Giuseppe Alaimo
The Durability Evaluation for Sandwich panels: first experimental results.
Il progetto sostenibile dell’edificio, per la complessità tecnologica delle esigenze da soddisfare, l’ingente impiego di energia e il conseguente impatto sull’ambiente, impone una strategia progettuale integrata tra le diverse discipline e aspetti coinvolti (architettonico, tecnologico, impiantistico, ambientale, etc.). I caratteri morfologici e tecnologici del progetto e la natura dei materiali influiscono fortemente sull’efficienza energetica, il comfort interno e l’impatto ambientale durante il ciclo di vita, aspetti tra loro fortemente interdipendenti, su cui ormai da tempo è rivolta l’attenzione della comunità scientifica e degli enti normatori nazionali ed internazionali. L’articolo p…
HBV-DNA suppression and disease course in HBV cirrhosis patients on long-term lamivudine therapy
In hepatitis B virus (HBV) cirrhosis patients on long-term lamivudine (LAM), the relationships between HBV suppression, development of viral resistance and disease outcome are unclear. We analysed the dynamic of serum HBV-DNA and its relationship with the clinical course of 59 patients (52 males, mean age 51.4 ±8.4 years, 12 HBeAg positive and 47 HBeAg negative, and 57 genotype D and two genotype A) with cirrhosis (45 in Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A) and high levels of serum HBV-DNA (median 14.7x107 genomes/ml) treated with LAM [median (range): 44 (15–78) months]. A total of 50 patients (84.7%) achieved a virological response (serum HBV-DNA negative by PCR) during the first 6 months of ther…
Effects of weathering on the performance of self-cleaning photocatalytic paints
Abstract The use of photocatalytic products for the surface coating of buildings is spreading more and more, because of the reduction of atmospheric pollutants and the colour maintenance of the paints over time with reduction of the maintenance costs and the improvement of the aesthetic appearance. The study reports the evaluation of the effects of the atmospheric conditions on three commercial photocatalytic paints containing TiO2. In particular tests were carried out by using samples subjected to accelerated aging inside a climate chamber and naturally aged by exposure for two years to the external environment of the city of Palermo (representative of a coastal environment of the Mediterr…
The Durability of Composite Wood-Steel Systems
Nell’ambito della valutazione e del controllo della qualità tecnologica in edilizia, la conoscenza del comportamento nel tempo dei prodotti e componenti complessi per l’edilizia, risulta aspetto fondamentale, in particolare per quei prodotti tecnologicamente “innovativi” per i quali la normativa non prevede ancora prove specifiche per valutarne la durabilità. In particolare, oggi risulta sempre più diffuso l’impiego di sistemi assemblati o con connessioni tra materiali di diversa natura, tra cui i sistemi legno-acciaio, ottenuti rinforzando le travi in legno lamellare con piastre in acciaio forate, incollati mediante una resina epossidica bicomponente. Tali sistemi, che sono stati già ogget…
La qualità tecnologica utile di prodotti edilizi innovativi
Different doses of consensus interferon plus ribavirin in patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 relapsed after interferon monotherapy: a randomized controlled trial.
AIM: To assess the efficacy of different schedules of consensus interferon (CIFN) plus ribavirin in retreating chronic hepatitis C patients who relapsed after recombinant interferon (rIFN) monotherapy. METHODS: Forty-five patients (34 males and 11 females) with chronic hepatitis due to hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 who relapsed after a previous course of rIFN monotherapy were randomized to receive 9 μg CIFN three times per week for 52 wk (group A, n = 22) or 18 μg CIFN three times per week for 52 wk (group B, n = 23) in combination with ribavirin 800 to 1200 mg daily for 52 wk (according to body weight). Virological response was evaluated at week 24 (EVR), at the end of treatment (ETR)…
Valutazione sperimentale della durabilità di intonaci finalizzata alla manutenzione programmata
La Legge 109/94 ha imposto per i nuovi interventi pubblici, la programmazione della manutenzione da redigersi in fase di progettazione esecutiva. La fase di gestione del bene edilizio assume, infatti, un’importanza strategica, nell’ottica di una ragionevole durata di vita utile espletata in un equilibrato rapporto qualità-costo globale, per la sostenibilità dell’intervento. Un contributo in tal senso è costituito dal contenimento nel consumo di risorse e di materie prime conseguibile attraverso il miglioramento del requisito di durabilità dell’edificio e delle sue parti, cosa possibile se si conosce il comportamento nel tempo di componenti e sistemi edilizi contestualizzati. Ciò vale anche …
Nanostructured protective for historical-artistic stone materials: evaluation of effectiveness and persistence by non invasive techniques
Disease outcomes after DAA-induced SVR: Data from the resist-HCV cohort
Background and aims: Large scale, real life data on the long term course of liver disease after HCV clearance obtained with DAAs are still scanty, and the separate effects on hepatic and non-hepatic causes of death still unclear. Method: We evaluated 4147 patients (mean age: 65.7 ± 11.5 years, 57.6% males) included in the prospective RESIST-HCV cohort who started DAAs treatment in 22 centres between March 2015 and April 2017. All patients were follow after SVR to register liver-related and unrelated outcomes. The primary endpoint was the evaluation of survival since starting DAAs. Cox regression analysis was used to assess the predictors of liver-related and unrelated death. Results: Patien…
Evolved factor method for service life prediction of building components
Key issues in the production process associated with construction are the implementation of quality and sustainability principles. Indeed, it is increasingly important in the maintenance of quality levels provided by materials, components and building structures, especially after the recent Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011. This document introduced the seventh requirement for the sustainable use of natural resources, guaranteeing the durability of construction products, thus being planned. The international standard for the assessment of durability of building materials and components is the ISO 15686 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning, providing the definition of the Re…
Il vetromattone è un prodotto da costruzione che ha trovato molteplici applicazioni nel campo della progettazione edilizia per la realizzazione di involucri traslucidi. La necessità di adeguare il prodotto alle sempre più stringenti normative in materia di risparmio energetico e sostenibilità ambientale ha portato alla definizione di configurazioni innovative, tramite integrazione di sub-componenti in grado di migliorarne le prestazioni energetiche: una “cintura termica” e celle solari di terza generazione. Queste innovazioni tecniche, brevettate ed in fase di prototipazione da parte della SBskin. Smart Building Skin s.r.l., spin off accademico dell’Università di Palermo, necessitano di ade…
Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in thalassaemia major patients by transient elastography (TE) - lack of interference by iron deposition.
The correlation between liver stiffness, measured by transient elastography, liver fibrosis, using the histological METAVIR score, and iron overload, measured by atomic absorption spectrometry was evaluated in 56 homozygous-beta-thalassaemics. Liver stiffness increased proportionally to liver fibrosis staging (r = 0.70; P > 0.001) independently of liver iron concentration (r = 0.01; P = 0.932). The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for prediction of cirrhosis was 0.997 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.925-1.000) with cut-off of 13 kPa with 100% sensitivity (95% CI: 69.0-100.0) and 95% specificity (95% CI: 84.2-99.3). Transient elastography is a reliable non-invasive too…
Is Transient Elastography Needed for Noninvasive Assessment of High-Risk Varices? The REAL Experience
INTRODUCTION: The Baveno VI consensus guidelines and an expanded algorithm suggest that transient elastography (TE) and platelet (PLT) count can be used to identify patients with cirrhosis who can avoid esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). The primary aims of this study were to assess the ability of a simple algorithm, which uses only laboratory parameters, to predict medium/large esophageal varices (EV) in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and cirrhosis from the Rete Sicilia Selezione Terapia-HCV (RESIST-HCV) cohort and to compare the performance of the algorithm with Baveno VI and Expanded Baveno VI criteria. The secondary aim was to assess the role of TE in ruling out large EV. METHODS:…
Lo ZEN 2 di Palermo: un laboratorio per il progetto e la gestione del recupero
Il quartiere S. Filippo Neri (ZEN 2) di Palermo alla Piana dei Colli, uno dei quartieri innovativi di edilizia residenziale pubblica realizzati nel secondo Novecento, viene quasi sempre citato come esempio emblematico di quartiere degradato, isolato, privo di identità e abbandonato a se stesso. Fra le cause, le lunghe e tormentate fasi progettuali che hanno portato allo stravolgimento dell’impianto originario e la complessa fase realizzativa, con i primi appalti affidati nel 1978 e gli ultimi nel 1987, costellata da fallimenti e riappalti; l’incendio doloso dell’insula 3E; i servizi e le attrezzature previsti e mai realizzati; alloggi privi di servizi a rete fino alla metà degli anni 90 ed …
The durability of carbon fiber/epoxy composites under hydrothermal ageing
Studies on fibre reinforced composites are now receiving greater attention. Industrial applications have been successful in areas like aerospace, automobile, marine, construction and sporting goods. The first generation of epoxy resins for use in carbon fibre composites are able to achieve optimized high stiffness modules and high heat resistance by a high crosslink density, reached through thermal curing. However, these formulations can be very toxic and brittle with low crack resistance, which was a major disadvantage for structural applications. In the last years the use of ionizing radiation as alternative to thermal curing has been proposed as an environmentally friendly process. Furth…
Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in thalassaemia major patients by transient elastography (TE) - lack of interference by iron deposition.
The correlation between liver stiffness, measured by transient elastography, liver fibrosis, using the histological METAVIR score, and iron overload, measured by atomic absorption spectrometry was evaluated in 56 homozygous-b-thalassaemics. Liver stiffness increased proportionally to liver fibrosis staging (r = 0Æ70; P > 0Æ001) independently of liver iron concentration (r = 0Æ01; P = 0Æ932). The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for prediction of cirrhosis was 0Æ997 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0Æ925–1Æ000) with cut-off of 13 kPa with 100% sensitivity (95% CI: 69Æ0–100Æ0) and 95% specificity (95% CI: 84Æ2–99Æ3). Transient elastography is a reliable non-invasive tool f…
Aging resistance of bio-epoxy jute-basalt hybrid composites as novel multilayer structures for cladding
Abstract Aging resistance of jute reinforced laminates is compared with two jute/basalt hybrid laminates prepared with different stacking sequences (i.e., sandwich and intercalated configuration). To this aim, composites are exposed to cyclic conditions comprising hygrothermal stress and UV radiation to promote an accelerated aging, for a period of 84 days. Specimens of each laminate are tested after 14, 28, 56 and 84 days, respectively. Quasi-static flexural tests, Charpy impact tests and dynamic mechanical tests are performed according to international ASTM and ISO standards. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry are used to evaluate the morpholog…
L'affidabilità funzionale delle coperture discontinue
Il volume presenta l’avanzamento della ricerca scientifica M.I.U.R. – P.R.I.N. 2003 dell’Unità di Palermo: Metodologie di progettazione e di valutazione sperimentale della durabilità di coperture discontinue nel quadro della ricerca Nazionale sulle Metodologie di progettazione e di valutazione della durabilità dei componenti edilizi in processi di produzioni sostenibili: valutazione sperimentale di durabilità standard e loro correzioni per l’impiego del componente in specifiche condizioni di utilizzo finalizzate alla programmazione della manutenzione degli edifici coordinata dal Prof. P. N. Maggi. La ricerca si inserisce quindi nel quadro più generale della valutazione e del controllo della…
Transient elastography vs. platelets or APRI score to assess fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C
Peg-interferon alone or combined with ribavirin in HCV cirrhosis with portal hypertension:a randomized controlled trial
Abstract BACKGROUND/AIMS: Risks and benefits of antiviral therapy in HCV cirrhosis with portal hypertension are poorly known. METHODS: We performed a randomized controlled trial in 102 HCV patients with compensated cirrhosis and portal hypertension: 51 received 1 microg/kg/week of Pegylated-interferon alpha-2b and 51 Pegylated-interferon plus 800 mg/day of ribavirin up to 52 weeks. RESULTS: By intention-to-treat analysis, five patients on monotherapy and eleven on combination therapy achieved a sustained virological response (9.8% vs. 21.6%, p=0.06). The response was more frequent for genotypes 2 or 3 than genotype 1 (66.6% vs. 11.3%, p=0.001). Genotype 1, who had low viral load at start of…
Experimental evaluation of plasters durability aimed at maintenance planning and scheduling
The phase of building management has a strategic importance because of the necessary scheduling of maintenance during executive planning. Moreover, in order to obtain the greatest sustainability of the intervention, a reasonable duration of service life must be balanced with global quality-cost ratio. A contribution towards this objective is given by the reduction in the achievable resources and raw materials consumption through the improvement of the durability requirement of building and its parts. This is true even for the interventions on the existing public building stock, especially if there is lacking of maintenance planning and scheduling. This work, taking cues from a maintenance i…
Il rischio chimico nei cantieri edili
Il fenomeno degli infortuni e delle malattie professionali, che rappresenta uno dei problemi più gravi della nostra società, connota fortemente il settore delle costruzioni. Tra le diverse cause di malattie professionali presenti in tale settore vi è quella riconducibile agli agenti chimici connessi all’utilizzo di prodotti pericolosi per l’uomo. Il rischio chimico risulta, infatti, uno dei rischi emergenti dell’industria delle costruzioni, in particolare nei cantieri edili, dove negli ultimi anni all’uso di prodotti “tradizionali” si è affiancato un uso sempre crescente della “chimica”, e dove pertanto una valutazione preventiva può risultare molto utile ai fini della salvaguardia della sa…
Experimental evaluation of the durability of innovative cementitious coatings: photocatalytic activity and colour
Today, in a world context characterized by high pollution levels and increasingly limited natural resources, even in the building sector, focusing on environmental issues, through energy saving and a more rational use of these resources, both during construction and management, is fundamental. An important contribution in this direction is given by the knowledge of the durability of products and building components, especially when innovative products are applied and no information are available on the reliability and service life. The research concerns the evaluation of the durability of cement-based photocatalytic coatings ("rasanti" in the Italian diction), containing different types of …
Modelling the structure-property relationships of high performance PBAT-based biocomposites with natural fibers obtained from Chamaerops humilis dwarf palm
Two fibrous fillers were achieved from stalks and leaves of Chamaerops humilis dwarf palm and tested as reinforcing agents for poly(butylene adipate co-terephthalate) (PBAT)-based composites. The influence of filler type and content on the morphomechanical properties of the green composites was assessed. The outcomes of tensile tests pointed out that both fillers are strong candidates to overcome the two main limiting aspects of PBAT, that is, the lack of both stiffness and cost-effectiveness, while preserving its stretchability and environmental sustainability. The remarkable stiffness increments (up to 300%), combined with fair retention of stretchability (33%) and doubled resistance, led…
I flussi di rifiuti inerti da C&D a Palermo
Una griglia prestazionale per la definizione della vita utile del pannello sandwich - A performance grid for the definition of the sandwich panel service life
In a context of increased demands for sustainability of the built environment, it is essential the maintenance of specific quality levels provided by the building organisms and their parts. The knowledge of the service life of products and building components, imposed by the recent EU Regulation 305/2011, is a requirement that is spreading in the world market, between manufacturers and designers, users and operators. The international reference standard for the evaluation of the durability of materials and building components, is the ISO 15686 defining the Reference Service Life (RSL) and identifying the procedures for the estimation of the Estimated Service Life (ESL), referring to context…
L’ICT a supporto degli Eco-Regolamenti Edilizi - ICT for Eco-Building Regulations
The issue of the Smart Cities as a model of sustainable urban future is preminent in the objectives of Horizon 2020 and the Technology Platform for Italian and European Construction. The main actor of this change is the Public Administration, which, through the Building Regulation, has to promote building processes, both new construction projects, but especially the requalification of the existing building stock, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability. This implies the use of innovative technologies and new materials, components and systems (distributed micro-generation, solar cooling, etc.), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve the rational use of energy re…
In order to reach the sustainability of building interventions, the knowledge of the performance over time of materials and building components is necessary according to the new EU Regulation No. 305/2011, which introduced for construction works, the seventh requirement on their sustainability and particularly their durability. The paper wants to describe the instruments and methods to evaluate the durability of building components, used in the Laboratorio di Edilizia of the UniNetLab, the laboratory net of the University of Palermo. The methodology is based on the ISO 15686 and consists in monitoring the most significant selected parameters, during laboratory accelerated aging tests and na…
Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With HCV-Associated Cirrhosis Treated With Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents.
Background & Aims: Studies have produced conflicting results of the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with hepatitis C virus–associated cirrhosis treated with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). Data from clinics are needed to accurately assess the occurrence rate of HCC in patients with cirrhosis in the real world. Methods: We collected data from a large prospective study of 2,249 consecutive patients (mean age = 65.4 years, 56.9% male) with hepatitis C virus–associated cirrhosis (90.5% with Child-Pugh class A and 9.5% with Child-Pugh class B) treated with DAAs from March 2015 through July 2016 at 22 academic and community liver centers in Sicily, Italy. HCC occurren…
La gestione della qualità ambientale e gli eco-regolamenti edilizi - Environmental quality management and eco-building regulations
The Italian municipalities have taken only the first steps on the road to smart cities. By 2020 thanks to the European Community and the Mayors agreement in 2008, cities aiming to be smart (for energy management,transport, digital technologies, social policy) will focus on sustainable development, by innovations and adequate partners. The general goal of resource saving and use of renewable energy has become a strategic necessity, fully involving architecture, whose environmental load in industrialized countries has become unsustainable. The national regulatory framework is constantly evolving, because the new European Directive 31/2010/CE, repealing the E.D. 91/2002/CE, obliges from Januar…
Innovative Siloxane Coating Formulations: The Experimental Assessment of the Durability of Colour
Maintenance programming of civil and industrial buildings is a relevant problem, especially in a global situation where natural resources are increasingly limited. Accurately knowing the durability of building products and components, essential for a sustainable use of resources, becomes more and more important after the recent 18 January 2011 resolution of the European Parliament, which introduced the seventh requirement on construction products, specifically regarding the sustainability and therefore the durability of such. This study concerns the evaluation of the durability of some innovative coatings based on acrylic-siloxane resins containing several pigments, used for building extern…
The assessment of sandwich panel durability. Thermo-phisycal and colour characteristics.
A guide for the maintenance of the popular housebuilding. The case of the Zen 2 of Palermo
Calcestruzzi con aggregati da riciclo: Scarti di lavorazione della pietra e macerie da C.& D
Nel quadro più generale della tematica del controllo della qualità ambientale e più in particolare dell’Indoor Air Quality, la presente relazione riporta lo studio di un fenomeno di inquinamento da radon riguardante la scuola “G. Mancino” di Palermo. Lo spunto viene offerto dal fatto che nel 2005, nel corso di un monitoraggio della radioattività ambientale di Palermo, i tecnici dell’ARPA Sicilia hanno rilevato in questa scuola elementare degli anni ’30, livelli di radon indoor molto superiori ai limiti di legge fissati dal D.Lgs. 241/2000. Nella prima fase, dopo lo studio delle caratteristiche tipologiche e costruttive del plesso e l’acquisizione dei dati di misura pregressi, si è proceduto…
An integrated analytical approach can be useful to study the effectiveness of preservation treatment for Carrara marble surfaces, carried out for testing commercial products which are based on nano-structured silica oxides. Variation in hydrophobic properties, porosity distribution, and chemical composition of treated surfaces have been studied. With this aim, contact angle evaluation, NMR, XRF measurements have been used. Changes of above mentioned physical and chemical characteristics have been evaluated before and after aging in saline chamber of the treated and untreated samples. Moreover, the effectiveness of ultrasonic treatment in “safe” removal of the products from treated surfaces …
The use of nanoproducts in the Cultural Heritage (CH) field requires great sensitivity and responsibility and, above all, analytical research and studies evaluating effectively their potential use. In order to evaluate the capability of nanostructured protective in the CH field, limestone materials of historical-artistic interest were treated and then studied. The study focuses on the non-invasive evaluation of samples stone, of interest in the CH field, their surface has been tested with nanostructured products. In particular, samples of limestone of Favara (Sicily) have been studied, before and after artificial aging. The analytical methodology involved X-ray fluorescence measurements, in…
Today, in a world context characterized by high pollution levels and increasingly limited natural resources, even in the building sector, focusing on environmental issues, through energy saving and a more rational use of these resources, both during construction and management, is fundamental. An important contribution in this direction is given by the knowledge of the durability of products and building components, especially when innovative products are applied and no information are available on the reliability and service life. The research concerns the evaluation of the durability of cement-based photocatalytic coatings (“rasanti” in the Italian diction), containing different types of …
The effects of a saline environment on the durability of commercial photocatalytic paints
The use of photocatalytic products for surface coating of buildings ensures the reduction of certain air pollutants and greater duration of color over time, due to the reduced attitude of air particulate to adhere to the treated surfaces. The world market is producing a wide range of coatings, transparent and opaque, high initial performance, but there is a lack of data on their durability. The knowledge of performance over time of these new products is at the basis of the Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011, which repealed Council Directive 89/106/EEC and introduced the seventh requirement regarding the sustainability and particularly durability of construction works. This study focuses on the as…
HCV NS5A mutations in Europeans infected by genotype 1b.
The durability of basalt fibres reinforced polymer (BFRP)
The technology of dry assembly for the production of multi-layer panels has evolved over the past 30 years, becoming an efficient alternative to traditional systems. The direction taken by the market has been increasingly drawn to eco-sustainable systems and in this way, the interest in the use of laminated composite panels for cladding, basalt fibres based. Basalt is a natural rock, silica based, which is produced through a variety of industrial processes into filaments, wool, chopped strands and fabrics. It is characterized by high resistance in chemically aggressive environments, high fire resistance, high mechanical resistance to compression and bending. The study focuses on two types o…
The methods for the durability evaluation of pitched roof
The research carried out by the Unit of Palermo, “Planning and experimental evaluation methodologies of discontinuous roofing class durability”, becomes part in the more general picture of evaluation and control of the technological quality of complex products for the building and in particular of durability, fundamental to reach the quality in building (ISO 8402, UNI 10838), cause it regards maintenance over time of the performances owned at the moment of the entrance in exercise and the modalities in which them decay during time. For the research result fundamentals the normative contributions, in international field of CIB W80/RILEM 175 (Service Life Methodologies) and ISO TC59-Buildings…
La durabilità dei componenti edilizi
La pubblicazione riporta una sintesi dei risultati della ricerca scientifica nazionale (PRIN-2003) su “Metodologie di progettazione e di valutazione della durabilità dei componenti edilizi in processi di produzione sostenibili, finalizzate alla programmazione della manutenzione degli edifici” delle sei unità di ricerca (Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi Federico II di Napoli, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Università degli Studi di Catania, Università degli Studi di Brescia). La ricerca è condotta in coerenza con quanto si sta sviluppando a livello internazionale nell’ambito dell’International Council for Research and Innovation in Buiding and Construc…
Il controllo della qualità edilizia. Un caso applicativo di innovazione di processo a Palma di Montechiaro.
Oggi il problema degli standard qualitativi iniziali degli insediamenti edilizi è molto sentito. Soprattutto dopo l’esperienza del periodo della ricostruzione e del cosiddetto “boom” edilizio, fenomeno che ha interessato buona parte della seconda metà del secolo scorso. Sono infatti gli edifici di quel periodo che a differenza degli edifici realizzati in epoche precedenti, hanno manifestato un degrado precoce ed accelerato per motivi diversi: la convulsa attività costruttiva rivolta soprattutto alla quantità e non alla qualità; l’introduzione di materiali di scarsa qualità e non ancora testati; l’aumentata complessità tecnologica del processo costruttivo; gli errori di progettazione e di es…
Service Life of Cementitious Photocatalytic Paints Newly Formulated
The use of photocatalytic products for surface coating of buildings contributes to the sustainability of building interventions, due to the reduction of some atmospheric pollutants and self-cleaning attitude. The world market produces a wide range of coatings, applied in limited thickness, transparent and opaque, high initial performance, although data on their durability are still missing. The knowledge of the performance over time of such innovative products is necessary according to the new EU Regulation No. 305/2011, which introduced for construction works, the seventh requirement on their sustainability and particularly their durability. The study concerns the evaluation of the durabil…
Green Composites Based on PLA and Agricultural or Marine Waste Prepared by FDM
Three dimensional-printability of green composites is recently growing in importance and interest, especially in the view of feasibility to valorize agricultural and marine waste to attain green fillers capable of reducing bioplastic costs, without compromising their processability and performance from an environmental and mechanical standpoint. In this work, two lignocellulosic fillers, obtained from Opuntia ficus indica and Posidonia oceanica, were added to PLA and processed by FDM. Among the 3D printed biocomposites investigated, slight differences could be found in terms of PLA molecular weight and filler aspect ratio. It was shown that it is possible to replace up to 20% of bioplastic …
Il controllo della qualità edilizia nel Contratto di Quartiere di Palma di Montechiaro
L’esperienza dei Contratti di Quartiere costituisce un’importante occasione per sperimentare nuovi approcci per il raggiungimento della qualità dell’intervento. Ciò è particolarmente valido per il contesto di Palma di Montechiaro, dove è molto sentita la necessità di una riqualificazione urbanistica, edilizia, sociale. Il settore delle costruzioni solo con l’entrata in vigore della Legge Quadro sui LL.PP. 109/94, ha cominciato a comprendere l’opportunità di operare nel Sistema Qualità. Tale Legge, innovativa per tanti aspetti veniva completata da due norme di supporto fondamentali, il DPR n. 554 del 21/12/1999 (Regolamento della legge Quadro in materia di LL.PP.) e il D.P.R. n. 34 del 25/01…
The assessment over time of the performance of jute-basalt hybrid composites for cladding panels
The technology of dry assembly to produce multi-layer panels is an efficient alternative to traditional systems. Eco-sustainable systems are increasingly studied, particularly fiber reinforced composites for external cladding, based on natural fibers. Nevertheless, durability data on these composites are still lacking, being this is a really actual theme, especially for their potential use in outdoor applications. In this way, hybridization of natural fibers with mineral fibers as basalt ones appears promising. In the present paper, the performance of jute-reinforced laminate was compared with those of two jute/basalt reinforced hybrid laminates. The laminates were manufactured by means of …
La durabilità del colore in edilizia. Le vernici poliestere su supporto metallico.
