

Comparison between ozonation and the OSA process: analysis of excess sludge reduction and biomass activity in two different pilot plants

Gaetano Di BellaDaniele Di TrapaniMichele Torregrossa


Environmental EngineeringSettore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-AmbientaleSewageWaste managementbusiness.industryexcess sludge OSA process ozonation respiratory activity sludge minimizationBiomassSewagePilot ProjectsWaste Disposal FluidWater PurificationMixed liquor suspended solidsOzoneActivated sludgePilot plantWastewaterSewage sludge treatmentEnvironmental scienceSewage treatmentAnaerobiosisBiomassbusinessWater Science and Technology


The excess biomass produced during biological treatment of municipal wastewater represents a major issue worldwide, as its disposal implies environmental, economic and social impacts. Therefore, there has been a growing interest in developing technologies to reduce sludge production. The main proposed strategies can be categorized according to the place inside the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) where the reduction takes place. In particular, sludge minimization can be achieved in the wastewater line as well as in the sludge line. This paper presents the results of two pilot scale systems, to evaluate their feasibility for sludge reduction and to understand their effect on biomass activity: (1) a pilot plant with an ozone contactor in the return activated sludge (RAS) stream for the exposition of sludge to a low ozone dosage; and (2) an oxic-settling-anaerobic (OSA) process with high retention time in the anaerobic sludge holding tank have been studied. The results showed that both technologies enabled significant excess sludge reduction but produced a slight decrease of biomass respiratory activity.
