

Fluorescence emission and enhanced photochemical stability of Zn(II)-5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene ortho-phenylendiiminate interacting with native DNA.

Vincenzo Turco LiveriGiampaolo BaroneAlessio TerenziAngela RuggirelloArturo Silvestri


Intercalation (chemistry)Context (language use)PhotochemistryBiochemistryFluorescence spectroscopyFluorescenceInorganic ChemistrySchiff baseIntercalationOrganometallic CompoundsMoleculeFluorescence spectroscopyPhotooxidationSettore CHIM/02 - Chimica FisicaAqueous solutionChemistrySpectrum AnalysisDNAPhotochemical ProcessesFluorescenceIntercalating AgentsSolventZincSettore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E InorganicaSolventsSteady state (chemistry)Oxidation-Reduction


Abstract The photophysical and photochemical properties of the cationic Zn II complex of 5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene ortho-phenylendiimine (ZnL 2+ ) interacting with native DNA were investigated by steady state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopies. Experimental results indicate that, in the presence of DNA, ZnL 2+ is efficiently protected from a photochemical process, which occurs when it is in the free state dispersed in aqueous solution. The analysis of the absorption and emission spectra of ZnL 2+ , both stored in the dark and after exposure to tungsten lamp light for 24 h, corroborated by quantum chemical calculations, allowed us to point out that ZnL 2+ undergoes a photoinduced two-electron oxidation process. According to this picture, the protective action of DNA toward the intercalated ZnL 2+ was attributed to an effective inhibition of the ZnL 2+ photooxidation. In this context, it can be considered that DNA-intercalated ZnL 2+ is located in a region more hydrophobic than that sensed in the bulk water solvent. Moreover, by a thorough analysis of steady state and time-resolved fluorescence spectra, the interaction process can be consistently explained in terms of a complete intercalation of the complex molecules and that the polarity of the environment sensed by intercalated ZnL 2+ is comprised between that of methanol and ethanol.
