Giovanna Rosone

A New Combinatorial Approach to Sequence Comparison

In this paper we introduce a new alignment-free method for comparing sequences which is combinatorial by nature and does not use any compressor nor any information-theoretic notion. Such a method is based on an extension of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform, a transformation widely used in the context of Data Compression. The new extended transformation takes as input a multiset of sequences and produces as output a string obtained by a suitable rearrangement of the characters of all the input sequences. By using such a transformation we give a general method for comparing sequences that takes into account how much the characters coming from the different input sequences are mixed in the output…

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Suffixes, Conjugates and Lyndon Words

In this paper we are interested in the study of the combinatorial aspects connecting three important constructions in the field of string algorithms: the suffix array, the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and the extended Burrows-Wheeler transform (EBWT). Such constructions involve the notions of suffixes and conjugates of words and are based on two different order relations, denoted by $\plex$ and $\pom$, that, even if strictly connected, are quite different from the computational point of view. In this study an important role is played by Lyndon words. In particular, we improve the upper bound on the number of symbol comparisons needed to establish the $\pom$ order between two primitive wo…

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Sorting suffixes of a text via its Lyndon Factorization

The process of sorting the suffixes of a text plays a fundamental role in Text Algorithms. They are used for instance in the constructions of the Burrows-Wheeler transform and the suffix array, widely used in several fields of Computer Science. For this reason, several recent researches have been devoted to finding new strategies to obtain effective methods for such a sorting. In this paper we introduce a new methodology in which an important role is played by the Lyndon factorization, so that the local suffixes inside factors detected by this factorization keep their mutual order when extended to the suffixes of the whole word. This property suggests a versatile technique that easily can b…

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Block Sorting-Based Transformations on Words: Beyond the Magic BWT

The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a word transformation introduced in 1994 for Data Compression and later results have contributed to make it a fundamental tool for the design of self-indexing compressed data structures. The Alternating Burrows-Wheeler Transform (ABWT) is a more recent transformation, studied in the context of Combinatorics on Words, that works in a similar way, using an alternating lexicographical order instead of the usual one. In this paper we study a more general class of block sorting-based transformations. The transformations in this new class prove to be interesting combinatorial tools that offer new research perspectives. In particular, we show that all the tra…

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Balancing and clustering of words in the Burrows–Wheeler transform

AbstractCompression algorithms based on Burrows–Wheeler transform (BWT) take advantage of the fact that the word output of BWT shows a local similarity and then turns out to be highly compressible. The aim of the present paper is to study such “clustering effect” by using notions and methods from Combinatorics on Words.The notion of balance of a word plays a central role in our investigation. Empirical observations suggest that balance is actually the combinatorial property of input word that ensure optimal BWT compression. Moreover, it is reasonable to assume that the more balanced the input word is, the more local similarity we have after BWT (and therefore the better the compression is).…

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Lightweight BWT Construction for Very Large String Collections

A modern DNA sequencing machine can generate a billion or more sequence fragments in a matter of days. The many uses of the BWT in compression and indexing are well known, but the computational demands of creating the BWT of datasets this large have prevented its applications from being widely explored in this context. We address this obstacle by presenting two algorithms capable of computing the BWT of very large string collections. The algorithms are lightweight in that the first needs O(m log m) bits of memory to process m strings and the memory requirements of the second are constant with respect to m. We evaluate our algorithms on collections of up to 1 billion strings and compare thei…

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Lightweight LCP construction for next-generation sequencing datasets

The advent of "next-generation" DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies has meant that collections of hundreds of millions of DNA sequences are now commonplace in bioinformatics. Knowing the longest common prefix array (LCP) of such a collection would facilitate the rapid computation of maximal exact matches, shortest unique substrings and shortest absent words. CPU-efficient algorithms for computing the LCP of a string have been described in the literature, but require the presence in RAM of large data structures. This prevents such methods from being feasible for NGS datasets. In this paper we propose the first lightweight method that simultaneously computes, via sequential scans, the LCP and B…

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Lightweight LCP construction for very large collections of strings

The longest common prefix array is a very advantageous data structure that, combined with the suffix array and the Burrows-Wheeler transform, allows to efficiently compute some combinatorial properties of a string useful in several applications, especially in biological contexts. Nowadays, the input data for many problems are big collections of strings, for instance the data coming from "next-generation" DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies. In this paper we present the first lightweight algorithm (called extLCP) for the simultaneous computation of the longest common prefix array and the Burrows-Wheeler transform of a very large collection of strings having any length. The computation is reali…

