K. Bender

Development of a new multiplex assay for STR typing of telogen hair roots

Abstract We have developed a new strategy in which 10 STR systems plus amelogenin were simultaneously amplified from telogen hair roots with maximal fragment sizes smaller than 270 base pairs. The multiplex includes six STR loci from the European standard set of loci (ESS) for DNA databases (D3S1358, D8S1179, D21S11, THO1, FGA and VWA) as well as four additional STR systems selected for their robustness and short amplicon sizes (D2S1338, D12S391, TPOX and D5S818). Due to the biotinylation of the reverse primers from five STRs systems, these PCR products can be separated from the other six amplicons after PCR amplification. The two sub-multiplexes were then analyzed in two different runs on …

research product

Organ recipients suffering from undifferentiated neuroendocrine small-cell carcinoma of donor origin: a case report.

Abstract Background Transmission of donor-derived cancer by organ transplantation is rare, but the risk has been increasing due to the aging donor pool. Undifferentiated neuroendocrine small-cell carcinoma is an agressive tumor with the tendency to spread. Herein we have demonstrated different approaches to treat organ recipients with transmitted tumors. Methods and Results Grafts were retrieved from a decreased donor without any history of previous diseases. Autopsy was not performed after donation. The recipient of the liver graft presented with suspected nodules on routine abdominal ultrasound. After computed tomography (CT) scan, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of a small-cell carcinoma.…

research product

Untersuchungen zu möglichen Mechanismen einer PCR-Hemmung in Haarextrakten durch Melanine

Bei Haarspuren wird eine mogliche PCR-Inhibition durch das Haarpigment diskutiert. Es wurde untersucht, ob synthetisches Eumelanin und Pheomelanin die Amplifikation mitochondrialer DNA-Sequenzen (HV-2) hemmen. Nach der Bestimmung der Hemmkonzentrationen (Eumelanin: 0,25 μg; Pheomelanin: 2,5 μg) wurde die Mg2+-Konzentration im 50-μl-PCR-Ansatz sukzessiv erhoht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Melanine die Mg2+-Ionen in einem Bereich von 1,5–6 mmol puffern, aber durch Erhohung der Mg2+-Konzentration die Inhibition revertierbar und korrekte Amplifikationen erreichbar waren. Spektrophotometrische Gesamtmelaninbestimmungen kaukasoider Kopfhaarproben sowie Gewichtsbestimmungen an 1 cm langen Haa…

research product