

Exclusive semi-leptonic decays of bottom baryons

F. HussainR. MigneronJ. G. Körner


QuarkNuclear physicsPhysicsBaryonNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsNuclear TheoryHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyMomentum transferQuark modelForm factor (quantum field theory)High Energy Physics::ExperimentHelicity


Abstract We calculate the exclusive semi-leptonic bottom baryon decays Λ b →Λ c +l − + v l , Σ b → Σ c +l − + v l and Σ b →Σ c ∗ +l − + v l in the spectator quark model. The helicity structure of the baryonic current transitions Λb→Λc, Σ b →Σ c (Σ c ∗ ) is matched to the helicity structure of the free quark current transitions b → c at minimum momentum transfer q2 = 0. The results are continued to q2≠0 by pole dominated form factors. We obtain semi-leptonic baryonic decay rates which are close to the corresponding semi-leptonic mesonic decay rates.
