Salvatore Di Dio

Borgo Vecchio Factory

ADI Design Index è la selezione annuale del miglior design italiano ed è parte integrante del sistema di selezione del Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI: ogni anno, grazie all’Osservatorio Permanente del Design ADI – un gruppo di lavoro costituito da oltre cento esperti, anche esterni all’associazione – prende in esame su tutto il territorio italiano il design dei nuovi prodotti messi in produzione. Dopo una strutturata selezione (commissioni territoriali, tematiche e comitato di selezione finale), i migliori prodotti di design vengono presentati, con un commento critico che evidenzia i motivi della scelta, su ADI Design Index. I volumi diventano la base su cui lavora la giuria internazionale del C…

research product

From smart to lean : how to design for better cities, happier citizens and save the world

Come è possibile progettare città più “sostenibili”, “resilienti” e “smart” in un’era di scarsità di risorse, profondi conflitti sociali ed epocali emergenze ambientali? Le nuove e complesse sfide urbane stanno profondamente cambiando il ruolo di progettisti e pianificatori, sempre più “designer/manager” di un costante processo di revisione di tutto ciò che concerne l’habitat umano. Indagando in modo cross-disciplinare il complesso sistema di relazioni fra uomo, città e risorse naturali, si presenta un nuovo approccio a progetto e attuazione delle politiche urbane per la sostenibilità ambientale e sociale. Un approccio manageriale mutuato dall’ambito della gestione di imprese e l’innovazion…

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DESIGN E TRANSIZIONE DIGITALE : nuove sfide design-driven per l’innovazione tecno-sociale

How can it be possible to work salvifically on an asphyxiated society that is beingdragged down by turbo-capitalism, the ‘soft tyranny’ of algorithms and ‘data-cracy’and marked by hegemonic and centralised socio-technical systems? Starting from the-oretical reflections and multidisciplinary contributions, this paper focuses on the strate-gic importance of techno-social innovation, critically illustrating some significant design-driven experiences that outline innovative lines of development in the field of design re-search: WASP’s experimental activity (3D printing), Manzini’s reflections on hybrid localcommunities and cities in chaotic mutation, the projects of hacktivists Persico and Ia-c…

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Preface : Games for Urban Sustainability

The issues related to the growth of the urban population are among the mostimportant challenges of our time. T he recurring question is why it is so important to address sustainability at city scale and our answer is quite simple: the bulk of non-renewable resource consumption occurs in cities and this implies they are the firstplace where the innovations which must guide us towards a new model of sustainabledevelopment,i.e.the development that meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs [1], must be experimented.The main issue is therefore to design and to plan cities so that all the processesthat take place inside them becom…

research product

Design, technology and social innovation: the serious game of traffic O2

Social science and new communication technologies are deeply influencing the transportation domain and new models of urban sustainable development are constantly emerging as new possible solutions. One of the principal reasons is the capability to reach the motivations that foster us to choose one or another urban transportation systems. It is already feasible to develop solutions to implement and root more efficient and sustainable habits in urban transportation. The present exploratory chapter presents the activities conducted by innovation lab PUSH, with the Italian Ministry of Innovation and Research, for the development and the application of the social innovation project “TrafficO2” i…

research product

Mobility, Data, and Behavior: The TrafficO2 Case Study

This chapter presents the social innovation project “TrafficO2”, a support system for decision-making in the field of transportation that tries to push commuters towards more sustainable mobility by providing concrete incentives for each responsible choice. After focusing on Palermo, Italy, the context of this case study, this chapter provides a detailed description of the TrafficO2 model. Specifically, the chapter deals with the analysis of a selected sample of users among Palermo University students who commute daily to their respective University departments on campus. Starting from the modal split of the actual situation (Status Quo scenario), another behavior scenario (Do your right mi…

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Reconnect. Empathy mapping in the era of COVID-19

In this paper, we present an exploratory study conducted during the first-year product design course at the University of Palermo aimed at developing a new version of the empathy map (Empathy Map 5 Senses - EM5S) after the COVID-19 outbreak. The research had two main goals: focus freshmen students’ attention on senses that have been temporarily excluded because of social distancing and masks, and collect data about the importance of every single purpose and how their presence changes the quality of familiar experiences such as commuting to work, working, having lunches and dinners, having fun and taking care of themselves. From the first sample of 210 EM5S, data shows the different roles of…