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Detecting mutations by eBWT

In this paper we develop a theory describing how the extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (eBWT) of a collection of DNA fragments tends to cluster together the copies of nucleotides sequenced from a genome G. Our theory accurately predicts how many copies of any nucleotide are expected inside each such cluster, and how an elegant and precise LCP array based procedure can locate these clusters in the eBWT. Our findings are very general and can be applied to a wide range of different problems. In this paper, we consider the case of alignment-free and reference-free SNPs discovery in multiple collections of reads. We note that, in accordance with our theoretical results, SNPs are clustered in th…

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Large-scale compression of genomic sequence databases with the Burrows-Wheeler transform

Motivation The Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) is the foundation of many algorithms for compression and indexing of text data, but the cost of computing the BWT of very large string collections has prevented these techniques from being widely applied to the large sets of sequences often encountered as the outcome of DNA sequencing experiments. In previous work, we presented a novel algorithm that allows the BWT of human genome scale data to be computed on very moderate hardware, thus enabling us to investigate the BWT as a tool for the compression of such datasets. Results We first used simulated reads to explore the relationship between the level of compression and the error rate, the leng…

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Balancing and clustering of words: a combinatorial analysis of the Burrows & Wheeler Transform

The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (denoted by BWT) is a well founded mathematical transformation on sequences introduced in 1994, widely used in the context of Data Compression and recently studied also from a combinatorial point of view. The transformation does not itself compress the data, but it produces a permutation bwt(w) of an input string w that is easier to compress than the original one, with some fast locally-adaptive algorithms, such as Move-to-Front in combination with Huffman or arithmetic coding. It is well-known that in most real texts, characters with the same or similar contexts tend to be the same. So, the BWT tends to group together characters which occur adjacent to similar…

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Lightweight algorithms for constructing and inverting the BWT of string collections

Recent progress in the field of \{DNA\} sequencing motivates us to consider the problem of computing the Burrows‚ÄìWheeler transform (BWT) of a collection of strings. A human genome sequencing experiment might yield a billion or more sequences, each 100 characters in length. Such a dataset can now be generated in just a few days on a single sequencing machine. Many algorithms and data structures for compression and indexing of text have the \{BWT\} at their heart, and it would be of great interest to explore their applications to sequence collections such as these. However, computing the \{BWT\} for 100 billion characters or more of data remains a computational challenge. In this work we ad…

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Burrows-Wheeler transform and palindromic richness

AbstractThe investigation of the extremal case of the Burrows–Wheeler transform leads to study the words w over an ordered alphabet A={a1,a2,…,ak}, with a1<a2<⋯<ak, such that bwt(w) is of the form aknkak−1nk−1⋯a2n2a1n1, for some non-negative integers n1,n2,…,nk. A characterization of these words in the case |A|=2 has been given in [Sabrina Mantaci, Antonio Restivo, Marinella Sciortino, Burrows-Wheeler transform and Sturmian words, Information Processing Letters 86 (2003) 241–246], where it is proved that they correspond to the powers of conjugates of standard words. The case |A|=3 has been settled in [Jamie Simpson, Simon J. Puglisi, Words with simple Burrows-Wheeler transforms, Electronic …

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Variable-order reference-free variant discovery with the Burrows-Wheeler Transform

Abstract Background In [Prezza et al., AMB 2019], a new reference-free and alignment-free framework for the detection of SNPs was suggested and tested. The framework, based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), significantly improves sensitivity and precision of previous de Bruijn graphs based tools by overcoming several of their limitations, namely: (i) the need to establish a fixed value, usually small, for the order k, (ii) the loss of important information such as k-mer coverage and adjacency of k-mers within the same read, and (iii) bad performance in repeated regions longer than k bases. The preliminary tool, however, was able to identify only SNPs and it was too slow and memory con…

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The Burrows-Wheeler Transform between Data Compression and Combinatorics on Words

The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a tool of fundamental importance in Data Compression and, recently, has found many applications well beyond its original purpose. The main goal of this paper is to highlight the mathematical and combinatorial properties on which the outstanding versatility of the $BWT$ is based, i.e. its reversibility and the clustering effect on the output. Such properties have aroused curiosity and fervent interest in the scientific world both for theoretical aspects and for practical effects. In particular, in this paper we are interested both to survey the theoretical research issues which, by taking their cue from Data Compression, have been developed in the conte…

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An extension of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform

AbstractWe describe and highlight a generalization of the Burrows–Wheeler Transform (bwt) to a multiset of words. The extended transformation, denoted by ebwt, is reversible. Moreover, it allows to define a bijection between the words over a finite alphabet A and the finite multisets of conjugacy classes of primitive words in A∗. Besides its mathematical interest, the extended transform can be useful for applications in the context of string processing. In the last part of this paper we illustrate one such application, providing a similarity measure between sequences based on ebwt.

