

Progress in Modelling Coherently Pumped Far-Infrared Laser Dynamics

Ramon VilasecaRamón CorbalánF. LaguartaJ. PujolM. Arjona


Hopf bifurcationReduction (complexity)Physicssymbols.namesakelawFar-infrared laserDynamics (mechanics)symbolsBifurcation diagramLaserLasing thresholdComputational physicslaw.invention


Coherently pumped lasers (CPL) operating in the far-infrared spectral region shown a wealth of instabilities1, including a behavior remarkably similar2,3 with the predictions of the paradigmatic Lorenz-Haken model of a single-mode homogeneously broadened laser4,5. The qualitative agreement; between theory and experiments2,3 was rather surprising, for the model4,5 refers to a two-level system whereas the CPL operate on a three-level scheme, where the pumping and lasing transitions share a common upper level. Dupertuis et al.6 have identified conditions for the mathematical reduction of the CPL equations to the Lorenz-Haken equations4, but these conditions were not all fulfilled in the experiments of Weiss and collaborators2,3.
