Maria-pilar Saenz Navajas

Combining sensory and chemo-sensory strategies for the development of mouth-feel vocabulary describing red wines by Spanish wine experts

Trabajo presentado en la Seventh European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Eurosense 2016), celebrada en Dijon del 11 al 14 de septiembre de 2016.

research product

Structure, content and collective anchorage of social representations: Disclosing the imaginary around wines from traditional and non-traditional wine countries

International audience

research product

Identification of green, aggressive and hard character of wines by a chemo-sensory directed methodology

International audience

research product

Caracterización organoléptica de vinos mediante nuevos métodos de análisis descriptivos

International audience; El uso de metodologías rápidas permite obtener mapas descriptivos en menor tiempo, al reducir e incluso prescindir de las etapas de selección y entrenamiento de panelistas, que además son las más costosas. Se trabaja con la hipótesis de que los consumidores (jueces no entrenados) son capaces de describir los productos de una manera efectiva. Veamos cómo lograrlo con métodos basados en respuestas de similitud y respuestas verbales.

research product

Chapter 7 - Sensory interactions in wine: effect of nonvolatile molecules on wine aroma and volatiles on Taste/Astringency perception

International audience; It is widely accepted that sensory interactions can, and do, occur during wine consumption. To this concern, many studies have dealt with aroma-taste interactions which have been attributed to physicochemical interactions in the product itself, interactions at the receptor level or cognitive interactions. Although the understanding of these interactions has grown during last years and it has been demonstrated that they are strongly product-dependent, investigations have seldom gone beyond that of model solutions with a reduced number of components (volatile and/or nonvolatile molecules). Recently some investigations carried out in this field have been conducted with …

research product

Chemosensory approach for understanding the green, aggressive and hard character of red wines

Trabajo presentado en la 67th ASEV National Conference, celebrado en Monterey (Estados Unidos) del 27 al 30 de junio de 2016.

research product

The sensory drivers of wine quality and the sensoactive chemical behind it: A sensometabolomic approach

Trabajo presentado en el EUROFOODCHEM XVII, celebrado en Estambul del 7 al 10 de mayo de 2013.

research product

Etude sur les interactions entre les attributs sensoriels dans le vin. Tests de déconstruction-reconstitution

International audience

research product

Relationship between the non-volatile composition and the in-mouth quality in red wines

Póster presentado en la Third Edition of International Conference Series on Wine Active Compounds (WAC2014), celebrada en Borgoña (Francia) del 26 al 28 de marzo de 2014.

research product

Novel contribution to the study of mouth-feel properties in wines

Trabajo presentado en el Macrowine 2016 (Macromolecules and Secondary Metabolites of Grapevine and Wine), celebrado en Changins (Suiza) del 27 al 30 de junio de 2016.

research product

Understanding intrinsic quality assessment of red wines by experts

Póster presentado en la 6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (EUROSENSE 2014 – A SENSE OF LIFE), celebrada en Copenague del 7 al 10 de septiembre de 2014.

research product