

Motorcycle Hill Climbing. Sport e social media in prospettiva globale

Giovanni MessinaGaetano Sabato


Settore M-GGR/02 - Geografia Economico-Politicasport social media globalisation motorcycle hill climbingSettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia


Motorcycle Hill Climbing. Sport and social media in a global perspective. The contribution aims to reconstruct the history, rules and diffusion of the Motorcycle hill climbing (MHC) sport; inserted among the categories of Enduro competitions, the MHC represents an extreme discipline divided into championships organized all over the world. The article, starting from a descriptive approach, will try to give a picture of the spatial diffusion of the main MHC events and the public flows generated, focusing in particular on the main European competitions. The article will then explore the relational and community dynamics that develop in some of the social networking platforms dedicated to the discipline which, being particularly spectacular, record millions of interactions and represent an interesting aspect of global dynamics connected to a rather marginal sport.
