight and obese (Body mass index, BMI >= 25 kg/m(2)) men with chronic insomnia symptoms. Forty-nine men aged 30-65 years with chronic insomnia symptoms were randomized into diet (n = 28) or control (n = 21) groups. The diet group underwent a six-month individualized diet intervention with three face-to-face counseling sessions and online supervision 1-3 times per week; 300-500 kcal/day less energy intake and optimized nutrient composition were recommended. Controls were instructed to maintain their habitual lifestyle. Sleep parameters were determined by piezoelectric bed sensors, a sleep diary, and a Basic Nordic sleep questionnaire. Compared to the controls, the diet group had shorter objective sleep onset latency after intervention. Within the diet group, prolonged objective total sleep time, improved objective sleep efficiency, lower depression score, less subjective nocturnal awakenings, and nocturia were found after intervention. In conclusion, modest energy restriction and optimized nutrient composition shorten sleep onset latency in overweight and obese men with insomnia symptoms. Peer reviewed