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The Shift toward a Sustainable Urban Mobility through Decision Support Systems

This chapter examines Decision support systems (DSS) are instrumental in the sustainable development of urban mobility, as they are useful to each decision maker to better predict, evaluate, and measure the impact of alternative solutions and to take informed and evidence-based decisions. It presents a number of DSSs explaining how sustainable mobility targets could be reached through these systems. The chapter highlights the transition toward a more sustainable mobility model not only comprises innovation at vehicle or infrastructure level, but also requires interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial expertise together with effective decision making support. When a DSS for sustainable urban mob…

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Limiti e opportunità della ‘Sharing Mobility’: un approccio multidisciplinare per città più inclusive e sostenibili

Recensione del libro 'The Role of Sharing Mobility in Contemporary Cities. Legal, Social and Environmental Issues'.

research product

Sant'Anna Jamming

ADI Design Index è la selezione annuale del miglior design italiano ed è parte integrante del sistema di selezione del Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI: ogni anno, grazie all’Osservatorio Permanente del Design ADI – un gruppo di lavoro costituito da oltre cento esperti, anche esterni all’associazione – prende in esame su tutto il territorio italiano il design dei nuovi prodotti messi in produzione. Dopo una strutturata selezione (commissioni territoriali, tematiche e comitato di selezione finale), i migliori prodotti di design vengono presentati, con un commento critico che evidenzia i motivi della scelta, su ADI Design Index. I volumi diventano la base su cui lavora la giuria internazionale del C…

research product

Pursuing softer urban mobility behaviors through game-based apps

Cities are currently engaged through their urban policies in pushing people towards less environmentally impacting mobility modalities: therefore, cycling and walking are strongly promoted, especially by means of new and wider limited traffic and no-cars zones. In this paper, the effectiveness of the new smartphones and apps-based technologies in modifying the mobility behaviors of citizens towards more sustainable choices has been investigated. Specifically, the potential of a smartphone app, directly involving citizens by means of a game rewarding the most sustainable trips, has been tested on a university commuters' group. These latter, starting from their current mobility situation, wer…

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New digital instruments for the community building in housing cooperatives

The research starts from a study carried out for Confcooperative Habitat, which focused on the systematic analysis of the materials produced for the launch of a new season of the cooperative movement. The goal is to improve the active action on communities for a tangible social impact able to propose a model that knows how to enhance the common urban spaces within the interventions. Finding the new needs and the new processes that characterize living, outlined also in their condominium and urban dimension of ‘common good’, therefore of ‘common housing’. The procedural model proposed and modulated in an evolved platform, seeks to multiply the common practices of living in the city and live i…

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Involving people in the building up of smart and sustainable cities: How to influence commuters’ behaviors through a mobile app game

Abstract Usually, mobility policies assessed by local institutions tend to intervene on the side of the urban transport networks, by designing new and expensive infrastructures, whereas only a few attention is paid to the possible positive effects induced by proper mobility behaviors of people. On purpose, Smartphone technologies and platforms are rapidly becoming effective tools for involving citizens in environmental conscious mobility habits. By means of an empirical application to a group of university students, that daily commute for reaching their departments, the effectiveness of a mobile app game in pursuing commuters to modify their mobility behaviors is here checked. The game rewa…

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Dare Fiducia

Il contributo "Dare Fiducia" fa parte della selezione di trenta “pillole di fiducia” in risposta alla call “Fabbricare fiducia” lanciata dal visionario Andrea Bartoli, co-fondatore di Farm Cultural Park. Ad una breve introduzione circa le condizioni necessarie per aprirsi con genuina curiosità, generosità e rispetto agli altri, seguono alcuni riferimenti con link ipertestuali.

