Open availability of articles and raw research data in spanish pediatrics journals
[EN]: Introduction: The open Access to publications and the raw data allows its re-use and enhances the advancement of science. The aim of this paper is to identify these practices in Spanish pediatrics journals. Method: We reviewed the author's instructions in 13 Spanish pediatrics journals, identifyingtheir open access and deposit policy. Results: Eight journals allow open access without restriction, and 5 provide information on theability to re-use and depositing data in repositories or websites. Conclusions: Most of the journals have open access, but do not promote the deposit of additionalmaterial or articles in repositories or websites.
Enriqueciendo la investigación en humanidades digitales. Análisis de textos de claustros académicos de la Universidad de Valencia (1775-1779) con KH Coder
[ES] La aplicación de métodos automatizados en cualquier investigación ha facilitado el trasvase de metodologías de una disciplina a otra, permitiendo realizar análisis cuantitativos a textos con estructura o semiestructurados. El objeto de este trabajo es aplicar a un dataset en lenguaje natural -castellano del siglo XVIII- métodos de análisis de la disciplina de documentación. Pretende establecer una metodología automática de análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de textos, que permita enriquecer en el futuro las conclusiones procedentes del análisis histórico tradicional. Este estudio construye los procedimientos necesarios para poder aplicar análisis de frecuencia, extracción y clasificac…
The impact factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics
The (2-year) Impact Factor of Thomson-Reuters (IF) has become the fundamental tool for analysing the scientific production of academic researchers in a lot of countries. In this article we show that this index and the ordering criterion obtained by using it are highly unstable in the case of mathematics, to the extent that sometimes no reliability can be assigned to its use. We explain the reasons of this behaviour by the specific properties of the mathematical journals and publications, attending mainly the point of view of the researchers in pure mathematics. Using the Journal Citation Report list of journals as a source of information, we analyse the stability in the position of the math…
Survival analysis of author keywords: An application to the library and information sciences area
[EN] Our purpose is to adapt a statistical method for the analysis of discrete numerical series to the keywords appearing in scientific articles of a given area. As an example, we apply our methodological approach to the study of the keywords in the Library and Information Sciences (LIS) area. Our objective is to detect the new author keywords that appear in a fixed knowledge area in the period of 1 year in order to quantify the probabilities of survival for 10 years as a function of the impact of the journals where they appeared. Many of the new keywords appearing in the LIS field are ephemeral. Actually, more than half are never used again. In general, the terms most commonly used in the …
Datos abiertos de investigación. Camino recorrido y cuestiones pendientes
[ES]: Los aspectos profesionales y técnicos de la gestión de datos de investigación han avanzado, por ejemplo las infraestructuras tecnológicas o los esquemas de metadatos de descripción. Sin embargo, otras cuestiones siguen necesitando ser investigadas, y más ahora en que los datos han de estar disponibles en abierto. Este trabajo efectúa una revisión bibliográfica y de sitios web de referencia que permite identificar los últimos avances producidos y las tendencias de investigación en temas relacionados con los datos científicos. La publicación de datos en revistas, el estudio del comportamiento de los autores o los métodos para medir el impacto de los datos son aspectos que necesitan ser …
Research data sharing in Spain: Exploring determinants, practices, and perceptions
This work provides an overview of a Spanish survey on research data, which was carried out within the framework of the project Datasea at the beginning of 2015. It is covered by the objectives of sustainable development (goal 9) to support the research. The purpose of the study was to identify the habits and current experiences of Spanish researchers in the health sciences in relation to the management and sharing of raw research data. Method: An electronic questionnaire composed of 40 questions divided into three blocks was designed. The three Section s contained questions on the following aspects: (A) personal information
The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport in Twitter: A Quantitative and Qualitative Content Analysis
The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has transformed many aspects of people’s daily life, including sports. Social networks have been flooded on these issues. The present study aims to analyze the tweets produced relating to sports and COVID-19. From the end of January to the beginning of May 2020, over 4,000,000 tweets on this subject were downloaded through the Twitter search API. Once the duplicates, replicas, and retweets were removed, 119,253 original tweets were analyzed. A quantitative–qualitative content analysis was used to study the selected tweets. Posts dynamics regarding sport and exercise evolved according to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, shifting from consideri…
<i>Datasharing</i>: guía práctica para compartir datos de investigación
To associate research data to the published results favors their reuse by the scientific community, but this does not afford sufficient guarantees of preservation. To store them in databases solves this contingency and provides visibility, but in Spain there are not many services of this kind. For this reason, we describe, evaluate and discuss the pros and cons of foreign multidisciplinary data repositories that can be useful for researchers and information managers: Dryad, Figshare, Zenodo and Dataverse. It is still early to choose optimally and definitively one or the other application, so we conclude with recommendations to guide the user community and intermediaries.
Sharing research data in cardiology.
Compartir datos de investigación en cardiología
El artículo expone las ventajas que aporta el compartir datos en la investigación en el área de cardiología
An author keyword analysis for mapping Sport Sciences
[EN] Scientific production has increased exponentially in recent years. It is necessary to find methodological strategies for understanding holistic or macro views of the major research trends developed in specific fields. Data mining is a useful technique to address this task. In particular, our study presents a global analysis of the information generated during last decades in the Sport Sciences Category (SSC) included in the Web of Science database. An analysis of the frequency of appearance and the dynamics of the Author Keywords (AKs) has been made for the last thirty years. Likewise, the network of co-occurrences established between words and the survival time of new words that have …