

Direct injection analysis of fatty and resin acids in papermaking process waters by HPLC/MS

Juha KnuutinenPiia ValtoRaimo Alén


Detection limitchemistry.chemical_compoundChemical ionizationChromatographychemistryFormic acidPhase (matter)Myristic acidFiltration and SeparationMethanolSelectivityHigh-performance liquid chromatographyAnalytical Chemistry


A novel HPLC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/MS (HPLC-APCI/MS) method was developed for the rapid analysis of selected fatty and resin acids typically present in papermaking process waters. A mixture of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic, and dehydroabietic acids was separated by a commercial HPLC column (a modified stationary C(18) phase) using gradient elution with methanol/0.15% formic acid (pH 2.5) as a mobile phase. The internal standard (myristic acid) method was used to calculate the correlation coefficients and in the quantitation of the results. In the thorough quality parameters measurement, a mixture of these model acids in aqueous media as well as in six different paper machine process waters was quantitatively determined. The measured quality parameters, such as selectivity, linearity, precision, and accuracy, clearly indicated that, compared with traditional gas chromatographic techniques, the simple method developed provided a faster chromatographic analysis with almost real-time monitoring of these acids.
