

The Sustainable Energy Action Plan. A Sicilian case study

Salvatore Di Dio


Lampedusa S.E.A.P P.A.E.S. multidiscipline urban regeneration island energy plan viably self sufficiency smart city smart grid waste management casaclima sustainable development


The European Union, to reach the objective of the emission reduction, has introduced several projects, including the “Convenant of Mayors”, vo-luntary action aimed to involve the cities of the European Community in the process towards environmental and enrgetic sustainability. Over 2100 muni-cipalities in Europe have joined or are in the process of ratification, but for the 954 italians signatories, only four have drawn up the required tools. The case study "Lampedusa" (presented by the writer as a master's thesis CasaClima - speaker arch. Fattor S., Co-prof. Trombino) comes from the de-sire to measure, in a Sicilian reality, multidisci-disciplinary approaches to de-fine strategic planning actions aimed at the objectives of the Covenant and demonstrate how this innovation generate more complex dynamics of regional renewal. The study shows how, through a policy of sustainable de-velopment, the island could reach energy independence by 2030 (CO2 emissions to zero), and retraining services related to tourism
