

Facile Fabrication of Natural Polyelectrolyte-Nanoclay Composites: Halloysite Nanotubes, Nucleotides and DNA Study

Rawil FakhrullinSvetlana BatashevaGiuseppe LazzaraRamil FakhrullinMarina KryuchkovaVladimir G. EvtugynFarida AkhatovaLäysän NigamatzyanovaGiuseppe CavallaroElvira Rozhina


Thermogravimetric analysisNanotubeclay/polymer compositesPharmaceutical Sciencehalloysite nanotubesengineering.materialHalloysiteArticleAnalytical Chemistrylcsh:QD241-441chemistry.chemical_compoundlcsh:Organic chemistryDrug DiscoveryNucleotidePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryDissolutionMechanical Phenomenachemistry.chemical_classificationNanotubesNucleotidesOrganic ChemistrySorptionDNAnucleotidenanoclay self-assemblyPolyelectrolytesPolyelectrolytenanoclayChemical engineeringchemistryUltrasonic WavesChemistry (miscellaneous)engineeringMolecular MedicineClayThermodynamicsDNA


Complexation of biopolymers with halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) can greatly affect their applicability as materials building blocks. Here we have performed a systematic investigation of fabrication of halloysite nanotubes complexes with nucleotides and genomic DNA. The binding of DNA and various nucleotide species (polyAU, UMP Na2, ADP Na3, dATP Na, AMP, uridine, ATP Mg) by halloysite nanotubes was tested using UV-spectroscopy. The study revealed that binding of different nucleotides to the nanoclay varied but was low both in the presence and absence of MgCl2, while MgCl2 facilitated significantly the binding of longer molecules such as DNA and polyAU. Modification of the nanotubes with DNA and nucleotide species was further confirmed by measurements of &zeta
