

Religion as space of enunciation

Stéphane Dufour


catholic Churchreligion[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencesEglise catholique[ SHS.INFO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencestransmissionenunciation.énonciationfait religieux[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences


The principle of communication, which has been present since the origins of religion, can also be seen as its “vanishing point” in the artistic sense: the necessity of relaying, broadcasting, spreading the divine word is such that it is almost as if religion only really exists insofar as it is transmitted, exposed, expressed in some way to a receiver or audience. While this subject has received increased academic interest within the field of communication over recent years, this paper aims to depict certain possible lines of analysis and certain epistemological challenges which are encountered when studying religion. More specifically, it will approach the catholic Church from a socio-semiotic standpoint, thus taking religion as an object of study and looking, in pragmatic, technical and linguistic terms, at religious activity as an as yet incompletely-defined space of enunciation, in which different signs and discourses meet, mingle, and may sometimes enter into conflict with one another.
