Federico Di Blasio

Letture operaiste di Gramsci. Il caso Negri

This article aims to analyze the relationship between Antonio Negri and the political and philosophical categories of Antonio Gramsci. It is my intention to resume, from the Sixties of the last century to nowadays, the stragegical uses of Gramsci’s thought by Negri. According to me, we can divide four periods in the theoretical framework of Negri. In the first one, Gramsci is an author incompatible with the workerist strategy of class struggle. In the second one, there is a sort of use of Gramsci against Gramsci. Pointendly, Negri tries to subtract the author of the Prison Notebooks from the prerogatives of the Pci. After the arrest of Negri in the 1979, Gramsci’s figure became more ambiguo…

research product

Operazioni del capitale. Capitalismo contemporaneo tra sfruttamento ed estrazione Sandro Mezzadra e Breitt Neilson. Recensione di Federico Di Blasio

Recensione di Operazioni del capitale. Capitalismo contemporaneo tra sfruttamento ed estrazione di Sandro Mezzadra e Breitt Neilson Capital Operations Review. Contemporary Capitalism between Exploitation and Extraction by Sandro Mezzadra and Breitt Neilson

research product

Eredità, cultura, politica. Sulla tradizione filosofica italiana

The critical note aims to reflect on the meaning of a reflection on the Italian cultural tradition starting from Corrado Claverini’s book La tradizione filosofica italiana. Quattro paradigmi interpretativi, published by Quodlibet, in 2021. According to Claverini, the Italian philosophy has a polychromatic tradition capable of overcoming both nationalism and globalism. In particular, Claverini shows, through a recognition of four interpretative paradigms (the volume spe- cifically investigates the theoretical perspectives of Spaventa, Gentile, Garin and Esposito), the complex relationship between history, philosophy and politics. In fact, at least in part, the struggle for hegemony over cult…

research product

Le strategie del pensiero italiano. Un approccio genealogico all'Italian Thought

The goal of the article is to show, from an insightful point of view terno to Italian Thought, the speci city of Italian thought through a genealogical approach. In the first paragraph we try to de ne that what is Italian Thought through the use of the geo- I know approx. The second paragraph takes into consideration the theses presented from Esposito in Living Thought, trying to outline the characteristics of the long genealogy. The third and last paragraph relates the short genealogies proposed by Negri and Gentili.

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L'antagonismo immanente. Da Tronti a Gramsci

Il presente saggio si pone il compito di tracciare una linea di continuità tra la produzione teorica di Mario Tronti e la scrittura carceraria di Antonio Gramsci in merito alla questione del rapporto, talvolta antinomico talaltra corrispondente, tra antagonismo e immanenza.

research product

In forma polemica, di perpetua lotta. Spazi autogestiti, operaismo, Marx

The volume presented here is the result of an annual work by the Autogestita Power Library and Sapere di Palermo. It is a double “monographic” work that attempts to return to a painting I model some reflections on Italian workerism, on its impact on the social articulation, e finally on some themes deriving from the new critical edition of the works of Marx and Engels.

research product

Il Comune e l'Impero. Vita, Comunità e Conflitti dopo la Caduta del Muro di Berlino

The purpose of this article is to try to show the peculiarities of Italian philosophical and political reflection following the fall of the Ber- Mauer liner. The implosion of the second world had been welcomed by the liberal milieu as the ineluctable sign of the end of history and of need to abandon any communist hypothesis. To this trend international opposed several intellectuals who, in one way or the other, had been linked to practical and theoretical experiences of the mold communitarian. This is not to want to close the trajectories and the possibilities opened by authors such as Agamben, Esposito and Negri in a single horizon of shared meaning, but wanting to show a marked common plo…

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