

<i>Datasharing</i>: guía práctica para compartir datos de investigación

Yolanda Blasco-gilFernanda PesetVíctor Nina-alcocer


World Wide WebIntermediaryComputer scienceMultidisciplinary approachDryad (programming)Library and Information SciencesReuseContingencyInformation SystemsResearch data


To associate research data to the published results favors their reuse by the scientific community, but this does not afford sufficient guarantees of preservation. To store them in databases solves this contingency and provides visibility, but in Spain there are not many services of this kind. For this reason, we describe, evaluate and discuss the pros and cons of foreign multidisciplinary data repositories that can be useful for researchers and information managers: Dryad, Figshare, Zenodo and Dataverse. It is still early to choose optimally and definitively one or the other application, so we conclude with recommendations to guide the user community and intermediaries.