La cultura ambientale a Palermo: una proposta per la gestione dei rifiuti da C&D
La pianificazione e l’attuazione di un’adeguata politica di gestione dei rifiuti da Costruzione & Demolizione, può contribuire alla soluzione di uno dei tanti problemi dello stato dell’ambiente, specie nella città di Palermo, dove tale problema è particolarmente sentito. L’articolo, dopo una preventiva analisi qualitativa e quantitativa dei flussi di rifiuti inerti prodotti nel territorio provinciale, nonché dell’attuale relativa modalità di gestione, propone un modello per la gestione integrata dei rifiuti da C&D, rispondente alle esigenze di sostenibilità ambientale, agli indirizzi normativi e in linea con le più avanzate esperienze nazionali e internazionali.
Valutazione sperimentale della durabilità delle coperture discontinue. Un’applicazione al pannello sandwich.
Il lavoro riporta i risultati finali della ricerca “Metodologie di progettazione e di valutazione sperimentale della durabilità di coperture discontinue” e si inquadra nel programma biennale di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale cofinanziata dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (PRIN 2003). La ricerca, vede coinvolte oltre a quella di Palermo, anche le Unità di ricerca del Politecnico di Milano, del Politecnico di Torino, dell’Università di Brescia, dell’Università di Napoli e dell’Università di Catania. La metodologia seguita nella ricerca prevede la valutazione dei due parametri essenziali della durabilità e cioè l’affidabilità e la durata, con procedure di…
Direct-acting antivirals after successful treatment of early hepatocellular carcinoma improve survival in HCV-cirrhotic patients
Background & Aims: The effectiveness of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) against hepatitis C virus (HCV), following successful treatment of early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), has been studied extensively. However, the benefit in terms of overall survival (OS) remains to be conclusively demonstrated. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of DAAs on OS, HCC recurrence, and hepatic decompensation. Methods: We prospectively enrolled 163 consecutive patients with HCV-related cirrhosis and a first diagnosis of early Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage 0/A HCC, who had achieved a complete radiologic response after curative resection or ablation and were subsequently treated with DAA…
Energy saving and the rational use of natural resources in the building process, nowadays, are very debated environmental issues, involving researchers and companies in the production and testing of innovative materials. Reducing the consumption of resources means more durable buildings, thus an important contribution in this way is given by the knowledge of the durability of products and building components. This is fundamental when innovative products are applied and no information are available on their service life. The research concerns the evaluation of the durability of cement-based photocatalytic coatings, containing different types of pigments, used for external finishing of buildi…
La stima dell'affidabilità delle coperture discontinue.
