Using concept mapping in the development of the EU-PAD framework (EUropean-Physical Activity Determinants across the life course): a DEDIPAC-study
Cristina MenescardiFiona Chun Man LingFiona Chun Man LingCaterina PesceGreet CardonAstrid SteinbrecherMasar GjakaLicia IacovielloMarieke De CraemerCiaran MacdonnchaLaura CapranicaSilvia MigliaccioAntonino BiancoAlessandra SannellaMichelle HoldsworthDaniele ContePascal IzzicupoHolger SchulzLiliana LeoneTobias PischonCristina CortisCamille PerchouxAnna PugginaLina JaeschkeSebastien F. M. ChastinLivia ManoniGiancarlo CondelloChantal SimonFrank H. PierikAngela PolitoWolfgang SchlichtJulie Anne NazareAndrea Di BlasioSylvia HansenDonatella Ciarapicasubject
GerontologyMaleYouthUrban Mobility & Environment2016 Urban Mobility & Environment[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]Applied psychologyHealth BehaviorPsychological interventionPoison controlB400INTERNET-BASED SURVEYSA9000302 clinical medicineQUALITY-OF-LIFEsedentary behaviorMedicine and Health SciencesDUTCH EXPERTSMedicineCluster Analysis030212 general & internal medicineolder-adultsOlder adultscienceresponseexerciselcsh:Public aspects of medicine030503 health policy & servicesSEDENTARY BEHAVIORHuman factors and ergonomicsSCIENCEMiddle AgedPublicPriority forEuropeHealthPUBLIC-HEALTHOlder adultsLife course approachFemaleFactors; Active lifestyles; Youth; Adults; Older adults; Priority for researchPublic Health0305 other medical scienceEnvironment & SustainabilityResearch ArticleAdultConsensusAdolescentMIXED-METHODS APPROACHEXERCISEContext (language use)Urbanisationpublic-healthEnvironmentActive lifestylesRESPONSE RATEWhite PeopleEnvironmental & Occupational HealthFactorsPriority for research03 medical and health sciencesSocial supportYoung AdultQuality of life (healthcare)mixed-methods approachHumansAdultsOLDER-ADULTSSocioeconomic statusLife StyleActive lifestyleAgedresearchbusiness.industrydutch expertsPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthFactorlcsh:RA1-1270internet-based surveysrateSocioeconomic FactorsCardiovascular and Metabolic Diseasesquality-of-lifeActive lifestyles; Adults; Factors; Older adults; Priority for research; Youth;SUMS - Sustainable Urban Mobility and SafetyELSS - Earth Life and Social SciencesActive lifestyles; Adults; Factors; Older adults; Priority for research; Youth; Public Health Environmental and Occupational Healthbusinessdescription
International audience; Background: A large proportion of European children, adults and older adults do not engage in sufficient physical activity ( PA). Understanding individual and contextual factors associated with PA behaviours is essential for the identification and implementation of effective preventative environments, policies, and programmes that can promote an active lifestyle across life course and can potentially improve health. The current paper intends to provide 1) a multi-disciplinary, Pan-European and life course view of key determinants of PA behaviours and 2) a proposal of how these factors may cluster. Methods: After gathering a list of 183 potential PA behaviours-associated factors and a consensus meeting to unify/consolidate terminology, a concept mapping software was used to collate European experts' views of 106 identified factors for youth (\textless 19 years), adults ( 19-64 years), and older adults (\textgreater= 65 years). The analysis evaluated common trends in the clustering of factors and the ratings of the distinct factors' expected modifiability and population-level impact on PA behaviours across the life course. Priority for research was also assessed for each cluster. Results: The concept mapping resulted in six distinct clusters, broadly merged in two themes: 1) the 'Person', which included clusters 'Intra-Personal Context and Wellbeing' and 'Family and Social Economic Status' ( 42 % of all factors) and 2) the 'Society', which included the remaining four clusters 'Policy and Provision', 'Cultural Context and Media', 'Social Support and Modelling', and 'Supportive Environment' ( 58 % of all factors). Overall, 25 factors were rated as the most impactful on PA behaviours across the life course and being the most modifiable. They were mostly situated in the 'Intra-Personal Context and Wellbeing' cluster. Furthermore, 16 of them were rated as top priority for research. Conclusions: The current framework provides a preliminary overview of factors which may account for PA behaviour across the life course and are most relevant to the European community. These insights could potentially be a foundation for future Pan-European research on how these factors might interact with each other, and assist policy makers to identify appropriate interventions to maximize PA behaviours and thus the health of European citizens.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2016-11-01 |