Vincenzo Turco Liveri
Fast proton conduction in hydrogen bonded microheterogeneous systems: Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid/N-methyl formamide liquid mixtures
Structural and dynamical properties of bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP)/N-methyl formamide (NMF) liquid mixtures in the whole composition range have been investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-rays Diffraction (XRD), and AC complex impedance spectroscopy. Driven by hydrogen bond interactions among HDEHP PO(4)H group and NMF CO and NH groups, and also by steric effects among the HDEHP alkyl chains, the system microstructure is mainly characterized by the coexistence of spatially separated hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanodomains showing local organization and short-range order. The evolution of this structural feature with system composition has been highli…
Viscosimetric investigation of the interaction between sodium dodecylsulfate micelles and a polymer drug carrier
Abstract The viscosities of aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate solutions with and without α,β-poly( N -hydroxyethyl)- dl -aspartamide (PHEA), at 15, 25 and 35°C are reported. The viscosities of SDS and of PHEA aqueous solutions are discussed in terms of the parameter D [D = ( η η 0 − 1)/φ] describing the non-ideal behavior of SDS micelles and of PHEA macromolecules. The viscosities of SDS plus PHEA aqueous solutions, discussed in terms of the parameter F [ F = η rel ( PHEA ) + η rel ( SDS ) − η rel ( SDS + PHEA )] M , demonstrate the occurrence of interactions between SDS micelles and the PHEA macromolecule. Both D and F are scarcely influenced by temperature variation.
Structure and dynamics of dibutylphosphate/n-propylamine ionic liquid: A multi-scale theoretical study
Abstract Owing to the amphiphilic nature of their constituent molecules, binary mixtures of pure liquid surfactants are usually characterized by enhanced nano-segregation and thus can exhibit interesting transport properties and complex macroscopic behavior. In this ambit it was recently shown by Turco Liveri et al. (2018) that mixtures of short aliphatic chains compounds at room temperature, such as dibutyl phosphate (DBP) and n-propylamine (PA) liquids, display ionic liquid–like behavior ascribed to phosphate-to-amine proton transfer. To gain a detailed molecular picture of the system structure and dynamics and to understand the molecular mechanisms at the basis of the observed behavior, …
Structural and Optical Properties of Novel Surfactant Coated TiO2Ag Based Nanoparticles
Stable dispersions of surfactant-coated TiO2–Ag based nanoparticles in apolar medium have been prepared by performing sequentially the hydrolysis of titanium(IV) isopropoxide and the reduction of Ag? in the confined space of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (NaAOT) reverse micelles. Depending on the sequence length, this novel procedure allowed the synthesis of semiconductor–metal nanoparticles, nominally indicated as TiO2/Ag, TiO2/Ag/TiO2, and TiO2/Ag/TiO2/ Ag, stabilized by a monolayer of oriented surfactant molecules. The structural characterization of these nanoparticles has been performed by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM), while optical properties were …
Investigations of methyl lactate in the presence of reverse micelles by vibrational spectroscopy and circular dichroism
Abstract The FT-IR and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra of ( S )- and -( R )-methyl lactate have been recorded for neat samples and at various concentrations in CCl 4 and DMSO solutions. These spectra are used to analyse the FT-IR and VCD spectra of methyl lactates in presence of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) in CCl 4 , where the surfactant molecules are known to form reverse micelles. Some tendency of methyl lactate to interact with AOT micellar aggregates is observed, but not as well defined as previously observed for dimethyl tartrate in analogous circumstances. Besides, near infrared (NIR) absorption and VCD data have been obtained for most of the above system…
Molecular association of small amphiphiles: Origin of ionic liquid properties in dibutyl phosphate/propylamine binary mixtures
Abstract Binary mixtures of liquid surfactants, owing to the amphiphilic nature of the molecules involved, can exhibit nano-segregation and peculiar transport properties. The amphiphilicity, and consequently the resulting self-assembly, can be tuned by changing the length of the alkyl chains and the nature of the polar head group. So, in the present study, the structural and dynamic properties of dibutyl phosphate/propylamine liquid mixtures at various compositions have been investigated by Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), FT-IR, rheometry and dielectric spectroscopy in order to study the intermolecular association taking place when alkylphosphates and alkylamines with a small apolar par…
confinement of 5-aza[5]helicene in ytterbium (III) bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosucinate reversed micelles
Self-assembly and intra-cluster reactions of erbium and ytterbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinates in the gas phase
RATIONALE The study of surfactant organization in vacuum allows surfactant–surfactant interaction to be unveiled in the absence of surrounding solvent molecules. Knowledge on their chemical-physical properties may also lead to the definition of more efficient gas-phase carriers, air-cleaning agents and nanoreactors. In addition, the presence of lanthanide-group ions adds unique photochemical properties to surfactants. METHODS The structural features, stability and fragmentation patterns of charged aggregates formed by lanthanide-functionalized surfactants, ytterbium and erbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate ((AOT)3Yb and (AOT)3Er), have been investigated by electrospray ionization mass spe…
Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of Au/TiO2 nanostructures formed by novel "cold" and "hot" nanosoldering of Au and TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in water
Abstract A novel approach to synthesize Au/TiO2 nanostructures with interesting optical properties is presented and discussed. It is based on the nanoparticle “cold” or “hot” nanosoldering occurring when two water suspensions of Au and TiO2 nanoparticles are merely mixed at room temperature or laser irradiated after mixing. Thanks to the high fraction and mutual reactivity of surface species, immediately after the mixing process, the encounters between Au and TiO2 nanoparticles in liquid phase are enough for “cold” nanosoldering of gold nanoparticles onto TiO2 nanoparticles to occur. The optical characterizations show that this fast process (timescale less than 1 min) is followed by a slowe…
Structural organization of surfactant aggregates in vacuo: a molecular dynamics and well-tempered metadynamics study
Experimental investigations using mass spectrometry have established that surfactant molecules are able to form aggregates in the gas phase. However, there is no general consensus on the organization of these aggregates and how it depends on the aggregation number and surfactant molecular structure. In the present paper we investigate the structural organization of some surfactants in vacuo by molecular dynamics and well-tempered metadynamics simulations to widely explore the space of their possible conformations in vacuo. To study how the specific molecular features of such compounds affect their organization, we have considered as paradigmatic surfactants, the anionic single-chain sodium …
Chiroptical Phenomena in Reverse Micelles: The Case of (1R,2S)-Dodecyl (2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium Bromide (DMEB)
(1R,2S)-Dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB) aggregates dispersed in carbon tetrachloride have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at various surfactant concentration and water-to-surfactant molar ratio. Experimental data indicate that, even at the lowest investigated concentration and in absence of added water, DMEB molecules associate in supramolecular assemblies. At higher DMEB concentration the aggregates can confine water molecules, making it plausible to think that DMEB form reverse micelles and that water molecules are quite uniformly dist…
A molecular dynamics study of structure, stability and fragmentation patterns of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate positively charged aggregates in vacuo
Positively charged supramolecular aggregates formed in vacuo by n AOTNa (sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate) molecules and n(c) additional sodium ions, i.e. [AOT(n)Na(n+n(c))](n(c)), have been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for n = 1-20 and n(c) = 0-5. Statistical analysis of physical quantities like gyration radii, atomic B-factors and moment of inertia tensors provides detailed information on their structural and dynamical properties. Even for n(c) = 5, all stable aggregates show a reverse micelle-like structure with an internal solid-like core including sodium counterions and surfactant polar heads surrounded by an external layer consisting of the surfactant alky…
The interaction of native calf thymus DNA with FeIII-dipyrido[3,2-a:2’,3’-c]phenazine
The mono and bis dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz) adducts of iron(III) chloride, i.e. [Fe(dppz)]Cl(3) and [Fe(dppz)(2)]Cl(3), have been synthesized and characterized. The interaction of the Fe(III)dppz hydrolyzed aquo complex with native calf thymus DNA has been monitored as a function of the metal complex-DNA molar ratio, by variable temperature UV absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results obtained in solution at various ionic strength values give support for a tight intercalative binding of the Fe(III)dppz cation with DNA. In particular, the appearance of induced CD bands, caused by the addition of Fe(III)dppz, indicate the exi…
Positively and negatively singly charged aggregates of sodium bis-(ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate by ESI-mass spectrometry. The first evidence of the formation of reversed micelles in gas phase?
