

Varieties of algebras with pseudoinvolution: Codimensions, cocharacters and colengths

Fabrizio MartinoAntonio Ioppolo


ColengthsPolynomialSequencePure mathematicsMultiplicitiesAlgebra and Number TheoryMathematics::Commutative AlgebraPseudoinvolutionsZero (complex analysis)Cocharacters; Colengths; Multiplicities; Polynomial identities; PseudoinvolutionsCocharactersSuperalgebraPolynomial identitiesSettore MAT/02 - AlgebraSection (category theory)Bounded functionIdeal (ring theory)Algebraically closed fieldMathematics


Abstract Let A be a finitely generated superalgebra with pseudoinvolution ⁎ over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic zero. In this paper we develop a theory of polynomial identities for this kind of algebras . In particular, we shall consider three sequences that can be attached to Id ⁎ ( A ) , the T 2 ⁎ -ideal of identities of A: the sequence of ⁎-codimensions c n ⁎ ( A ) , the sequence of ⁎-cocharacter χ 〈 n 〉 ⁎ ( A ) and the ⁎-colength sequence l n ⁎ ( A ) . Our purpose is threefold. First we shall prove that the ⁎-codimension sequence is eventually non-decreasing, i.e., c n ⁎ ( A ) ≤ c n + 1 ⁎ ( A ) , for n large enough. Secondly, we study superalgebras with pseudoinvolution having the multiplicities of their ⁎-cocharacter bounded by a constant. Among them, we characterize the ones with multiplicities bounded by 1. Finally, we classify superalgebras with pseudoinvolution A such that l n ⁎ ( A ) is bounded by 3. In the last section we relate the ⁎-colengths with the polynomial growth of the ⁎-codimensions: we show that l n ⁎ ( A ) is bounded by a constant if and only if c n ⁎ ( A ) grows at most polynomially.
