Über eine eichung eines 7.5 × 7.5 cm - NaJ(Tl) - Vollkristalls zur absolutzählung flächenförmiger präparate
H. Mundschenksubject
Physicssymbols.namesakeOpticsbusiness.industryBremsstrahlungGaussian functionsymbolsDisc diameterGeneral MedicineAtomic physicsbusinessCoincidencedescription
Abstract The photopeak efficiency and the peak-to-total ratio for a 7.5 × 7.5 cm solid NaI(Tl)-crystal are determined in the range of 0.145–1.33 MeV. The disintegration rates of the disc sources used are known by 4 πβ -and 4 πβ - γ -coincidence measurements. The effect of the disc diameter and the distance source-crystal on the photopeak efficiency is studied thoroughly. The data obtained are compared with those of other authors. The evaluation of the photopeak area is performed in a frequency diagram, a special type of probability scale, in which both parts of the Gaussian curve are represented by straight lines. Hence, corrections for the Compton overlap, bremsstrahlung and background can accurately be made.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1966-12-01 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods |