

An extension of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform

Marinella SciortinoAntonio RestivoSabrina MantaciGiovanna Rosone


Discrete mathematicsMultisetSimilarity (geometry)General Computer ScienceBurrows–Wheeler transformGeneralizationAlignment-free distance measure; Burrows-Wheeler transform; Sequence comparisonContext (language use)Similarity measureBurrows-Wheeler transformSequence comparisonTheoretical Computer ScienceConjugacy classBijectionAlignment-free distance measureBurrows–Wheeler transformComputer Science::Formal Languages and Automata TheoryComputer Science(all)Mathematics


AbstractWe describe and highlight a generalization of the Burrows–Wheeler Transform (bwt) to a multiset of words. The extended transformation, denoted by ebwt, is reversible. Moreover, it allows to define a bijection between the words over a finite alphabet A and the finite multisets of conjugacy classes of primitive words in A∗. Besides its mathematical interest, the extended transform can be useful for applications in the context of string processing. In the last part of this paper we illustrate one such application, providing a similarity measure between sequences based on ebwt.
