

Open government in Italy and in the Sicilian Region

Gaetano Armao


Settore IUS/09 - Istituzioni Di Diritto PubblicoSettore IUS/10 - Diritto AmministrativoOpen Government second ReportOpen Government Antonio Romano Tassone Sicilian Region


This short essay collects contributions and documentation relating to Rapporto sull’Open Government in Sicilia 2015 (the second Report on Open Government in Sicily), presented in March 31th, 2015 in the DEMS department lecture hall at the University of Palermo. It is the result of the research carried out in the course compendium of European Administrative Law of the academic year of 2014-2015 and of the master’s degree in Science of administration and complex organizations. The introductory essay was then presented in the form of a report 2014 to the Roundtable on Administrative transparency after the Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, which was organized at the Faculty of Law, University of Palermo, April 10th, 2014 as part of the conference supported by the ‘Group of San Martino’ on Administrative Transparency. Subsequently it was the subject of a lecture held on May 23rd 2014 for the Palermo University Master degree in Labour law and industrial relations within public administrations in collaboration with the INPS (National Social Security Institute) and the higher School of Economy and Finance Ezio Vanoni. A heartfelt thank you goes to the Director of the Department, prof. Giovanni Fiandaca, to the staff and students of DEMS who have worked for the publication of the volume. I am indebted to Marco Mazzamuto, Andrea Piraino and Riccardo Ursi for those comments that helped to improve this work for which I am the sole responsible. I intend to dedicate my contribution to the memory of Antonio Romano Tassone, a professor of administrative law at the University of Messina, an educated and polite scholar, a leading figure of the Sicilian School of Public Law and among those who have welcomed me into it, who recently died prematurely.
