

Character of an 8− isomer of 130Ba

H.l. ThayerG. TungateR. MooreD. H. ForestJ. BillowesPaul CampbellA. EzwamJussi HuikariAri JokinenA. NieminenS. G. ZemlyanoiPeter DendoovenAlison BruceKieran FlanaganJuha ÄYstö


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsNuclear magnetic resonanceCharacter (mathematics)Magnetic momentCharge radiusQuadrupoleNeutronState (functional analysis)Prolate spheroidAtomic physicsSpectroscopy


Abstract The static moments and isomer shift of the J π = K π =8 − isomeric state in 130 56 Ba have been measured using the technique of collinear laser spectroscopy. The isomer has been found to have a magnetic dipole moment of −0.043(28) μ N and a static quadrupole moment of +2.77(30) b. These values have been used to assign the state as a two neutron 7 2 + [404]⊗ 9 2 − [514] configuration corresponding to a prolate shape. The half-life of the isomer has been confirmed as 9.54(14) ms. The change in the mean square charge radius was found to be 〈 r 2 〉 130m −〈 r 2 〉 130g–s =−0.0473(30) fm 2 .
