

Eredità, cultura, politica. Sulla tradizione filosofica italiana

Federico Di Blasio


Settore SPS/01 - Filosofia PoliticaCulture Italy Italian Thought Politics TraditionSettore M-FIL/03 - Filosofia MoraleSettore M-FIL/06 - Storia Della FilosofiaSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Sociale


The critical note aims to reflect on the meaning of a reflection on the Italian cultural tradition starting from Corrado Claverini’s book La tradizione filosofica italiana. Quattro paradigmi interpretativi, published by Quodlibet, in 2021. According to Claverini, the Italian philosophy has a polychromatic tradition capable of overcoming both nationalism and globalism. In particular, Claverini shows, through a recognition of four interpretative paradigms (the volume spe- cifically investigates the theoretical perspectives of Spaventa, Gentile, Garin and Esposito), the complex relationship between history, philosophy and politics. In fact, at least in part, the struggle for hegemony over cultural and political institu- tions takes place in the interpretation of one’s own national philosophical canon. What I will try to demonstrate is how a reflection on tradition is an unavoidable element for any political agenda. Moreover, in this critical note, I will prove, on the basis of Claverini’s book, how it is still necessary to rethink the heterogeneous national philosophical traditions in order to enhance a dialogue between different cultures capable of acting on the crisis of the conceptual lexicon of the Modernity.