IRMPD-MS ( Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation-Mass Spectrometry) di aggregati supremolecolari carichi positivamente di Bis (2-etilesil) solfosuccinato di sodio (AOTNa) in fase gas”
EXAFS and SAXS Investigation of Frozen Metal-Containing Reverse Micelles Dispersed in n-Heptane
Confinement effects on the interactions of native DNA with Cu(II)-5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene orto-phenylendiiminate in C12E4 liquid crystals
Confinement effects of native calf thymus DNA interacting with the complex Cu(ii)-5-(triethylammoniummethyl)salicylidene ortho-phenylendiiminate (CuL(2+)) perchlorate in tetraethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C(12)E(4)) liquid crystals have been investigated by UV absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism (CD) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The results indicate the occurrence of dramatic structural changes of both the DNA and the CuL(2+)-DNA system, when going from aqueous solution to C(12)E(4) liquid crystals, due to confinement constrains imposed by the closed structure of C(12)E(4) reverse micelles. Further marked departures from the behaviour observed in aqueous soluti…
Spectroscopic and Structural Investigation of the Confinement of D and L Dimethyl Tartrate in Lecithin Reverse Micelles
The confinement of D and L dimethyl tartrate in lecithin reverse micelles dispersed in cyclohexane has been investigated by FT-IR, polarimetry, electronic and vibrational circular dichroism (ECD and VCD), 1H NMR, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Measurements have been performed at room temperature as a function of the solubilizate-to-surfactant molar ratio (R) at fixed lecithin concentration. The analysis of experimental data indicates that the dimethyl tartrate molecules are solubilized within reverse micelles in proximity to the surfactant head groups in the same way for the D and L forms. The encapsulation of dimethyl tatrate within lecithin reverse micelles involves changes in i…
Molecular dynamics and metadynamics simulations of electrosprayed water nanodroplets including sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate micelles.
The behavior of aqueous solutions of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) under conditions of electrospray ionization (ESI) has been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) and well-tempered metadynamics (WTM) simulations at 300 K and 400 K. We have examined water droplets with initial fixed numbers of water molecules (1000) and AOT− anions (100), and with sodium cations in the range of 70–130. At 300 K, all charged droplets show the water evaporation rate increasing with the absolute value of the initial droplet charge state (Z), accompanied by ejection of an increasing number of solvated sodium ions or by expulsion of AOT− anions depending on the sign of Z and by fragmentation i…
Self-assembly in surfactant-based mixtures driven by acid–base reactions: bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid–n-octylamine systems
Structural and dynamic features of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (HDEHP)-n-octylamine (NOA) mixtures as a function of the NOA mole fraction (X-NOA) have been investigated by SAXS, WAXS, IR, dielectric spectroscopy and polarized optical microscopy. In the 0 <= X-NOA < 0.5 range, mixtures are transparent liquids, while the abrupt formation of a waxy solid characterized by an hexagonal bidimensional structure occurs at X-NOA = 0.5. Such a composition-induced phase transition results from the synergetic effect of the progressive increase in number density of ordered HDEHP-NOA nanodomains with X-NOA. Mainly driven by an HDEHP to NOA proton transfer, the increase of structural order with X-NO…
Time evolution of size and polydispersity of an ensemble of nanoparticles growing in the confined space of AOT reversed micelles by computer simulations
The time dependence of size and polydispersity of an ensemble of nanoparticles growing in the confined space of water-containing AOT reversed micelles has been investigated by computer simulations. It has been found that, in a wide time range, the mean nanoparticle size can be described by power laws whose exponent is critically dependent on the efficiency of the intermicellar material exchange process while the nanoparticle polydispersity increases with time. From the analysis of all the disentangled effects arising from the variation of internal and external parameters provided by simulations, useful suggestions for a better and rationale control of the nanoparticle synthetic procedure ar…
Electrospray ion mobility mass spectrometry of positively and negatively charged (1R,2S)-dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide aggregates
Rationale Self-assembling processes of surfactants in the gas phase constitute a developing research field of interest since they allow information to be gained on the peculiar structural organization of these aggregates, on their ability to incorporate from small molecules up to proteins and on their possible use as carriers of drugs in the gas phase or as cleaning agents and exotic reaction media. Methods The mass spectra of charged aggregates of the chiral surfactant (1R,2S)-dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB) in the gas phase have been recorded using a Synapt G2-Si mass spectrometer in the positive and negative ion mode. For comparison purposes, the …
Gas Phase Charged Aggregates of Bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfo-succinate (AOT) and Divalent Metal Ions. First evidence of AOT solvated aggregates
Assembling and chelating properties of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) towards divalent metal ions have been investigated in the gas phase by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. A variety of positively charged monometallated and mixed metal aggregates are formed. Interestingly, several ions contain solvent (MeOH, H2O) molecules and constitute the most abundant AOT cationic aggregates not containing sodium. These species are the first example of solvated AOT-metal ion aggregates in the gas phase. By increasing the surfactant aggregation number, the abundance of solvated species becomes lower than that of unsolvated ones. Decompositions of ionic species have been studied…
Mass spectrometry of surfactant aggregates.
In contrast with the enormous amount of literature produced during many decades in the field of surfactant aggregation in liquid, liquid crystalline and solid phases, only a few investigations concerning surfactant self-assembling in the gas phase as charged aggregates have been carried out until now. This lack of interest is disappointing in view of the remarkable theoretical and practical importance of the inherent knowledge. The absence of surfactant–solvent interactions makes it easier to study the role of surfactant–surfactant forces in determining their peculiar self-assembling features as well as the ability of these assemblies to incorporate selected solubilizate molecules. Thus, t…
Emerging dynamics in surfactant-based liquid mixtures: octanoic acid/bis(2-ethylhexyl) amine systems.
