

Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Finnish and Italian Universities in the Bologna Process

Ulla KiviniemiHelena AittolaMira HuuskoJani UrsinReetta Muhonen


Medical educationHigher educationbusiness.industryQuality assessment4. EducationEducational quality05 social sciences050301 educationBologna ProcessEducationManagementUnit (housing)0502 economics and businessBusiness0503 educationQuality assuranceCultural competence050203 business & management


Abstract The purpose of the study is to describe the evaluation and quality assurance practices employed in the basic units of Finnish and Italian universities and analyse the impact of the Bologna process on quality assessment. The data consist of interviews (n=30) conducted in Finland and Italy. The results suggest that: (1) evaluation and quality assurance were primarily seen in connection with the educational provision of the university; (2) although the respondents were familiar with evaluation, they were unsure about the procedures and effects of quality assurance in their unit; and (3) despite the harmonising aim of the Bologna process, evaluation, and quality assurance appeared to maintain their cultural and institutional features.
