

Organ recipients suffering from undifferentiated neuroendocrine small-cell carcinoma of donor origin: a case report.

A. HeumannArno SchadK. BenderN. PeixotoMichael HeiseM. SchmidJ. SchneiderMaria Hoppe-lotichiusDaniel FoltysD. MauerGerd OttoAndreas Linkermann


Malemedicine.medical_specialtyCarcinoma Hepatocellularmedicine.medical_treatmentAutopsyAntineoplastic AgentsSmall-cell carcinomaNephrectomyOrgan transplantationCarboplatinalpha 1-Antitrypsin DeficiencyBiopsymedicineCarcinomaHumansCarcinoma Small CellNeoplasm MetastasisEtoposideTransplantationChemotherapymedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryLiver NeoplasmsCancerMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseDNA FingerprintingEmbolization TherapeuticKidney TransplantationTissue DonorsSurgeryLiver TransplantationTransplantationHeart TransplantationSurgerybusinessImmunosuppressive Agents


Abstract Background Transmission of donor-derived cancer by organ transplantation is rare, but the risk has been increasing due to the aging donor pool. Undifferentiated neuroendocrine small-cell carcinoma is an agressive tumor with the tendency to spread. Herein we have demonstrated different approaches to treat organ recipients with transmitted tumors. Methods and Results Grafts were retrieved from a decreased donor without any history of previous diseases. Autopsy was not performed after donation. The recipient of the liver graft presented with suspected nodules on routine abdominal ultrasound. After computed tomography (CT) scan, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of a small-cell carcinoma. Donor origin was unequivocally identified by DNA fingerprinting. Despite chemotherapy the patient died 7 months after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). All involved transplantation centers were informed immediately following diagnosis. The male kidney recipient underwent detailed diagnostic work-up to exclude tumor transmission. One year after transplantation, liver metastases caused by a histologically proven small-cell carcinoma from the same donor were apparent. Chemotherapy was immediately started and the graft was removed. Despite continued treatment the tumor progressed and the patient died after repeated intestinal complications. The pathological examination of the explanted second kidney graft did not show any tumor infiltration. Conclusion Therapeutic regimens in recipients suffering from donor-derived carcinoma differ depending on the transplanted organ. Graft removal of non–life-sustaining organs and discontinuation of immunosuppressive medication should result in complete tumor rejection. Minimizing the risk of tumor transmission, a CT scan might be advisable in donors of more advanced age.