This work focuses on the dynamic phenomena emerging in self-assembled transient intermolecular networks formed when two different surfactants are mixed. In particular, the relaxation processes in liquid mixtures composed by bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) and octanoic acid (OA) in the whole composition range has been investigated by dielectric spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy. A thorough analysis of all the experimental data consistently suggests that, mainly driven by acid-base interactions arising when the two surfactants are mixed, supra-molecular aggregates formation causes the slowing down of molecular dynamics. This, in turn, reflects to longer-range relaxations. These changes ha…
Size-controlled magnetic nanoparticles in surfactant-rich thin films: a combined EXAFS, SAXS, AFM and MFM study
Physicochemical investigation of surfactant-coated gold nanoparticles synthesized in dry reversed micelles
Nano-demixing as a novel strategy for magnetic field responsive systems: the case of dibutyl phosphate/bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine systems
Pure surfactant liquids and their binary mixtures, owing to the amphiphilic nature of the molecules involved, can exhibit nano-segregation and peculiar transport properties. The possibility of opportunely choosing the amphiphiles should lead to the formation of anisotropic aggregates that can be oriented by an external factor like a magnetic field. In this case some properties, like optical birefringence, can be induced by the use of a magnetic field. Dynamic features of dibutyl phosphate (DBP)/bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) mixtures have been investigated by FT-IR, NMR, rheometry, Brillouin scattering, and magnetically-induced birefringence measurements as a function of the BEEA mole fracti…
Sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate self-aggregation in vacuo: molecular dynamics simulation.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted for systems in vacuo consisting of n AOT(-) anions (bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate ions) and n+/- 1 or n Na(+) ions up to n = 20. For n = 15, positively charged systems with Li(+), K(+), and Cs(+) cations were also considered. All systems were observed to form reverse micelle-like aggregates whose centre is occupied by cations and polar heads in a very compact solid-like way, while globally the aggregate has the form of an elongated and rather flat ellipsoid. Various types of statistical analyses were carried out on the systems to enlighten structural and dynamical properties including gyration radius, atomic pair correlation functions, at…
nanoparticles on ITO (Indium tin oxide) coated glass using the electrospray (ESI) method Method:The starting point of this study is that the ESI/MS spectrum (Figure 1) of an ethanolic solution of HAuCl 4 shows a reduction process of Au (III) strongly dependent on the Cone Voltage (CV) values (20, 80, 150 V), affording to the ion at m/z 197 (Au+). Further, the decrease of the abundance of this ion at the highest cone voltage suggests the subsequent its reduction with the formation of Au 0 . Figure 1: ESI/MS spectra of an ethanolic solution of HAuCl4 at various cone voltages: Conclusion: Such experimental evidence leads us to use electrospray technique as a preparative tool to obtain the form…
Interactions of vitamin E with biomembrane models: binding to dry and water-containing reversed micelles
Self-assembly in surfactant-based liquid mixtures: Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid/bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine systems
Surfactant-based liquid mixtures constitute an interesting class of nanostructured materials with promising potential in specialized applications. Here, structural and conductometric properties of liquid mixtures composed of bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) have been thoroughly investigated with the aim to correlate structural features with system charge transport capability. The evolution of self-assembled local nanostructures with system composition has been investigated by FT-IR and XRD while the conductometric properties were probed by conventional AC complex impedance. Both pure components exhibit nano-segregation due to their amphiphilic natur…
Synthesis and characterization of bimetallic nanoparticles confined in dry reversed micelles
Physico-chemical Investigation of the Solubilization of Ytterbium Nitrate in Solutions of Dry AOT Reversed Micelles
Gas-phase ion chemistry of protonated melatonin
The gas-phase ion chemistry of protonated melatonin has been investigated by mass spectrometric (MS) techniques involving chemical ionisation, fast atom bombardment and electrospray ionisation. Either naturally- occurring or collision-induced decomposition e-D derivatives obtained by exchange with D(2)O. The analysis of experimental results allows definite pathways for the formation of the ion at m/z 174 to be assigned and sheds some more light on the overall fragmentation pathways. Experiments on labelled derivatives evidenced H-D scrambling processes during fragmentation
Localization and interactions of melatonin in dry cholesterol/lecithin mixed reversed micelles used as cell membrane models
The state of melatonin confined in dry cholesterol/lecithin mixed reversed micelles dispersed in CCl4 was investigated using 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopies as a function of the melatonin to lecithin molar ratio (R(MLT)) and of the cholesterol to lecithin molar ratio (R(CHL)). An analysis of experimental results leads to the hypothesis that, independent of R(MLT) and as a consequence of anisotropic melatonin/lecithin, melatonin/cholesterol and cholesterol/lecithin interactions, melatonin is totally solubilized in reversed micelles. Melatonin is mainly located in and oriented in the nanodomain constituted by the hydrophilic groups of cholesterol and lecithin. A competition of melatonin and c…
Inclusion complexes of cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) with melatonin in solid phase
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) investigations were carried out on MLT plus α-, β- and γ-CD physical mixtures and lyophilized or crystalline MLT/α-, β-, γ-CD complexes. Inclusion complexes formation between MLT and cyclodextrins in solid phase has been emphasized by the significant differences between IR and XRD spectra of physical mixtures with respect to those of the complexes. The structure of MLT CDs complexes in the solid state as well as the biochemical and pharmaceutical implications are discussed.
Charged supramolecular assemblies of surfactant molecules in gas phase
The aim of this review is to critically analyze recent literature on charged supramolecular assemblies formed by surfactant molecules in gas phase. Apart our specific interest on this research area, the stimuli to undertake the task arise from the widespread theoretical and applicative benefits emerging from a comprehensive view of this topic. In fact, the study of the formation, stability, and physicochemical peculiarities of non-covalent assemblies of surfactant molecules in gas phase allows to unveil interesting aspects such as the role of attractive, repulsive, and steric intermolecular interactions as driving force of supramolecular organization in absence of interactions with surround…
(2010). Microstructure and magnetic properties of colloidal cobalt nano-clusters.
The magnetic response of nanometer sized Co nanoparticles (NP) prepared using reverse micelle solutions are presented. The use of complementary structural and morphological probes (like transmission electron microscopy, high resolution electron microscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy) allowed to relate the magnetic properties to the size, morphology, composition and atomic structure of the nanoparticles. All data agree on the presence of a core–shell structure of NPs made of a metallic Co core surrounded by a thin Co-oxide layer. The core–shell microstructure of NPs affects its magnetic response mainly raising the anisotropy constant.
Synthesis of Yb nanoparticles by laser ablation of ytterbium target in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate reverse micellar solution
Abstract Surfactant-coated ytterbium nanoparticles were produced by Nd:YAG laser ablation of a Yb bulk target immersed in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT)/ n -heptane micellar solution. In our experimental conditions, as highlighted by IR spectroscopy, AOT molecules are not decomposed by the intense laser pulses but play a pivotal role in the stabilisation of Yb nanoparticles. The formation of Yb nanoparticles in the liquid phase was monitored by UV–Vis spectroscopy whereas the Yb/AOT composites obtained by evaporation of the organic solvent were characterised by XPS and TEM. Data analysis consistently shows the presence of surfactant-coated, nearly spherical and non-interacting…
The zero field self-organization of cobalt/surfactant nanocomposite thin films
Cobalt nanostructures have been prepared by a chemical route based on the Co(II) reduction in the confined space of cobalt bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (Co(DEHSS)(2)) reverse micelles dispersed in n-heptane. This procedure involves the rapid formation of surfactant softly coated Co nanostructures followed by a slow separation process of the magnetic-field responsive Co/surfactant nanocomposites from the liquid phase. The detailed structure of thin films of the Co/surfactant nanocomposites has been investigated by scanning force microscopy (SFM). The thin films were characterized by different anisotropic features. Micrometric long domains of self-aligned ellipsoidal NPs (tens of nanometer…
Physicochemical investigation of cobalt-iron cyanide nanoparticles synthesized by a novel solid-solid reaction in confined space
Spectroscopic study of the interaction of Ni(II)-5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene ortho-phenylendiiminate with native DNA.
The interaction of native calf thymus DNA with the cationic Ni(II) complex of 5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene ortho-phenylendiimine (NiL(2+)), in 1mM Tris-HCl aqueous solutions at neutral pH, has been monitored as a function of the metal complex-DNA molar ratio by UV absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The dramatic modification of the DNA CD spectrum, the appearance of a broad induced CD band in the range 350-400nm, the strong increase of the DNA melting temperature (T(m)) and the fluorescence quenching of ethidium bromide-DNA solutions, in the presence of increasing amounts of the NiL(2+) metal complex, support the existence of a tig…
Gas-phase ion chemistry of protonated melatonin
The gas-phase ion chemistry of protonated melatonin has been investigated by mass spectrometric (MS) techniques involving chemical ionisation, fast atom bombardment and electrospray ionisation. Either naturally-occurring or collision-induced decomposition experiments have been carried out using side chain tetra-deuterium-labelled derivatives, as well as the corresponding N–D derivatives obtained by exchange with D2O. The analysis of experimental results allows definite pathways for the formation of the ion at m/z 174 to be assigned and sheds some more light on the overall fragmentation pathways. Experiments on labelled derivatives evidenced H–D scrambling processes during fragmentation.
Guest-to-host proton transfer in melatonin-beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex by ionspray, fast atom bombardment and tandem mass spectrometry.
