

Knowledge Work, Working Time, and Use of Time Among Finnish Dual-Earner Families

Tammelin MiaJouko NättiAnttila Timo


Knowledge workerLabour economicsTrend analysisWork (electrical)SpouseKnowledge economyTime managementSociologyWorking timeSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)Educational attainment


The industrial working-time regime is dissolving—not dramatically, but rather as a trend. A new trend is that those in dynamic sectors and in a good labor market position work long hours: Demanding knowledge work appears to require the marginalization of private life. This study investigates the family situation of knowledge workers, the concentration of knowledge workers into family, working time, and use of time in different family types. The analysis is based on the Finnish Use of Time data (1999-2000) using family(spouse)-level data. Compared with other categories of employment, the results suggest only minor quantitative differences between knowledge worker families in working time and use of time. However, the results show that qualitative experience of time varied across families. Knowledge work families especially experienced feelings of hurriedness and time famine.
