Jarkko Tenhunen
Effects of exercise and diet interventions on obesity-related sleep disorders in men: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Abstract Background Sleep is essential for normal and healthy living. Lack of good quality sleep affects physical, mental and emotional functions. Currently, the treatments of obesity-related sleep disorders focus more on suppressing sleep-related symptoms pharmaceutically and are often accompanied by side effects. Thus, there is urgent need for alternative ways to combat chronic sleep disorders. This study will investigate underlying mechanisms of the effects of exercise and diet intervention on obesity-related sleep disorders, the role of gut microbiota in relation to poor quality of sleep and day-time sleepiness, as well as the levels of hormones responsible for sleep-wake cycle regulati…
A framework for a network-level performance measurement system in SME networks
The present study aims to present a theoretical framework for a network-level performance measurement system. The suggested framework for the performance measurement system is composed of the factors that enable and cause the productivity and profitability of the network form of organisation. The framework developed in this study can be divided into six subdimensions: (1) network culture, (2) resources and competences, (3) models of action, (4) internal processes, (5) customer perspective and (6) financial indicators of the network. We argue that this framework provides research opportunities to study the performance of the network form of organisation; but even more importantly, it provide…
Effect of Six-Month Diet Intervention on Sleep among Overweight and Obese Men with Chronic Insomnia Symptoms : A Randomized Controlled Trial
Growing evidence suggests that diet alteration affects sleep, but this has not yet been studied in adults with insomnia symptoms. We aimed to determine the effect of a six-month diet intervention on sleep among overweight and obese (Body mass index, BMI >= 25 kg/m(2)) men with chronic insomnia symptoms. Forty-nine men aged 30-65 years with chronic insomnia symptoms were randomized into diet (n = 28) or control (n = 21) groups. The diet group underwent a six-month individualized diet intervention with three face-to-face counseling sessions and online supervision 1-3 times per week; 300-500 kcal/day less energy intake and optimized nutrient composition were recommended. Controls were instruct…
Randomoitu kontrolloitu tutkimus keski-ikäisten miesten unettomuudesta
Unettomuus on yleinen ongelma, jonka hoito on kansaterveydellisesti erittäin tärkeää. Koska unettomuuden yleisimmällä hoitokeinolla lääkityksellä on paljon haitallisia sivuvaikutuksia, on tärkeää tutkia unettomuuden vaihtoehtoisia hoitokeinoja. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää kestävyysliikunnan vaikutusta unen laatuun ja määrään keski-ikäisillä unettomuudesta kärsivillä miehillä. Satunnaistetussa kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa 42 vähän liikkuvaa vapaaehtoista 30–65-vuotiasta unettomuudesta kärsivää miestä Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiristä (keski-ikä 51 [1.6] vuotta) jaettiin liikunta- ja kontrolliryhmään. Liikuntaryhmäläiset noudattivat yksilölli-sesti suunniteltua pro…
Associations of disordered sleep with body fat distribution, physical activity and diet among overweight middle-aged men
This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate whether body fat distribution, physical activity levels and dietary intakes are associated with insomnia and/or obstructive sleep apnea among overweight middle-aged men. Participants were 211 Finnish men aged 30-65 years. Among the 163 overweight or obese participants, 40 had insomnia only, 23 had obstructive sleep apnea only, 24 had comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea and 76 were without sleep disorder. The remaining 48 participants had normal weight without sleep disorder. Fat mass, levels of physical activity and diet were assessed by dual-energy X-ray densitometry, physical activity questionnaire and 3-day food diary, respectivel…