

Chapter 7 - Sensory interactions in wine: effect of nonvolatile molecules on wine aroma and volatiles on Taste/Astringency perception

Maria-pilar Saenz NavajasEva CampoDominique ValentinPurificación Fernandez-zurbanoVicente Ferreira


Volatile molecules[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutrition[SCCO.NEUR]Cognitive science/Neuroscience[SCCO.NEUR] Cognitive science/Neuroscience[SDV.NEU.SC]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Neurons and Cognition [q-bio.NC]/Cognitive SciencesSensory interactionsWineNonvolatile molecules[SDV.AEN]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutrition


International audience; It is widely accepted that sensory interactions can, and do, occur during wine consumption. To this concern, many studies have dealt with aroma-taste interactions which have been attributed to physicochemical interactions in the product itself, interactions at the receptor level or cognitive interactions. Although the understanding of these interactions has grown during last years and it has been demonstrated that they are strongly product-dependent, investigations have seldom gone beyond that of model solutions with a reduced number of components (volatile and/or nonvolatile molecules). Recently some investigations carried out in this field have been conducted with more complex matrixes in an attempt to simulate interactions in real wine samples. The aim of this chapter is to review these latest advances in the research of wine sensory interactions, and to highlight the magnitude, relative importance and qualitative nature of such sensory effects.
