Piia Valto


Development of fast analysis methods for extractives in papermaking process waters

A fast analysis method with an online sample enrichment technique for the analysis of resin and fatty acids present in papermaking process waters was developed. This method was based on atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and mass spectrometry (MS) for the detection of [M-H]- ions of compounds of interest. The method was applied to the control of the most prevalent resin (dehydroabietic and abietic) and fatty (palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linolenic) acid levels in papermaking process waters. Continuous data on these acids are of practical importance when predicting possible deposit-derived problems in the paper machine. The first part of the study was focused on the development…

research product

The role of guidance in student engagement with chemistry studies

During recent years, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Jyväskylä has made an extensive effort to support chemistry students’ first study year. The first-year curriculum includes enhanced study counselling course, intensive orientation course and support for academic study skills via a specific course.  In this study, the effects of the revisions were studied by exploring the chemistry students study continuation and what factors contributed to it.  In 2015 to 2017, data were collected from first-year chemistry students (n = 106), who completed a questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of their first semester. The results show that the percentage of dropout rates after t…

research product

Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia kemian opiskelusta koronakevään aikana

Koronapandemia sulki korkeakoulut keväällä 2020 hyvin nopealla aikataululla. Jyväskylän yliopiston kemian laitoksella siirryttiin etäopiskelujaksolle ja tehtiin nopea digiloikka etäopiskelun mahdollistamiseksi. Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia kevään 2020 etäopiskelujaksosta kartoitettiin kolmen eri kyselyn avulla. Kyselyiden tulosten perusteella kemian etäopetusta pyrittiin kehittämään nopealla aikataululla paremmin opiskelijoiden tarpeita vastaavaksi. Vastausten perusteella kemian opiskelijat pitivät kemian laitoksen etäopiskelun toteutustapaa pääosin onnistuneena. Etäopiskelujakson aikana haasteeksi nousivat opiskelijoiden omien opiskelutaitojen kehittäminen, kurssien sopivien työmäärien asetta…

research product

Alkuorientaatio koronan keskellä : alkukeitoksen avulla kemian opintoihin kiinni

Korkeakouluopintojen merkityksellinen aloitus antaa suuntaa niiden yleiselle sujuvuudelle. Yliopistojen alkuorientaatioviikoilla tai -kursseilla on täten suuri merkitys opintoihin integroitumiselle ja myös niiden jatkuvuudelle. Jyväskylän yliopiston kemian laitoksella alkuorientaatio on vuodesta 2007 lähtien järjestetty kahden opintopisteen arvoisena kemian perusopintokokonaisuuteen sisältyvänä Alkukeitos-kurssina. Kurssin tavoitteena on tukea kemian opiskelijoiden opintojen sujuvaa aloitusta ja opintoihin sitoutumista. Syksyllä 2020 Alkukeitos-kurssin järjestäminen aiheutti haasteita vallitsevan koronatilanteen vuoksi. Kurssin korona-ajan toimintamallin toimivuutta arvioitiin palautekeskus…

research product

Reconstruction of undergraduate analytical chemistry laboratory course

The Analytical chemistry laboratory course at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Jyväskylä was reconstructed due to problems in the traditional arrangement, structure and contents of the course. The purposes of the reform were: to increase student-centered activity, co-operation and inquiry-based learning; to strengthen the connections to real-life; to develop students’ critical-thinking skills; and to decrease the number of drop-outs during the course. The reconstructed course includes independent laboratory work tasks and a research project. The results of the projects are presented in a course seminar. All of the laboratory experiments are done in groups of 8-10 students un…

research product

Direct injection analysis of fatty and resin acids in papermaking process waters by HPLC/MS

A novel HPLC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/MS (HPLC-APCI/MS) method was developed for the rapid analysis of selected fatty and resin acids typically present in papermaking process waters. A mixture of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic, and dehydroabietic acids was separated by a commercial HPLC column (a modified stationary C(18) phase) using gradient elution with methanol/0.15% formic acid (pH 2.5) as a mobile phase. The internal standard (myristic acid) method was used to calculate the correlation coefficients and in the quantitation of the results. In the thorough quality parameters measurement, a mixture of these model acids in aqueous media as well as in six different pape…

research product

Student experiences of project-based learning in an analytical chemistry laboratory course in higher education

Abstract This study describes students’ experiences in project-based learning (PjBL) incorporated as part of a revised undergraduate analytical chemistry laboratory course. We examined which phases were the easiest as well as the most challenging and what student skills developed during the research project. The research data were collected between 2016 and 2018 via two questionnaires. They were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. One questionnaire focused on the whole course (in 2016–2018, n = 127) of which only the answers on the research project questions were analyzed. The other questionnaire focused on only the research project (in 2018, n = 42). Based on the results of our…

research product

Opiskelijoiden hyvinvointi osana kemian opiskelua

Student Life -konsepti on Jyväskylän yliopistossa vuonna 2009 käyttöön otettu opiskelijoiden kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia ja opiskelukykyä tukeva toimintamalli. Jyväskylän yliopiston kemian laitoksella konseptia toteutetaan erityisesti huolehtimalla ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoiden opintojen etenemisestä sekä opiskelutaitojen ja opiskeluympäristön kehittämisestä. Student Life -konseptiin liittyvät myös opiskelijoiden hyvinvointineuvojat eli Hyvikset, jotka tarjoavat laitoksella konkreettista matalan kynnyksen ohjausta hyvinvointiin, opiskelukykyyn ja elämän eri osa-alueiden haasteisiin liittyen. Hyvis-toiminta on noussut yhdeksi merkittäväksi tekijäksi opiskelijoiden motivaatiossa ja sit…

research product

Resin and fatty-acid analysis by solid-phase extraction coupled to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization–mass spectrometry

Using gas-chromatographic analysis, the suitability of liquid–liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction (SPE) methods was studied for the rapid separation of resin and fatty-acid fractions from papermaking process waters. In the second phase of this study, a novel procedure (correlation coefficient >0.99 and repeatability RSD <8%) for on-line monitoring of selected individual acid components (limits of detection 11–78 µg L−1) by SPE combined with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization–mass spectrometry was developed. The suitability of this technique for quality control of papermaking process waters was tested by means of industrial samples. The method was also found suitable for the a…

research product


This review describes the role of wood extractives, especially fatty and resin acids, in papermaking, as well as the importance of their removal from process waters. One of the main aims is also to illustrate versatile analysis methods for this purpose and highlight recent developments in corresponding applications. Most of the current methods require time-consuming and laborious sample pretreatment procedures prior to gas chromatography coupled either with flame ionization or mass selective detection. However, some faster, even online techniques with minimum sample pretreatment, are also available, mainly including high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The …

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