

Impact of the union intervention in the matter of labor risks of psychosocial origin. A study purchased in Western Europe

Raúl Payá Castiblanque


Political scienceResearch studiesMediterranean areaHumanitiesActive participation


espanolEs conocido que la intervencion sindical tiene un efecto positivo sobre la reduccion de los accidentes de trabajo. Sin embargo, no existe evidencia comparable sobre su efecto en las patologias psicosomaticas. La presente investigacion estudia el impacto de la representacion de los trabajadores en materia de riesgos psicosociales, tanto en terminos agregados para el conjunto de la UE como de forma comparada entre los distintos sistemas de relaciones laborales. A tal efecto, se analizan los microdatos de una encuesta a 31.991 centros de trabajo europeos (ESENER-2), mediante diversos modelos de regresion que permitieron identificar como la presencia de representantes garantiza estandares mas elevados de gestion y la correspondiente activacion cultural, mientras que los de absentismo laboral solo se reducen con la participacion directa y activa de los trabajadores. Por su parte, el analisis de correspondencias multiples permite constatar como los sistemas institucionalizados del area centroeuropea y mediterranea presentan mas dificultades para involucrar a los trabajadores que los escandinavos o anglosajones caracterizados por mayores niveles de autorregulacion. EnglishIt is known that union intervention has a positive effect on the reduction of occupational accidents. However, there is no comparable evidence on its effect on psychosomatic pathologies. This research studies the impact of workers' representation on psychosocial risks, both in aggregate terms for the whole of the EU and in a comparative manner between the different systems of labor relations. To this end, the microdata of a survey of 31,991 European work centers (ESENER-2) are analyzed by means of various regression models that allowed the identification of how the presence of representatives guarantees higher standards of management and the corresponding cultural activation, while those of absenteeism from work are only reduced with the direct and active participation of the workers. On the other hand, the analysis of multiple correspondences allows us to see how the institutionalized systems of the Central European and Mediterranean area present more difficulties in involving workers than the Scandinavian or Anglo-Saxon systems, which are characterized by higher levels of self-regulation
