

Development and Validation of a New Prognostic System for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Fabio FarinatiAlessandro VitaleGaya SpolveratoTimothy M. PawlikTeh-la HuoYun-hsuan LeeAnna Chiara FrigoAnna GiacominEdoardo GianniniFrancesca CiccareseFabio PiscagliaGian Lodovico RapacciniMariella Di MarcoEugenio CaturelliMarco ZoliFranco BorzioGiuseppe CabibboMartina FelderRodolfo SaccoFilomena MoriscoElisabetta BiasiniFrancesco Giuseppe FoschiAntonio GasbarriniGianluca Svegliati BaroniRoberto VirdoneAlberto MasottoFranco TrevisaniUmberto CilloIta. Li. Ca Study Group (Maurizio BiselliLuigi BolondiLaura BucciAlessandro CucchettiFrancesca GarutiAnnagiulia GramenziBarbara LenziDonatella MagalottiAnna PecorelliCarla SerraLaura VenerandiRita Golfieri


OncologyMaleTime FactorsDatabases FactualCancer Treatmentlcsh:MedicinePredictive Value of TestPediatricsBiochemistryGeographical locationsNeoplasms Multiple PrimaryDecision Support Technique0302 clinical medicineInterquartile rangeRetrospective StudieMultiple PrimaryRisk FactorsNeoplasmsMedicine and Health SciencesEthnicitiesPublic and Occupational HealthLiver DiseasesLiver NeoplasmsChild HealthGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedPrognosisItalian PeopleTumor BurdenQuartileOncologyCirrhosisItalyLiver Neoplasm030220 oncology & carcinogenesisPredictive value of testsCohortPerspectiveHong Kong030211 gastroenterology & hepatologyFemaleSurvival Analysialpha-FetoproteinsHumanBiotechnologymedicine.medical_specialtyCarcinoma HepatocellularAsiaTime FactorSettore MED/12 - GASTROENTEROLOGIAAged; Carcinoma Hepatocellular; Databases Factual; Decision Support Techniques; Female; Humans; Italy; Liver Neoplasms; Male; Middle Aged; Neoplasm Invasiveness; Neoplasm Staging; Neoplasms Multiple Primary; Predictive Value of Tests; Reproducibility of Results; Retrospective Studies; Risk Assessment; Risk Factors; Survival Analysis; Taiwan; Time Factors; Tumor Burden; alpha-Fetoproteins; Biotechnology; Biochemistry; Molecular Biology; Cell BiologyTaiwanReproducibility of ResultGastroenterology and HepatologyCarcinomasRisk AssessmentDecision Support Techniques03 medical and health sciencesDatabasesDiagnostic MedicinePredictive Value of TestsInternal medicineGastrointestinal TumorsmedicineHumansNeoplasm Invasivenessalpha-FetoproteinMolecular BiologySurvival analysisFactualAgedNeoplasm StagingRetrospective StudiesNeoplasm InvasivenePerformance statusbusiness.industryRisk Factorlcsh:RCarcinomaCancers and NeoplasmsReproducibility of ResultsRetrospective cohort studyHepatocellularHepatocellular CarcinomaCell BiologySurvival AnalysisBCLC StageSurgeryPeople and PlacesPopulation Groupingsbusiness


Background Prognostic assessment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains controversial. Using the Italian Liver Cancer (ITA.LI.CA) database as a training set, we sought to develop and validate a new prognostic system for patients with HCC. Methods and Findings Prospective collected databases from Italy (training cohort, n = 3,628; internal validation cohort, n = 1,555) and Taiwan (external validation cohort, n = 2,651) were used to develop the ITA.LI.CA prognostic system. We first defined ITA.LI.CA stages (0, A, B1, B2, B3, C) using only tumor characteristics (largest tumor diameter, number of nodules, intra- and extrahepatic macroscopic vascular invasion, extrahepatic metastases). A parametric multivariable survival model was then used to calculate the relative prognostic value of ITA.LI.CA tumor stage, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status, Child–Pugh score (CPS), and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in predicting individual survival. Based on the model results, an ITA.LI.CA integrated prognostic score (from 0 to 13 points) was constructed, and its prognostic power compared with that of other integrated systems (BCLC, HKLC, MESIAH, CLIP, JIS). Median follow-up was 58 mo for Italian patients (interquartile range, 26–106 mo) and 39 mo for Taiwanese patients (interquartile range, 12–61 mo). The ITA.LI.CA integrated prognostic score showed optimal discrimination and calibration abilities in Italian patients. Observed median survival in the training and internal validation sets was 57 and 61 mo, respectively, in quartile 1 (ITA.LI.CA score ≤ 1), 43 and 38 mo in quartile 2 (ITA.LI.CA score 2–3), 23 and 23 mo in quartile 3 (ITA.LI.CA score 4–5), and 9 and 8 mo in quartile 4 (ITA.LI.CA score > 5). Observed and predicted median survival in the training and internal validation sets largely coincided. Although observed and predicted survival estimations were significantly lower (log-rank test, p < 0.001) in Italian than in Taiwanese patients, the ITA.LI.CA score maintained very high discrimination and calibration features also in the external validation cohort. The concordance index (C index) of the ITA.LI.CA score in the internal and external validation cohorts was 0.71 and 0.78, respectively. The ITA.LI.CA score’s prognostic ability was significantly better (p < 0.001) than that of BCLC stage (respective C indexes of 0.64 and 0.73), CLIP score (0.68 and 0.75), JIS stage (0.67 and 0.70), MESIAH score (0.69 and 0.77), and HKLC stage (0.68 and 0.75). The main limitations of this study are its retrospective nature and the intrinsically significant differences between the Taiwanese and Italian groups. Conclusions The ITA.LI.CA prognostic system includes both a tumor staging—stratifying patients with HCC into six main stages (0, A, B1, B2, B3, and C)—and a prognostic score—integrating ITA.LI.CA tumor staging, CPS, ECOG performance status, and AFP. The ITA.LI.CA prognostic system shows a strong ability to predict individual survival in European and Asian populations.
