

Educació literària i competència gramatical: una proposta d'ensenyament del català als anys setanta

Anna M. Devís ArbonaJosep-vicent Garcia I Raffi


Llenguatge i llengües EnsenyamentLiteraturaCiència Ensenyament


Literature has often been one of the most relevant textual referents when teaching grammar. Even though teachers have often used literary texts as examples of linguistic elements in the didactic units included in language books for both primary and secondary education, it is rare for a single literary text to become a language teaching book. Yet this is what happened with the novel Abans de l'alba by Lluís Ferran de Pol (Arenys de Mar, 1911- 1995). De Pol's fictional text was first published in 1954 and reedited in 1973 as part of a collection devoted to the teaching of Catalan edited by writer, critic and educator Joan Triadú. This second edition, published by Aymà-Spes, transformed the novel into a Catalan language teaching book.The reasons for this change were due to its excellent prose, a fact that made it most valuable for language learning. Writer and language scholar Albert Jané and Ferran de Pol worked in close collaboration and changed the literary text into a successful language learningmanual by adding exercises and grammatical and lexical explanations.