Nel quadro di un programma di ricerca PRIN per l’anno 2003 cofinanziato dal MIUR sul tema “Metodologie di progettazione e di valutazione della durabilità dei componenti edilizi in processi di produzione sostenibile, che vede coinvolte, oltre a quella di Palermo, anche le Unità di ricerca del Politecnico di Milano, del Politecnico di Torino, dell’Università di Brescia, dell’Università di Napoli e dell’Università di Catania, la sede di Palermo si occupa della valutazione sperimentale della durabilità delle coperture discontinue. In tale quadro è stata condotta l’analisi funzionale di un repertorio di 24 soluzioni tecniche della classe delle coperture discontinue e ne è stata stimata l’affidab…
Le attrezzature negli interventi di edilizia residenziale pubblica nella periferia palermitana. Il caso dello ZEN 2
The assessment of the reliability of an innovative 3rd generation solar cell integrated with “thermal belt” glass block
Glass block is a building product widely used for the construction of translucent building façades and roofs. The need to adapt the product to the regulations in the field of energy saving and environmental sustainability has led to the design of innovative configurations, through the integration of different sub-components. These ones are able to improve its energy performance by means of the integration of a“thermal belt”, cold glued to the glass shells, which constitute the traditional glass block, and 3rd generation solar cells. This paper reports the first results of the experimental program designed to assess some durability components: inherent and critical reliability. <div id="g…
La Ricerca (Industriale) della Produzione Edilizia: risultati ed orizzonti
Il contributo fa il punto sul patrimonio di conoscenze acquisite nel Settore della Produzione Edilizia sui temi fondamentali per l'attività dei soci ISTeA (Italian Society of Science, Technology, Engineering of Architecture), in linea con le road map dei programmi di finanziamento nazionali e comunitari e gli obiettivi strategici di Ricerca (Industriale) che vanno: dalle prestazioni energetico-ambientali degli edifici e dei distretti, all'automazione nelle costruzioni nel contesto delle Smart City e della Social Innovation. Da quell’esperienza sono derivati i position paper, pubblicati nel 2012, che costituiscono una rappresentazione, per frammenti, dell’attività di ricerca del Raggruppamen…
The assessment of durability of discontinuous roofing: an experiment on sandwich panels.
Materiali Ecologici: La gestione dei rifiuti inerti
La sostenibilità in architettura investe un gran numero di aspetti interdipendenti quali l’uso di materiali naturali, di fonti rinnovabili di energia per trasporti, tecniche costruttive, gestione degli organismi edilizi e può essere perseguita solo con la partecipazione convinta di tutti gli operatori coinvolti a vario titolo nelle diverse fasi del processo edilizio. Un contributo importante in questa direzione può essere dato da un attento uso delle risorse naturali, e da una corretta gestione dei rifiuti inerti da costruzione e demolizione (C&D), sulla base di principi ormai condivisi a livello internazionale, quali: - la limitazione della formazione di rifiuti nei cicli produttivi; - il …
Experimental evaluation of the reliability of the adhesive joint in a 3rd-generation-solar-cell-integrated glass block
Glass block is a building product that has been widely used since the mid-1800s for the construction of natural light capturing technical elements and, in the last decades, of translucent building envelopes. In a framework of increased quality requirements in terms of energy saving and environmental sustainability, innovations have been introduced to its standard configuration, including the integration of 3rd generation solar cells within the glass block, in order to improve its performance and make it capable of producing clean energy. Indeed, one of the two constituting glass shells has been integrated with a pre-assembled photovoltaic module and then bonded to a plastic “thermal belt” a…
La durabilità delle coperture discontinue: una sperimentazione sui pannelli sandwich.
The durability of basalt fibres reinforced polymer (BFRP) panels for cladding
The study focuses on two basalt composite laminate panels for cladding, produced by means of vacuum bagging technique. In particular, unidirectional and random basalt fabrics, with different areal weights, using epoxy resin as matrix, were used. According to the ISO 15686 methodology for the evaluation of durability, samples were subjected to cycles of artificial aging in climatic chamber and outdoor exposure, carrying out mechanical (i.e. quasi-static and dynamic) and calorimetric tests. The results show the effectiveness over time of produced basalt composite laminates and the initial increase of the mechanical performances after the first steps of accelerated aging.
Non-invasive assessment of the liver fibrosis by transient elastography (TE) in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia
High-dose prolonged combination therapy in non-responders to interferon monotherapy for chronic hepatitis C
Background: Therapy of chronic hepatitis C non- responders to interferon monotherapy with standard doses of interferon plus ribavirin is usually ineffective. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of high-dose prolonged combination retreatment in non- responder patients. Methods: Patients were retreated for 6 months with 6 MU αIFN on alternate days and 1000 or 1200 mg/day ribavirin. HCV-RNA negative patients continued therapy for an additional 6 months. Results: Forty patients (29 males, mean age 49.7 years, 34 genotype 1b, 11 with F3 fibrosis) were treated. At 6 months, 20 (50%) patients were HCV-RNA negative but six of them discontinued therapy because of adverse events. A sustain…