

Coreless Vortices in Rotating Two-Component Quantum Droplets

Jonas CremonM. ManninenSara BargiStephanie ReimannAri HarjuHenri Saarikoski


PhysicsCondensed Matter::Quantum GasesAngular momentumCondensed matter physicsCondensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale PhysicsFOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Physics and AstronomyFermionQuantum Hall effectVortexCondensed Matter - Other Condensed MatterClassical mechanicsTotal angular momentum quantum numberMesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall)Composite fermionWave functionOther Condensed Matter (cond-mat.other)Boson


The rotation of a quantum liquid induces vortices to carry angular momentum. When the system is composed of multiple components that are distinguishable from each other, vortex cores in one component may be filled by particles of the other component, and coreless vortices form. Based on evidence from computational methods, here we show that the formation of coreless vortices occurs very similarly for repulsively interacting bosons and fermions, largely independent of the form of the particle interactions. We further address the connection to the Halperin wave functions of non-polarized quantum Hall states.
