

Learning 2.0 : the online community for apprenticeship

Olivier GalibertLakhoua Kais


social learning[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences[ SHS.INFO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information scienceslearning communitiesknowledge mediation[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencese-learningvirtual community


International audience; Training courses are a strategic challenge for any organizations. E-learning solutions appears as a relevant alternative for the company training expense (fewer raised prices for the customer, fewer traveling for the learners and trainers, mentored learning, timetable flexible…). Recently, the emerging of Web 2.0 eras has shown that the online user behavior has changed. Now, the online users are likely to share their knowledge and gain acknowledgement How the construction of e-learning communities, in mobile or non-mobile using spaces, appears as efficient for distant apprenticeship? Our paper deal with a communicational approach of the e-learning for professional training. We’re interested in the role of interaction and digital socialization process in the case of apprenticeship. The questions raised by our approach will concern as well the understanding of the process of collaborative and cooperative learning’s media as their organizational impact for the concerned companies.This paper focuses on the construction of our research object, and will introduce to our methodology. It presents a current and start out research about the role of learning communities in the new e-learning programs. We shall explain our comment by the initial results of an exploratory survey based on an analysis of the e-learning of Crossknowledge e-learning solutions.
