

A multilocus sequence analysis scheme for characterization of Flavobacterium columnare isolates

Nina PekkalaTarmo KetolaRoghaeih AshrafiLotta-riina SundbergKatja Pulkkinen


Microbiology (medical)DNA BacterialGenotypeSequence analysisPopulationMolecular Sequence DataSequence HomologyclonalityAquacultureMLST/MLSA schemeMicrobiologyFlavobacteriumFlavobacterium columnareFish DiseasesFlavobacteriaceae InfectionsGenetic variationAnimalsCluster Analysis14. Life underwatereducationRecombination rateFinlandPhylogenyGeneticsrecombination rateClonalFrameGenetic diversityeducation.field_of_studyMolecular EpidemiologyGenes EssentialbiologyPhylogenetic treeMolecular epidemiologyGenetic VariationSequence Analysis DNAbiology.organism_classificationFlavobacterium columnareMultilocus sequence typingResearch ArticleClonalityMultilocus Sequence Typing


Background Columnaris disease caused by Flavobacterium columnare is a serious problem in aquaculture, annually causing large economic losses around the world. Despite considerable research, the molecular epidemiology of F. columnare remains poorly understood. Methods We investigated the population structure and spatiotemporal changes in the genetic diversity of F. columnare population in Finland by using a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and analysis (MLSA) based on DNA sequence variation within six housekeeping genes. A total of 83 strains of F. columnare were collected from eight different areas located across the country between 2003 and 2012. Results Partial sequencing of six housekeeping genes (trpB, tuf, atpA, rpoD, gyrB and dnaK) revealed eight sequence types and a moderate level of genetic diversity (H = 0.460). Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated protein-encoding gene sequence data (ca. 3,509 nucleotides) formed two lineages, which could be further divided into five clusters. All analysed F. columnare strains appeared to have a genetic origin distinct from that of another important fish pathogen form the genus Flavobacterium, F. psychrophilum. Although the value of the index of association between alleles, 0.292 (P < 0.001), supports some degree of clonality for this species in Finland, recombination has introduced molecular diversity to the population almost three times more than mutation. Conclusion The results suggest that Finnish F. columnare strains have an epidemic population structure followed by clonal expansion of successful genotypes. Our study with reproducible methodology and comparable results establishes a robust framework for the discrimination and phylogenetic analysis of F. columnare isolates, which will help to improve our understanding about geographic distribution and epidemiology of columnaris disease. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-015-0576-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