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Suffix array and Lyndon factorization of a text

Abstract The main goal of this paper is to highlight the relationship between the suffix array of a text and its Lyndon factorization. It is proved in [15] that one can obtain the Lyndon factorization of a text from its suffix array. Conversely, here we show a new method for constructing the suffix array of a text that takes advantage of its Lyndon factorization. The surprising consequence of our results is that, in order to construct the suffix array, the local suffixes inside each Lyndon factor can be separately processed, allowing different implementative scenarios, such as online, external and internal memory, or parallel implementations. Based on our results, the algorithm that we prop…

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On fixed points of the Burrows-Wheeler transform

The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is a well known transformation widely used in Data Compression: important competitive compression software, such as Bzip (cf. [1]) and Szip (cf. [2]) and some indexing software, like the FM-index (cf. [3]), are deeply based on the Burrows Wheeler Transform. The main advantage of using BWT for data compression consists in its feature of "clustering" together equal characters. In this paper we show the existence of fixed points of BWT, i.e., words on which BWT has no effect. We show a characterization of the permutations associated to BWT of fixed points and we give the explicit form of fixed points on a binary ordered alphabet a, b having at most four b's and th…

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A new sequence distance measure based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform

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Burrows-Wheeler transform and Run-Length Enconding

In this paper we study the clustering effect of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) from a combinatorial viewpoint. In particular, given a word w we define the BWT-clustering ratio of w as the ratio between the number of clusters produced by BWT and the number of the clusters of w. The number of clusters of a word is measured by its Run-Length Encoding. We show that the BWT-clustering ratio ranges in ]0, 2]. Moreover, given a rational number \(r\,\in \,]0,2]\), it is possible to find infinitely many words having BWT-clustering ratio equal to r. Finally, we show how the words can be classified according to their BWT-clustering ratio. The behavior of such a parameter is studied for very well-…

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On the product of balanced sequences

The product w  =  u  ⊗  v of two sequences u and v is a naturally defined sequence on the alphabet of pairs of symbols. Here, we study when the product w of two balanced sequences u,v is balanced too. In the case u and v are binary sequences, we prove, as a main result, that, if such a product w is balanced and deg ( w ) = 4, then w is an ultimately periodic sequence of a very special form. The case of arbitrary alphabets is approached in the last section. The partial results obtained and the problems proposed show the interest of the notion of product in the study of balanced sequences.

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In this paper we are interested in the study of the combinatorial aspects related to the extension of the Burrows-Wheeler transform to a multiset of words. Such study involves the notion of suffixes and conjugates of words and is based on two different order relations, denoted by &lt;lex and ≺ω, that, even if strictly connected, are quite different from the computational point of view. In particular, we introduce a method that only uses the &lt;lex sorting among suffixes of a multiset of words in order to sort their conjugates according to ≺ω-order. In this study an important role is played by Lyndon words. This strategy could be used in applications specially in the field of Bioinformatic…

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A combinatorial view on string attractors

Abstract The notion of string attractor has recently been introduced in [Prezza, 2017] and studied in [Kempa and Prezza, 2018] to provide a unifying framework for known dictionary-based compressors. A string attractor for a word w = w 1 w 2 ⋯ w n is a subset Γ of the positions { 1 , … , n } , such that all distinct factors of w have an occurrence crossing at least one of the elements of Γ. In this paper we explore the notion of string attractor by focusing on its combinatorial properties. In particular, we show how the size of the smallest string attractor of a word varies when combinatorial operations are applied and we deduce that such a measure is not monotone. Moreover, we introduce a c…

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The colored longest common prefix array computed via sequential scans

Due to the increased availability of large datasets of biological sequences, the tools for sequence comparison are now relying on efficient alignment-free approaches to a greater extent. Most of the alignment-free approaches require the computation of statistics of the sequences in the dataset. Such computations become impractical in internal memory when very large collections of long sequences are considered. In this paper, we present a new conceptual data structure, the colored longest common prefix array (cLCP), that allows to efficiently tackle several problems with an alignment-free approach. In fact, we show that such a data structure can be computed via sequential scans in semi-exter…

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Measuring the clustering effect of BWT via RLE

Abstract The Burrows–Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a reversible transformation on which are based several text compressors and many other tools used in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The BWT is not actually a compressor, but a transformation that performs a context-dependent permutation of the letters of the input text that often create runs of equal letters (clusters) longer than the ones in the original text, usually referred to as the “clustering effect” of BWT. In particular, from a combinatorial point of view, great attention has been given to the case in which the BWT produces the fewest number of clusters (cf. [5] , [16] , [21] , [23] ). In this paper we are concerned about t…

