

L’ICT a supporto degli Eco-Regolamenti Edilizi - ICT for Eco-Building Regulations

Giuseppe AlaimoDaniele EneaFrancesco Palazzo


ICT Building Regulation sustainability retrofit interventionSettore ICAR/11 - Produzione Edilizia


The issue of the Smart Cities as a model of sustainable urban future is preminent in the objectives of Horizon 2020 and the Technology Platform for Italian and European Construction. The main actor of this change is the Public Administration, which, through the Building Regulation, has to promote building processes, both new construction projects, but especially the requalification of the existing building stock, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability. This implies the use of innovative technologies and new materials, components and systems (distributed micro-generation, solar cooling, etc.), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve the rational use of energy resources and environmental monitoring, low impact materials from environmental processes and if possible from recycling, etc., according to Directive 2010/31/EC, Directive 2006/32/EC, EU Regulation 305/2011. In this context, due to the complexity of the data to govern, in the viewpoint of the reaching objectives and constraints, the adoption of computerized tools and procedures, typical of ICT, can efficiently support, besides the management and control activities, the project activity. These ones contribute to proper organization of information useful to the success of the intervention, being, within the building process, the most to need the transition from the traditional approach to the "smart" one. The paper focuses on the methods for the preparation and management of eco-building regulations, with the support of computerized assessment procedures based on charts and automated checklists, with the aim of providing support to the planning, design and control for the achievement of the objectives of eco-efficiency in the building interventions. It also presents an application of the instrument to a case study, emblematic of Social Housing for the social, energetic and environmental aspects, but also for the architectural-urban ones: the ZEN 2 district in Palermo (insula 3A), comparing two possible scenarios: the retrofit intervention on the existing parts and the completion intervention with different technological solutions (the "wet" traditional and the dry stratified), investigating the aspects of energy efficiency, comfort and quality of the indoor and outdoor environments. The reference approaches to the assessments of sustainability are those of the 2012 ITACA Protocol and the 2007 "Sun and Wind" guidelines.
