

A Surrogate-assisted Reference Vector Guided Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Many-objective Optimization

Jussi HakanenTinkle ChughKarthik SindhyaKaisa MiettinenYaochu Jin


Pareto optimalityPareto-tehokkuus0209 industrial biotechnologyMathematical optimizationOptimization problemComputer sciencemodel managementpäätöksentekoEvolutionary algorithmInteractive evolutionary computation02 engineering and technologyEvolutionary computationTheoretical Computer Science020901 industrial engineering & automationKrigingalgoritmit0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringvektorit (matematiikka)multiobjective optimizationcomputational costsurrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithmsBayesian optimizationta113Cultural algorithmpareto-tehokkuusbayesilainen menetelmäta111Approximation algorithmImperialist competitive algorithmmonitavoiteoptimointiKrigingkoneoppiminenComputational Theory and Mathematics020201 artificial intelligence & image processingreference vectorsSoftware


We propose a surrogate-assisted reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm for computationally expensive optimization problems with more than three objectives. The proposed algorithm is based on a recently developed evolutionary algorithm for many-objective optimization that relies on a set of adaptive reference vectors for selection. The proposed surrogateassisted evolutionary algorithm uses Kriging to approximate each objective function to reduce the computational cost. In managing the Kriging models, the algorithm focuses on the balance of diversity and convergence by making use of the uncertainty information in the approximated objective values given by the Kriging models, the distribution of the reference vectors as well as the location of the individuals. In addition, we design a strategy for choosing data for training the Kriging model to limit the computation time without impairing the approximation accuracy. Empirical results on comparing the new algorithm with the state-of-the-art surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms on a number of benchmark problems demonstrate the competitiveness of the proposed algorithm.