Ionspray (IS) and fast atom bombardment (FAB) positive ionization mass spectrometry (MS) of 1:1 β-cyclodextrin (β-CD)-melatonin (MLT) host-guest complex allowed the detection of gaseous protonated 1:1 β-CD-MLT. Tandem MS collision-induced dissociation (CID) of such protonated 1:1 β-CD-MLT species showed the proton (charge) to be retained to a significant extent by the host and by its cage fragmentation products, in spite of the higher proton affinity of MLT with respect to that of β-CD. This requires an endothermic guest-to-host proton transfer to occur within the gaseous association. Collisional activation could be accounted for by the promotion of such an endothermic process; however…
ESI/MS study of singly charged clusters formed by bis-(ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT-) and Fe 3+
Self Assembling di tensioattivi in fase gassosa: ESI/MS di aggregati a sigola carica di Yb(AOT)3
Non-ideal mixing behavior in dibutyl phosphate-propylamine binary liquids: Dielectric and nuclear magnetic resonance investigations
Abstract Owing to the amphiphilic nature of their constituent molecules, binary mixtures of pure liquid surfactants are usually characterized by enhanced nano-segregation and thus can exhibit interesting transport properties and complex macroscopic behavior. In this ambit it was recently shown by Turco Liveri et al. (J. Mol. Liq. 263 (2018) 274–281) at room temperature that mixtures of short aliphatic chains compounds, such as dibutyl phosphate (DBP) and n-propylamine (PA) liquids, due to their ability to allow for phosphate-to-amine proton transfer, display ionic liquid–like behavior with composition-dependent enhanced conductivity, viscosity, and magnetically-induced birefringence. To und…
Surfactant self-assembling in the gas phase: bis(2-ethylhexyl)- sulfosuccinate divalent metal ion anionic aggregates
RATIONALE: Investigation of fundamental aspects driving surfactant self-assembling and of the capability of including guest molecules or ions in their micellar aggregates is an exciting research field for theoretical and technological reasons. In this light, assembling and chelating properties of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) towards divalent metal ion chlorides have been investigated in the gas phase by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in negative ion mode, tandem mass spectrometry and energy-resolved mass spectrometry. METHODS:Water/methanol solutions of AOTNa and chloride salts of nickel, magnesium, calcium and manganese, with different AOTNa/metal salt ratios, …
Controlled Synthesis of Nanoparticles in Microheterogeneous Systems
Surfactant self-assembly in the gas phase: Bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate- alkaline metal ion aggregates
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted for systems in vacuo consisting of n AOT anions (bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate ions) and n 1 or n Na+ ions up to n = 20. For n = 15, positively charged systems with Li+, K+, and Cs+ cations were also considered. All systems were observed to form reverse micelle-like aggregates whose centre is occupied by cations and polar heads in a very compact solid-like way, while globally the aggregate has the form of an elongated and rather flat ellipsoid. Various types of statistical analyses were carried out on the systems to enlighten structural and dynamical properties including gyration radius, atomic pair correlation functions, atomic B-factor …
Triggering dissymmetry in achiral dye molecules by chiral solvents: Circular dichroism experiments and DFT calculations
The electronic circular dichroism spectra of achiral product “Lumogen F Red” (ROT-300) in four different chiral solvents are recorded at different temperatures. DFT calculations allow to identify two enantiomeric conformers for ROT-300. In vacuo they are equally populated; in chiral solvents one enantiomer prevails. Thermodynamic quantities involved in the chiral preference are derived. Chirality, 2011. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Review: Mass spectrometry of surfactant aggregates
In contrast with the enormous amount of literature produced during many decades in the field of surfactant aggregation in liquid, liquid crystalline and solid phases, only a few investigations concerning surfactant self-assembling in the gas phase as charged aggregates have been carried out until now. This lack of interest is disappointing in view of the remarkable theoretical and practical importance of the inherent knowledge. The absence of surfactant–solvent interactions makes it easier to study the role of surfactant–surfactant forces in determining their peculiar self-assembling features as well as the ability of these assemblies to incorporate selected solubilizate molecules. Thus, th…
Confinement of chiral molecules in reverse micelles: FT-IR, polarimetric and VCD investigation on the state of dimethyl tartrate in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate reverse micelles dispersed in carbon tetrachloride
Abstract The state of d and l -dimethyl tartrate confined within dry sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) reverse micelles dispersed in CCl 4 has been investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy, polarimetry, and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD). Measurements have been performed at 25 °C as a function of the solubilizate-to-surfactant molar ratio ( R ) at a fixed AOT concentration (0.158 M). The analysis of experimental data is consistent with the hypothesis that both enantiomers of dimethyl tartrate are mainly entrapped in the reverse micelles and located in proximity to the surfactant head-group region. The formation of this interesting self-organized chiral nanostructure involves som…
Electrospray Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry of positively and negatively charged (1R,2S)-Dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenyl-ethyl)dimethylammonium bromide aggregates
RATIONALE: Self-assembling processes of surfactants in the gas phase constitute a developing research field of interest since they allow information to be gained on the peculiar structural organization of these aggregates, on their ability to incorporate from small molecules up to proteins and on their possible use as carriers of drugs in the gas phase or as cleaning agents and exotic reaction media. METHODS: The mass spectra of charged aggregates of the chiral surfactant (1R,2S)-dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2- phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB) in the gas phase have been recorded using a Synapt G2-Si mass spectrometer in the positive and negative ion mode. For comparison purposes, t…
Gas phase infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra of positively charged sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate reverse micelle-like aggregates
The capability of infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy to gain structural information on surfactant-based supramolecular aggregates has been exploited to elucidate intermolecular interactions and local organization of positively charged sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) aggregates in the gas phase. A detailed analysis of the stretching modes of the AOTNa CO and SO(3)(-) head groups allows one to directly probe their interactions with sodium counterions and to gain insight in their organization within the aggregate. Similarities and differences of the IRMPD spectra as compared to the infrared absorption spectrum of micellized AOTNa in CCl(4) have been analy…
Partitioning study of polyciclic aromatic hydrocarbons between water and water insoluble phases
Thermodynamic properties of alcohols in a micellar phase. Binding constants and partial molar volumes of pentanol in sodium dodecylsulfate micelles at 15, 25, and 35°C
Densities of the ternary system water-sodium dodecylsulfate (NaDS)-pentanol and of the binary systems butanol-octane and pentanol-octane were measured at 15, 25, and 35 °C. The apparent molar volume of pentanol in the ternary system was analyzed using a mass-action model for the alcohol distribution in micellar solutions. The partial molar volume of alcohol bound to the micelles and the ratio between the binding constant and the aggregation number of the surfactant are calculated. The partial molar volume binding constant, is discussed in terms of solubilization sites of the alcohol in the micelles whereas the binding constant is compared with that derived from the Nernstian partition const…
Degrees of freedom effect on fragmentation in tandem mass spectrometry of singly charged supramolecular aggregates of sodium sulfonates
The characteristic collision energy (CCE) to obtain 50% fragmentation of positively and negatively single charged non-covalent clusters has been measured. CCE was found to increase linearly with the degrees of freedom (DoF) of the precursor ion, analogously to that observed for synthetic polymers. This suggests that fragmentation behavior (e.g. energy randomization) in covalent molecules and clusters are similar. Analysis of the slope of CCE with molecular size (DoF) indicates that activation energy of fragmentation of these clusters (loss of a monomer unit) is similar to that of the lowest energy fragmentation of protonated leucine-enkephalin. Positively and negatively charged aggregates b…
Supramolecular Aggregates in Vacuum: Positively Mono-Charged Sodium Alkanesulfonate Clusters
The formation and structural features of positively mono-charged aggregates of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) and sodium methane—(MetS), butane—(ButS) and octane—(OctS) sulfonate molecules in the gas phase have been investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, energy-resolved mass spectrometry and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The experimental results show that the center-of-mass collision energy required to dissociate 50% of these mono-charged aggregates scantly depends on the length of the alkyl chain as well as on the aggregation number. This, together with the large predominance of mono-charged species in the mass spectra, was rationalized i…
Anti-Arrhenian behaviour of conductivity in octanoic acid–bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine systems: a physico-chemical study
Pure surfactant liquids and their binary mixtures, owing to the amphiphilic nature of the molecules involved, can exhibit nano-segregation and peculiar transport properties. The structural and dynamic properties of octanoic acid (OA)–bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) liquid mixtures at various compositions have been studied by Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), 1H-NMR and broadband dielectric spectroscopy as a function of temperature. It was found that the self-assembly occurs via proton exchange between the OA COOH group and the BEEA NH one; such self-assembled local structures are affected anisotropically by a temperature increase so that the thermal dilatation is more marked in a direction …
Free energy of transfer ofn-nitroalkanes fromn-octane to water at 25�C
Calorimetric determinations of the thermodynamics of transfer of nitromethane, nitroethane, 1-nitrobutane, 1-nitropentane, and 1-nitrohexane from n-octane to water at 25°C have been made. Transfer free energies calculated by four different models agree reasonably well with observations. Calculations indicate that the dipolar part of the transfer free energy depends only on the dipole moment and size of the-C−NO2 group and is independent of the length of the alkyl chain in nitroalkanes.