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SNPs detection by eBWT positional clustering

Sequencing technologies keep on turning cheaper and faster, thus putting a growing pressure for data structures designed to efficiently store raw data, and possibly perform analysis therein. In this view, there is a growing interest in alignment-free and reference-free variants calling methods that only make use of (suitably indexed) raw reads data. We develop the positional clustering theory that (i) describes how the extended Burrows–Wheeler Transform (eBWT) of a collection of reads tends to cluster together bases that cover the same genome position (ii) predicts the size of such clusters, and (iii) exhibits an elegant and precise LCP array based procedure to locate such clusters in the e…

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String attractors and combinatorics on words

The notion of \emph{string attractor} has recently been introduced in [Prezza, 2017] and studied in [Kempa and Prezza, 2018] to provide a unifying framework for known dictionary-based compressors. A string attractor for a word $w=w[1]w[2]\cdots w[n]$ is a subset $\Gamma$ of the positions $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, such that all distinct factors of $w$ have an occurrence crossing at least one of the elements of $\Gamma$. While finding the smallest string attractor for a word is a NP-complete problem, it has been proved in [Kempa and Prezza, 2018] that dictionary compressors can be interpreted as algorithms approximating the smallest string attractor for a given word. In this paper we explore the noti…

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Comparing DNA sequence collections by direct comparison of compressed text indexes

Popular sequence alignment tools such as BWA convert a reference genome to an indexing data structure based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), from which matches to individual query sequences can be rapidly determined. However the utility of also indexing the query sequences themselves remains relatively unexplored. Here we show that an all-against-all comparison of two sequence collections can be computed from the BWT of each collection with the BWTs held entirely in external memory, i.e. on disk and not in RAM. As an application of this technique, we show that BWTs of transcriptomic and genomic reads can be compared to obtain reference-free predictions of splice junctions that have h…

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The Alternating BWT: an algorithmic perspective

Abstract The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a word transformation introduced in 1994 for Data Compression. It has become a fundamental tool for designing self-indexing data structures, with important applications in several areas in science and engineering. The Alternating Burrows-Wheeler Transform (ABWT) is another transformation recently introduced in Gessel et al. (2012) [21] and studied in the field of Combinatorics on Words. It is analogous to the BWT, except that it uses an alternating lexicographical order instead of the usual one. Building on results in Giancarlo et al. (2018) [23] , where we have shown that BWT and ABWT are part of a larger class of reversible transformations, …

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Balanced Words Having Simple Burrows-Wheeler Transform

The investigation of the "clustering effect" of the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) leads to study the words having simple BWT , i.e. words w over an ordered alphabet $A=\{a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_k\}$, with $a_1 < a_2 < \ldots <a_k$, such that $bwt(w)$ is of the form $a_k^{n_k} a_{k-1}^{n_{k-1}} \cdots a_1^{n_1}$, for some non-negative integers $n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k$. We remark that, in the case of binary alphabets, there is an equivalence between words having simple BWT, the family of (circular) balanced words and the conjugates of standard words. In the case of alphabets of size greater than two, there is no more equivalence between these notions. As a main result of this paper we prove that, u…

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Adaptive reference-free compression of sequence quality scores

Motivation: Rapid technological progress in DNA sequencing has stimulated interest in compressing the vast datasets that are now routinely produced. Relatively little attention has been paid to compressing the quality scores that are assigned to each sequence, even though these scores may be harder to compress than the sequences themselves. By aggregating a set of reads into a compressed index, we find that the majority of bases can be predicted from the sequence of bases that are adjacent to them and hence are likely to be less informative for variant calling or other applications. The quality scores for such bases are aggressively compressed, leaving a relatively small number at full reso…

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An extension of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and applications to sequence comparison and data compression

We introduce a generalization of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) that can be applied to a multiset of words. The extended transformation, denoted by E, is reversible, but, differently from BWT, it is also surjective. The E transformation allows to give a definition of distance between two sequences, that we apply here to the problem of the whole mitochondrial genome phylogeny. Moreover we give some consideration about compressing a set of words by using the E transformation as preprocessing.

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On Balancing of a Direct Product

A direct product of two sequences is a naturally defined sequence on the alphabet of pairs of symbols. By taking inspiration from [Pavel Salimov. On uniform recurrence of a direct product. In AutoMathA, 2009], where the author investigates the case of uniformly recurrent words, here, we study when the product of two balanced sequences on binary alphabet is also balanced.

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