

Riconoscere e interpretare i paesaggi dei sistemi arborei tradizionali: i casi studio della maremma laziale e del monte Etna

R BiasiF BottiD MarinoA CavalloSebastiano CullottaGiuseppe Barbera


land use changeSettore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreemonitoringSettore AGR/05 - Assestamento Forestale E Selvicolturalandscape matricTraditional Agro-forestry landscapelandscape typebiodiversity


Starting from the Sixteen’s of the past century it occurred in Italy, although with differences among the plane areas and the marginal hill or mountain ones, a deep transformation in the physiognomy of arboriculture following new architecture and new management criteria developed for an industrialized agriculture. Indeed, some traditional agricultural landscapes have maintained their functional and structural complexity. The present study refers to an interdisciplinary methodology developed for identifying and mapping the traditional landscapes through an approach based on multitemporal analysis of land use maps, visualization of land use persistences and evaluation of their representativeness. The methodology allows also to cataloguing the landscapes of arboriculture in hierarchically ordinate homogenous landscape systems and units through land metric and statistical indexed that allow the evaluation of their environmental, agronomic and socioeconomic values. The research could be useful as tool of safeguard, valorisation and monitoring of these irreproducible agricultural areas.