Interaction and location of melatonin in cellular membrane models constituted by lecithin and cholesterol anhidrous reversed micellar systems
Self-assembly in surfactant-based liquid mixtures: Octanoic acid/Bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine systems
Abstract The physico-chemical properties of Bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) plus octanoic acid (OA) mixtures have been investigated by IR, SAXS, WAXS, viscosimetry, and AC complex impedance spectroscopy in the whole composition range. Mainly driven by proton transfer from the acidic OA to the basic BEEA, the formation of stoichiometrically well-defined adducts takes place in the mixtures. This causes the slowing down of molecular dynamics and the increase in charge carrier number density. Interestingly, while the pure components possess no significant conductivity (about 10−12 S cm−1 at 25 °C), their mixtures show a composition-dependent enhanced conductivity (up to about 10−5 S cm−1), i.e., …
Studio chimico fisico di nanoparticelle di sali inorganici in sistemi microeterogenei
Induced Chirality in Confined Space on Halogen Gold Complexes
The solubilization of HAuCl4 in toluene within optically active reverse micelles and lamellar structures formed by (1R,2S)-Dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)- dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB) has allowed us to evidence the complex phenomenology accompanying the confinement of Au salt within these nanostructures. Together with a chloride/bromide exchange process occurring in the first coordination sphere of an Au ion, UV−vis and electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra reveal the appearance of an induced dichroic signal attributable to Au complexes entrapped in the hydrophilic domain of the DMEB chiral nanostructures. Interestingly, change of the effective oxidation state and coordi…
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid/bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine mixtures as solvent media for lithium-ions: A dynamical study
Abstract The self-diffusion coefficient, the spin-lattice relaxation times and ionic conductivity of lithium ions in liquid mixtures composed of bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) have been thoroughly investigated as a function of composition and temperature by NMR spectroscopy and conductometry. While the temperature and composition dependence of diffusion coefficients of lithium ions follow the same trend observed for those of the surfactant molecules, the spin-lattice relaxation times of lithium ions and 1 H are remarkably different. The observed behavior has been interpreted in terms of lithium ions diffusion occurring through its association with…
How self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules can generate complexity in the nanoscale
Abstract Given the importance of nanomaterials and nanostructures in modern technology, in the past decades much effort has been directed to set up efficient bottom up protocols for the piloted self-assembly of molecules. However, molecules are generally disinclined to adopt the desired structural organization because they behave according to their own specific intermolecular interactions. Thus, only some selected classes of chemical compounds are capable to lead to useful self-assembled structures. Amphiphiles, simultaneously possessing polar and apolar moieties within their molecular architecture, can give a wide scenario of possible intermolecular interactions: polar–polar, polar–apolar,…
Composite Nanoparticles
International audience; Composite nanoparticles are advanced materials having recently gained increasing attention due to their scientific and technological importance.They find awide variety of applications such as catalysts with huge activity and specificity,metal semiconductor junctions, optical sensors, and modifiers of polymeric films for packaging.
Localization and Interactions of Melatonin in Cell Membrane Models
Confinement of L and D dimethyl tartrate in reverse micelles: an FT-IR and VCD study
Synthesis and Reactivity of Inorganic Salt Nanoparticles Confined in Dry Reversed Micelles
Fluorescence emission and enhanced photochemical stability of Zn(II)-5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene ortho-phenylendiiminate interacting with native DNA.
Abstract The photophysical and photochemical properties of the cationic Zn II complex of 5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene ortho-phenylendiimine (ZnL 2+ ) interacting with native DNA were investigated by steady state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopies. Experimental results indicate that, in the presence of DNA, ZnL 2+ is efficiently protected from a photochemical process, which occurs when it is in the free state dispersed in aqueous solution. The analysis of the absorption and emission spectra of ZnL 2+ , both stored in the dark and after exposure to tungsten lamp light for 24 h, corroborated by quantum chemical calculations, allowed us to point out that ZnL 2+ undergoes a…
The interaction of native DNA with Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes of 5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene orto-phenylendiimine
The interaction of native calf thymus DNA with the Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes of 5-triethyl ammonium methyl salicylidene orto-phenylendiimine (ZnL(2+) and CuL(2+)), in 1 mM Tris-HCl aqueous solutions at neutral pH, has been monitored as a function of the metal complex-DNA molar ratio by UV absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results support for an intercalative interaction of both ZnL(2+) and CuL(2+) with DNA, showing CuL(2+) an affinity of approximately 10 times higher than ZnL(2+). In particular, the values of the binding constant, determined by UV spectrophotometric titration, equal to 7.3x10(4) and 1.3x10(6)M(-1), for ZnL(2+) and CuL…
Idrocarburi policiclici aromatici: studi di ripartizione tra acqua e sistemi complessi per la ricerca di nuove metodiche analitiche
Decoupling of Dynamic Processes in Surfactant-Based Liquid Mixtures: The Case of Lithium-Containing Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid/Bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine Systems
Pure surfactant liquids and their binary mixtures, because of the amphiphilic nature of the molecules involved, can exhibit nanosegregation and peculiar transport properties. The idea that inspired this work is that the possibility of including in such media salts currently used for technological applications should lead to a synergy between the properties of the salt and those of the medium. Therefore, the dynamic features of bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine (BEEA) and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) liquid mixtures were investigated as a function of composition and temperature by (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and rheometry. Inclusion of litium trifluoromethanesulfonate…
Physicochemical investigation of the 5-aza[5]helicene state in solution of Yb(DEHSS)3 reverse micelles
Physico-chemical investigation of nanostructures in liquid phases: Nickel chloride ionic clusters confined in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate reverse micelles
The confinement of finite amounts of nickel chloride in the hydrophilic core of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) reverse micelles dispersed in n-heptane has been investigated by FT-IR, UV-vis-NIR and fluorescence spectroscopies. The analysis of experimental data consistently leads to hypothesize that NiCl(2) forms small size ionic clusters stabilized by a monolayer of oriented surfactant molecules. Due to confinement and interfacial effects, these ionic clusters show peculiar photophysical properties, which are different from those possessed by the bulk material. From NiCl(2)/AOT/n-heptane solutions, by evaporation of the organic solvent, interesting salt/surfactant nanocomposi…
Characterization of gas phase aggregates of bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and divalent metal ions. Elimination of radical species in the decomposition pathways of even-electron [AOTMIICl2]– anions
Structure and properties of even-electron anionic species formed by bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and divalent metal ions (MII) with stoichiometry [AOTMIICl2]– have been investigated by using electrospray ionization and different mass spectrometry techniques, such as high resolution, accurate mass measurements, collision-induced dissociation (CID) multiple-stage mass spectrometry. Owing to CID, eliminations of neutrals, mainly consisting in hydrochloric acid, 2-ethyl-1-hexene and 2-ethylhexanol, and an unexpected loss of an alkyl radical have been observed. The radical anions [C4HO6SMIICl]–• so produced have been characterized by MS3 experiments. Density functional theory calculatio…
Spectroscopic and structural characterization of pure and FeCl3-containing tri-n-butyl phosphate
The spectroscopic properties and liquid structure of pure tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) and FeCl3/TBP solutions have been investigated by Uv–Vis and Raman spectroscopies, X-ray diffraction and conductometry. Uv–Vis and Raman spectra, supported by conductometric measurements, consistently indicate that the solubilized salt is present mostly as TBP n [FeCl3 − n ] n+ and FeCl4 − complex ions due to specific interaction with the TBP phosphate group. Thanks to this interaction, a high amount of salt (up to 13 % w/w) can be dissolved despite the relatively low dielectric constant of TBP. The X-ray diffractogram of pure TBP has been interpreted in terms of three main contributions which can be attri…
DNA binding and antiproliferative activity toward human carcinoma cells of copper(ii) and zinc(ii) complexes of a 2,5-diphenyl[1,3,4]oxadiazole derivative.
The interaction of calf thymus DNA with [CuL(ClO(4))]ClO(4)·H(2)O (1) and [ZnLBr]Br·H(2)O (2) (L = 9,12,15,18,27,28-hexaaza-29-oxatetracyclo[,7).0(20,25)]enneicosa-2,4,6,20,22,24,26,28(1)-octaene) dicationic complexes in aqueous solution at neutral pH, was investigated by variable-temperature UV-vis absorption, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. The values of the DNA-binding constants of these complexes, determined by competitive binding spectrofluorimetric titrations of ethidium bromide (EB)-DNA solutions, are (6.7 ± 0.5) × 10(6) M(-1) for CuL(2+) and (4.7 ± 0.5) × 10(5) M(-1) for ZnL(2+). These data together with a through analysis of the spectroscopic behaviour c…
Evidences for the Formation of Inclusion Complexes of Cyclomaltooligosaccharides (Cyclodextrins) with Melatonin in solid Phase
Micelle in fase gas: una nuova frontiera della spettroMetria di Massa
Effect of additives on the structural organization of asphaltene aggregates in bitumen
Abstract Bitumens are composite materials whose complex organization hinders the rational understanding of their relationships between composition, structure and performances. So, research attempting to shed more light in this field is required. In this work Wide Angle X ray Scattering (WAXS) has been used to explore the influence of six opportunely chosen additives on the bitumen structure with the aim to ultimately correlate the findings with the bitumen performances. Diagnostic fingerprints have been observed in the WAXS profile: asphaltenes form stuck of about 18 A and constituted by about 6 asphaltene units on average. Such stucks are, in turn, organized at higher levels of complexity …
Micelles of the chiral biocompatible surfactant (1R,2S)-dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB): molecular dynamics and fragmentation patterns in the gas phase
Rationale The study of self-assembly process of surfactant molecules in gas phase is of actually interest for several theoretical and technological reasons related to their possible exploitation as drug carriers, protein shields and cleaning agents in gas phase. Methods Stability and fragmentation patterns of singly and multiply charged (either positively or negatively) aggregates of the surfactant (1R,2S)-dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl) dimethyl ammonium bromide (DMEB) in gas phase have been studied by ion mobility mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of positively and negatively singly and multiply charged DMEB aggregates have been …
self-assembly and intra-cluster reaction of erbium and ytterbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate reverse micelle in gas phase
Gas-phase ion chemistry of protonated melatonin: naturally occurring and collision induced fragmentation
Structural and Optical Properties of Novel Surfactant Coated Yb@TiO2 Nanoparticles.
Study of Confined 5-Aza[5]helicene in Ytterbium(III) Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate Reversed Micelles
Some relevant physicochemical properties of 5-aza[5]helicene (H5) in solutions of ytterbium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (Yb(DEHSS)3) reversed micelles have been investigated by UV-vis-NIR, photoluminescence, and FT-IR techniques with the aim of emphasizing the role played by specific Yb(III)/H5 interactions and confinement effects as driving forces of its binding to reversed micelles, preferential solubilization site, and local photophysical properties. It has been found that the binding strength of 5-aza[5]helicene to reversed micelles, triggered by steric and orientational constrains as well as the water content, is mainly regulated by its interaction with the Yb(III) counterion. Mor…
Interaction and location of melatonin in cellular membrane models constituted by lecithin and cholesterol anhydrous reversed micelles
Mesoscopic self-organisation of magnetic Cobalt-based nanofibers and nanoclusters in surfactant matrix
Morphology and local organization of water-containing (1R,2S)-Dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide reverse micelles dispersed in toluene
The structure of (1R,2S)-dodecyl(2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl)dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB) reverse micelles, at various water-to-surfactant molar ratio (R-w, R-w = [water]/[DMEB]) and DMEB concentrations, has been investigated by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). SAXS data of dry reverse micelles are consistent with a model of spherical hydrophilic core surrounded by DMEB alkyl chains whose polydispersity decreases significantly with surfactant concentration. By adding water, a sphere to cylinder transition occurs leading to a one-dimensional growth of reverse micellar cores with R-w and surfactant concentration. Th…
Charged supramolecular assemblies of surfactant molecules in gas phase
The aim of this review is to critically analyze recent literature on charged supramolecular assemblies formed by surfactant molecules in gas phase. Apart our specific interest on this research area, the stimuli to undertake the task arise from the widespread theoretical and applicative benefits emerging from a comprehensive view of this topic. In fact, the study of the formation, stability, and physicochemical peculiarities of non-covalent assemblies of surfactant molecules in gas phase allows to unveil interesting aspects such as the role of attractive, repulsive, and steric intermolecular interactions as driving force of supramolecular organization in absence of interactions with surround…
Dielectric Behavior of Aqueous Solutions of α,β-Poly(aspartyl hydrazide) and α,β-Poly(N-hydroxyethyl aspartamide): An Investigation of the Structural and Dynamic Properties
The dielectric properties of aqueous solutions of α,β-poly(aspartyl hydrazide) (PAHy) and of α,β-poly( N-hydroxyethyl aspartamide) (PHEA) were measured at 25 ° C in the frequency range of 100 MHz to 15 GHz using a time domain reflection method (TDR). Single time relaxation processes were found at 2 GHz and 15 GHz, respectively. The low frequency dispersion was inter preted in terms of the dynamics of polymeric segments based on the dielectric relaxation strength and the relaxation time. The high frequency process which is attributed to the rotational relaxation of water, indicated that water mole cules surrounding the polymeric backbone and in the pure state have a similar rotational behav…
Magnetic properties of colloidal cobalt nanoclusters
Abstract. Co nanoclusters were synthesized by an inverse-micelle chemical route. The magnetic and microstructural properties of the nanoparticles have been analyzed as a function of the surfactant (AOT and DEHP) and the drying method. Microstructural analysis has been performed by TEM and XANES; magnetic properties have been studied by hysteresis loops and zero-field cooling - field cooling (ZFC-FC) curves. TEM images show 2 to 4 nm sized particles spherical in shape. XANES measurements point out a significant presence of Co3O4 with metallic Co and some Co2+ bound to the surfactant. The presence of antiferromagnetic Co3O4 explains the magnetic transition observed at low T in both ZFC-FC mea…
Spectroscopic Study of the Interaction of NiII-5-triethyl Ammonium Methyl Salicylidene orto-phenylendiiminato with Native DNA
The supramolecular charged aggregates formed during ESI ionization of AOTNa solutions under critical micelle concentration have been studied thorough ion mobility experiments. In particular, positively charged clusters with several charge states, ranging from +1 to +4, have been investigated. It has been found that, despite to previous investigations (Siuzdak et al. 1995, Nohara et al. 1998), specific ionic aggregates with a peculiar cross section are observed. Indeed a single drift time is observed for each charged aggregate. Using both calculated cross section and experimental calibration curves the experimental cross section of the observed cation has been determined. It is worth noting …
Spatially ordered surfactant assemblies in the gas phase: negatively charged bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate-alkaline metal ion aggregates
The formation and structural features of negatively charged aggregates of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) surfactant molecules in the gas phase have been investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and density functional theory calculations. Mainly driven by the interactions of alkali metal ions both with the oxygen atoms of the sulfonate group and with the succinate moiety of the AOT− anion, spatially ordered supramolecular assemblies, characterized by an internal core composed of surfactant counterions and hydrophilic head groups surrounded by the surfactant alkyl chains pointing outwards, are formed. Calculations have shown that surfactant self-organ…
Ultra-small mono and bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized by a novel technique in dry envronment
Physicochemical Investigation of Lightfast AgCl and AgBr Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Novel Solid−Solid Reaction
Small size AgX (X = Br, Cl) nanoparticles have been synthesized by a novel solid−solid reaction performed by mixing two dry dispersions of AgNO3 and KX nanoparticles in AOT/n-heptane solutions. UV−vis investigation ascertained that formation of nanosized particles taking place after the mixing process is fast and complete. Microcalorimetric measurements of the thermal effect coupled with the mixing process suggest the occurrence of confinement effects and adsorption of the surfactant molecules at the nanoparticle surface, hinting at formation of charged nonstoichiometric surfactant-coated nanoparticles. The analysis of SAXS spectra shows that salt-containing AOT reversed micelles are slight…
Confinamento di nitrato di itterbio in micelle inverse di AOT
Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of gold nanoparticles
Backgorund: The ability of some surfactants to form charged aggregates in gas phase has been proven experimentally by electrospray ionization (ESI) spectrometry [1- 5]. However, in the early investigations, interesting questions concerning the structural organization of these aggregates in gas phase and if they reflect their typical self-assembling in the starting liquid solutions were not addressed. Subsequently, independently of their aggregation motive in liquid phase and of the charge state in the gas phase, some hints suggesting that surfactant molecules are organized in gas phase as reverse micelle-like aggregates have been reported Objective: The supramolecular charged aggregates for…
Self-assembly and intra-cluster reactions of erbium and ytterbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinates in the gas phase.
