

Sources of organic matter for inter-tidal consumers in Ascophyllum-shores (Sw Iceland): a multi stable isotope approach.

M. SprovieriChiara RomanoGianluca SaràPaola RumoloAntonio MazzolaM. De Pirro


chemistry.chemical_classificationSettore BIO/07 - EcologiaPrimary producersbiologyEcologyStable isotope ratioIntertidal zoneAquatic ScienceIntertidal ecologyOceanographybiology.organism_classificationFood webchemistryHabitatBenthic organism Intertidal environment Stable isotope Iceland North AtlanticEnvironmental scienceOrganic matterAscophyllum


Stable isotopes were used to examine the origin of organic matter in Icelandic Ascophyllum-based habitats, the role of different organic matters in filling intertidal food webs and the food preferences of the most abundant suspension feeders, grazers and predators. We selected three intertidal sites on the SW coast of Iceland where we sampled in early September 2004, organic matter sources (POM, SOM and most abundant primary producers, A. nodosum and F. vesciculosus) and the most abundant macrofauna species (barnacles, mussels, gastropods, sponge and crabs). Even though the primary production (Ascophyllum-based) was the same at the three study sites, the isotopic composition of common-among-sites organisms varied due to local differences in the origin of available POM and SOM and in food web structures.
