

A positive role model may stimulate career oriented behavior.

Abraham P. BuunkChris GriffioenJosé M. Peiró


Social comparison theoryWORKSOCIAL COMPARISONSSocial comparison orientationSocial PsychologyIMPACTMEAFFECTIVE CONSEQUENCESeducationJob marketSELF-EVALUATIONShumanitiesDevelopmental psychologyNew graduateRole modelSelf evaluationPsychologySocial psychologySchool-to-work transition


This study examined the effects of social comparison among students in their final year of study. Participants were presented with a fictitious interview with a new graduate who was either successful or unsuccessful in the job market. Exposure to the successful target led to a higher degree of inspiration, identification, and proactive career behavior than did exposure to the unsuccessful target. The higher participants were in social comparison orientation (dispositional tendency to compare oneself with others), the more they identified with the targets and the more proactive career behavior they showed. This suggests that, overall, comparing oneself with others may inspire individuals to actively work on their careers.