RATIONALE: The study of surfactant organization in vacuum allows surfactant–surfactant interaction to be unveiled in the absence of surrounding solvent molecules. Knowledge on their chemical-physical properties may also lead to the definition of more efficient gas-phase carriers, air-cleaning agents and nanoreactors. In addition, the presence of lanthanide-group ions adds unique photochemical properties to surfactants. METHODS: The structural features, stability and fragmentation patterns of charged aggregates formed by lanthanide- functionalized surfactants, ytterbium and erbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate ((AOT) 3 Yb and (AOT) 3 Er), have been investigated by electrospray ionization m…
Partitioning study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons between water and some selected water-insoluble phases
An investigation on the partitioning of naphthalene and phenanthrene between water and some water-insoluble phases has been carried out by Uv-vis-NIR spectrophotometry. The analysis of the experimental results emphasized the role of intermolecular interactions and structural features of the hosting phases as driving forces of the partitioning of these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The critical comparison of the resulting distribution constants allowed to evaluate the potentials of some extracting phases to set up sensitive analytical methods and/or effective environment remediation technologies.
Physico-chemical investigation of inorganic salt nanoparticles confined in dry reversed micelles
Gas phase charged aggregates of bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and divalent metal ions: first evidence of AOT solvated aggregates
Assembling and chelating properties of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) towards divalent metal ions have been investigated in the gas phase by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. A variety of positively charged monometallated and mixed metal aggregates are formed. Interestingly, several ions contain solvent (MeOH, H2O) molecules and constitute the most abundant AOT cationic aggregates not containing sodium. These species are the first example of solvated AOT-metal ion aggregates in the gas phase. By increasing the surfactant aggregation number, the abundance of solvated species becomes lower than that of unsolvated ones. Decompositions of ionic species have been studied…
Entrapment of amino acids in gas phase surfactant assemblies: The case of tryptophan confined in positively charged (1R,2S)-dodecyl (2-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-phenylethyl) dimethylammonium bromide aggregates.
The ability of positively charged aggregates of the surfactant (1R,2S)‐dodecyl (2‐hydroxy‐1‐methyl‐2‐phenylethyl))dimethylammonium bromide (DMEB) to incorporate D-tryptophan or L-tryptophan in the gas phase has been investigated by electrospray ion mobility mass spectrometry (ESIâIMâMS). Strongly impacted by the pH of the electrosprayed solutions, both protonated (T+) and deprotonated (T-) tryptophan are effectively included into the aggregates, whereas, tryptophan in zwitterionic (T0) form is practically absent in singly charged DMEB aggregates but can be found in multiply charged ones. The ability to incorporate tryptophan increases with the aggregation number and charge state of aggr…
aggregati micellari in fase gas una nuova frontiera per la spettrometria di massa
Electrospray ion mobility mass spectrometry of positively charged sodium bis[2-ethythexyl)sulfosuccinate aggregates.
Collision cross-sections (CCS) of positively singly and multiply charged aggregates of the surfactant sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) in the gas phase have been measured by quadrupole ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Calibration of the observed drift times to the CCS of the AOTNa non-covalent aggregates was achieved by collecting, under the same experimental conditions, the drift times of a range of singly and multiply charged polyalanine peptides whose CCS had been obtained by conventional ion mobility spectrometry. Together with an obvious increase of the aggregate cross-section with the aggregation number, it was found that the aggregate cross-section increa…
Molecular interactions in 1-pentanol +2-methyl-2-butanol mixtures: Static dielectric constant, viscosity and refractive index investigations at 5, 25 and 45�C
Static dielectric constants, refractive indices and viscosities of 1-pentanol +2-methyl-2-butanol mixtures were measured at 5, 25 and 45°C. The results show that the mixing of the two isomers modifies the polarizability and the resistence of viscous flow of the system depending on the composition and temperature. Short range intermolecular interactions producing hetero-alcohol open dimers are considered.
Surfactant Self-Assembling in the Gas Phase:bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate-Metal Ion Aggregates
ytterbium nanoparticles: properties, recent synthesis, developments and prespectives
Material science interest is more and more directed to the synthesis and characterization of nano-sized particles. This interest is justified by the fact that the reduction of the particle size of a given material to the nanometer scale causes the rising up of exotic properties that are not present in the bulk state due to size-dependent quantum effects and huge increase of the interfacial species. Further striking features can be gained by controlling nanoparticle shape or through the building up of spatially ordered mono-, bi- and three-dimensional nanoparticle arrays. Then, the wise selection of the nanoparticle synthetic strategy offers the possibility of preparing a wide class of novel…
synthesis of gold nanoparticles by the SMAD technique and confinement in AOT reversed micelles
Iron and lithium-iron alkyl phosphates as nanostructured material for rechargeable batteries
Abstract Inorganic/organic hybrid materials composed by iron atoms bonded to an alkyl phosphate can be easily synthesized by mixing at 110 °C iron chlorides with tri-alkyl phosphates. Since structural information on these products are lacking and taking into account that lithium/iron organic hybrid materials are important in lithium ion battery technology we report here the physico-chemical characterization of different hybrid lithium/iron butylphosphates. These materials are characterized by the presence of elongated hexagonal crystals stable up to 315 °C. The insertion of lithium does not affect the local structure. Thanks to such structures the material can be electrochemically-cycled an…
Effects of the net charge on abundance and stability of supramolecular surfactant aggregates in gas phase
Self-assembling of amphiphilic molecules under electrospray ionization (ESI) conditions is characterized by quite unexpected phenomenology. The noticeable differences with respect to the condensed phase are attributable to the absence of the surfactant-solvent interactions, the presence of net charge in the aggregates, and the strong deviation from equilibrium conditions. Aiming to investigate the effects of the net charge on abundance and stability of supramolecular surfactant aggregates, positively and negatively charged aggregates of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and sodium methane sulfonate (MetS), butane sulfonate (ButS) and octane sulfonate (OctS) have been studied by E…
Surfactant self-assembling in the gas phase: bis(2-ethylhexyl)-sulfosuccinate divalent metal ion anionic aggregates
RATIONALE Investigation of fundamental aspects driving surfactant self-assembling and of the capability of including guest molecules or ions in their micellar aggregates is an exciting research field for theoretical and technological reasons. In this light, assembling and chelating properties of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) towards divalent metal ion chlorides have been investigated in the gas phase by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in negative ion mode, tandem mass spectrometry and energy-resolved mass spectrometry. METHODS Water/methanol solutions of AOTNa and chloride salts of nickel, magnesium, calcium and manganese, with different AOTNa/metal salt ratios, w…
Structure, stability, and fragmentation of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate negatively charged aggregates in vacuo by MD simulations.
Negatively charged supramolecular aggregates formed in vacuo by n bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT(-)) anions and n + n(c) sodium counterions (i.e., [AOT(n) Na(n+nc)](nc)) have been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for n = 1 to 20 and n(c) = -1 to -5. By comparing the maximum excess charge values of negatively and positively charged AOTNa aggregates, it is found that the charge storage capability is higher for the latter systems, the difference decreasing as the aggregation number increases. Statistical analysis of physical properties like gyration radii and moment of inertia tensors of aggregates provides detailed information on their structural properties. Even for …
Structural characterization of frozen n-heptane solutions of metal-containing reverse micelles
The microstructure of temperature-quenched solutions of reverse micelles formed by sodium, cobalt, ytterbium, and cobalt/ytterbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate in n-heptane has been investigated by SAXS and EXAFS. Some changes in the X-ray absorption spectra with respect to the same systems at room temperature have been observed. The analysis of the SAXS spectra leads to the hypothesis that at 77 K the closed spherical structure of reverse micelles is retained and that during the temperature quench they undergo a clustering process involving the transition from a quite random dispersion to the formation of more or less large clusters of strongly packed reverse micelles. This behavior is …
structural organization of the internal core of metal containing reverse micelles
FT-IR investigation of the state of iron (III) chloride clusters confined in AOT reverse micelles dispersed in carbon tetrachloride
The state of the water-soluble salt iron(III) chloride in AOT reverse micelles dispersed in carbon tetrachloride has been investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy. Interestingly, while the entrapment of a lot of water-soluble inorganic salts in AOT reverse micelles requires preliminarily the presence of significant amounts of water within the micellar core, solubilization of FeCl3 occurs without the need to add water in the micellar solution reaching the very high solubility value, expressed as the maximum salt-to-surfactant molar ratio, of 1.30. The analysis of the spectral features of the investigated samples leads to hypothesize that iron(III) chloride is confined within the reverse micellar c…
DNA binding and biological activity of Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of a 2,5-diphenyl[1,3,4]oxadiazole macrocycle ligand.
Collision induced decomposition of AOT5YB2+: an unespected intracluster rearrangment
Physicochemical Investigation of Nanostructures in Liquid Phases: Ytterbium Nitrate Ionic Clusters Confined in Ytterbium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate Reversed Micelles and Liquid Crystals
The confinement of finite amounts of ytterbium nitrate in the nanoscopic space of ytterbium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (Yb(DEHSS) 3 ) reversed micelles dispersed in n-heptane has been investigated by UV-vis-NIR, FT-IR, and SAXS. The analysis of the experimental data is consistent with the hypothesis that Yb(NO 3 ) 3 is distributed among reversed micelles as small size ionic clusters surrounded by the Yb 3+ surfactant counterions and anionic heads while the surfactant alkyl chains point toward the solvent medium. As a consequence of confinement and interfacial effects, the ionic clusters display photophysical properties different from those in the bulk state or isolated species. Moreove…
Surfactant self-assembling in gas phase: positively monocharged sodium alkanesulfonate clusters
Conductance of potassium halides near the temperature of maximum density of water
The conductances of dilute aqueous solutions of KCl, KBr, and KI have been measured over the temperature range 2 to 8°C and have been analyzed by the Fuoss-Hsia equation. The ionic Walden products at infinite dilution have been discussed in terms of local viscosity. The temperature dependence of these products suggest that near the temperature of maximum density of water, the structure-breaking ability of these ions changes in a regular way.
Studi di macroaggregati a singola carica in fase gassosa: AOT in presenza di ioni sodio e itterbio
Spatially ordered surfactant assemblies in the gas phase: negatively charged bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate- alkaline metal ion aggregates
The formation and structural features of negatively charged aggregates of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) surfactant molecules in the gas phase have been investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and density functional theory calculations. Mainly driven by the interactions of alkali metal ions both with the oxygen atoms of the sulfonate group and with the succinate moiety of the AOT(-) anion, spatially ordered supramolecular assemblies, characterized by an internal core composed of surfactant counterions and hydrophilic head groups surrounded by the surfactant alkyl chains pointing outwards, are formed. Calculations have shown that surfactant self-org…
Structural and physicochemical characterization of the inclusion complexes of cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) with melatonin
The stoichiometry, geometry, stability, and solubility of the inclusion complexes of melatonin (MLT) with native cyclomaltooligosaccharides (α-, β- or γ-cyclodextrins, CDs) are determined experimentally by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, calorimetric and solubility measurements, and mass spectrometry. The observed differences are discussed in terms of molecular recognition expression of the host-guest (h-g) interactions within the hydrophobic CDs cavities of different size. The 1:1 h-g stoichiometry in water solution prevails at low CD concentrations; the trend to form higher order associations is observed at increasing CD concentrations. The stability order β-CD>γ-CD>α-CD for the c…
Molecular dynamics of electrosprayed water nanodroplets containing sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate
The behavior of aqueous solutions of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOTNa) subject to electrospray ionization (ESI) has been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at three temperatures (350, 500 and 800 K). We consider several types of water nanodroplets containing AOTNa molecules and composed of a fixed number of water molecules (1000), N(AOT)(0) AOT(-) anions (N(AOT)(0) = 0, 5, 10) and N(Na)(0) sodium ions (N(Na)(0) = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20): in a short time scale (less than 1 ns), the AOTNa molecules, initially forming direct micelles in the interior of the water nanodroplets, are observed in all cases to diffuse nearby the nanodroplet surface, so that the hydrophilic …
H-NMR and FT-IR study of the state of melatonin confined in membrane models: location and interactions of melatonin in water free lecithin and AOT reversed micelles
The state of melatonin confined either in dry lecithin or bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) reversed micelles has been investigated by H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopies as a function of the melatonin to surfactant molar ratio (R). The analysis of experimental results leads to hypothesize that, independently of R and the surfactant nature and as a consequence of anisotropic melatonin/surfactant interactions, melatonin is totally solubilized in reversed micelles and mainly located by opportune orientation in the nanodomain constituted by the surfactant head groups. The absence of significant spectral changes related to the protons linked to the first carbon atoms of surfactant a…
Structural Characterization of Surfactant-Coated Bimetallic Cobalt/Nickel Nanoclusters by XPS, EXAFS, WAXS, and SAXS
Cobalt nickel bimetallic nanoparticles were synthesized by changing the sequence of the chemical reduction of Co(II) and Ni(II) ions confined in the core of bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (2)., and Ni(DEHP)(2). The reduction was carried out by mixing, sequentially or contemporaneously, fixed amounts of n-heptane solution of Co(DEHP)2 and Ni(DEHP)2 micelles with a solution of sodium borohydride in ethanol at a fixed (reductant)/(total metal) molar ratio. This procedure involves the rapid formation of surfactant-coated nanoparticles, indicated as Co/Ni (Co after Ni), Ni/Co (Ni after Co), and Co + Ni (simultaneous), followed by their slow separation as nanostructures embedded in a sodium bis(2-eth…
Supramolecular surfactant aggregates in gas-phase:monocharged sodium alkanesulfonate clusters
Dry lecithin reversed micelles as biomebrane models: interaction with vitamin E
Analysis of Melatonin interaction with receptorial models of biological interest: "alpha - beta - and gamma - cyclodextrins"
Wide Angle X-ray Scattering as a Technique of Choice to Probe Asphaltene Hierarchical Structures
Bitumens are composite systems extensively used in road pavements. Due to their complex nature, a rational understanding of the relationships between composition, structure and performances of these materials is still far from being achieved, so research attempting to shed more light in this field is required. Here, we exploit Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) as a technique of choice to shed light on the bitumen structure at different length scales. Diagnostic fingerprints, characterizing the WAXS profile, are correlated to specific Bragg distances which can be reasonably attributed to the molecular and supramolecular aggregation taking place at various levels of complexity leading to the…
Volumetric and transport properties of aerosol-OT reversed micelles containing light and heavy water
Densities and viscosities of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT in-heptane system containing light and heavy water, as a function of the molar ratio R (R=[H2O or D2O]/[AOT]) were measured at 0, 5, 25 and 40°C. At low R values, the apparent molar volume of deuterium oxide is smaller than that of light water. The difference is related to the strength of the hydrogen bonding H2O and D2O. The viscosities of both H2O-AOT-n-heptane and D2O-AOT-n-heptane systems were explained in terms of intermicellar interactions mainly governed by hydration of the head groups of AOT.
Complex permittivity of FeCl3/AOT/CCl4 microemulsions probed by AC impedance spectroscopy
Abstract The complex permittivity of FeCl 3 /AOT/CCl 4 microemulsions in the 1–10 5 Hz frequency range has been measured by the conventional AC complex impedance technique. Measurements as a function of the volume fraction of the dispersed phase (FeCl 3 + AOT) and temperature at fixed salt-to-AOT molar ratio ( R , R = 0.5) show that the entrapment of FeCl 3 clusters significantly enhances the local permittivity of the AOT reverse micelles and the number density of charge carriers resulting from the peculiar state of the confined inorganic salt. An estimate of the apparent static permittivity of the FeCl 3 ionic clusters entrapped in the core of AOT reverse micelles gives the very high an…