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How to track behaviours’ changes toward more sustainable mobility habits: the serious game of TrafficO2

Social science and new communication technologies are influencing deeply the transportation domain and new models of urban sustainable development are constantly emerging as new possible solutions. One of the principal reasons is the capability to reach the motivations that foster us to choose one or other urban transportation systems. It’s already feasible to develop solutions to aim the implementation and the rooting of more efficient and sustainable habits in urban transportation. The present exploratory paper presents the activities conducted by innovation lab PUSH, with the Italian Ministry of Innovation and Research, for the development and the application of the social innovation pro…

research product

Right to the future

Dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, le città hanno affrontato un rapido e incontrollabile sviluppo e pur coprendo, oggi, appena il 2% della superficie del pianeta, sono l’habitat per più del 50% degli abitanti della Terra, consumano oltre l’80% delle risorse disponibili ed emettono più del 70% delle sostanze inquinanti. È nel 1976 che l’assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite indice la prima conferenza per gli insediamenti umani (human settlements) a Vancouver, riconoscendo l’impatto devastante che le condizioni degli insediamenti abitativi hanno sullo sviluppo sociale ed economico, sull’uomo e sull’ecologia urbana. Questa conferenza, oggi conosciuta come Habitat I, avvia un processo d…

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Right to the Future

During the last decade, the city of Palermo has been undergoing relevant transformations from various perspectives. This has been the consequences of a multitude of circumstances, European financial crisis, migrants/refugees crisis, a new administration of the city and an increased awareness and responsibility among the citizens. Various national and international recognitions (Italian Cultural Capital 2018, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Manifesta 12, Youth Capital 2017) have confirmed that they are on the right path. This positive moment has been launched and, progressively, rid- den by many young professionals that decided to challenge the present situation by investing their…

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The Lean Urban Policies’ Design A values-centered method for sustainable urban planning.

In these past years, the necessity and urgency has emerged for policies tied to an alternate development to be efficiently applied, and not limited to single operations. The policies must be defined by a clear and effective method of action.
 Starting by investigating what are the relationship among human being, built environment and natural sources, in fact, we think it is possible to enrich the sustainable urban planning policies with new contents and possibly, new tools. By describing the frame, the objective is to define the most effective method, to be able to convey an effective project action and governance for the territory, to achieve predefined social and energy based objectives. …

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Changing commuters’ mobility behaviors of university campuses: environmental and energy comparisons

Governments are required to take proper measures to promote the use of electric and hybrid vehicles and, more generally, to push people towards sweeter modalities including walking and biking. To reach such tight and challenging goals, local institutions should be deeply involved, and universities among them. The promotion of sustainable mobility practices among commuter students must be considered indeed an effective contribution to facilitating the transition towards greener cities. On purpose, students of the University of Palermo that daily commute from their residences to the campus are considered here. These commuters, in fact, mainly adopt traditional polluting transportation means. …

research product

Gamification or Game Design? A case study in the field of sustainable commuting

In the last few years, the debate among designers and sustainability experts has brought attention to many different behavioural change approaches and techniques and particularly on “gamification” processes able to better motivate and engage students or even nudge people (consumers) to more environmentally and socially responsible habits (Mousumi, 2021).But since 2011, most of the contradictions about “gamifying” boring or unpleasant experiences have been loudly shared by game designers and thinkers worldwide (Bogost, 2014). It seems that the goal of changing people’s unsustainable behaviours can be achieved by designing brand new sustainable experiences instead of gamifying the unsustainab…

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Multiple Theories of Change for innovation governance

The Theory of Change approach aims to clarify the underlying logic of an intervention by first identifying the problem addressed and the desired outcome, and then backwards mapping the actions taken and the expected results and outcomes. In so doing, it aims to simplify the expression of intermediate goals and indicators and provide a common reference for the participants and stakeholders of the intervention itself. As such, it is similar to corporate ‘mission statements’ in that it aims to provide a single, unifying description of the what, why and how of an intervention. By framing the approach in terms of the ‘change’ required as a means of addressing a problem, Theory of Change is essen…

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The Sustainable Energy Action Plan. A Sicilian case study

The European Union, to reach the objective of the emission reduction, has introduced several projects, including the “Convenant of Mayors”, vo-luntary action aimed to involve the cities of the European Community in the process towards environmental and enrgetic sustainability. Over 2100 muni-cipalities in Europe have joined or are in the process of ratification, but for the 954 italians signatories, only four have drawn up the required tools. The case study "Lampedusa" (presented by the writer as a master's thesis CasaClima - speaker arch. Fattor S., Co-prof. Trombino) comes from the de-sire to measure, in a Sicilian reality, multidisci-disciplinary approaches to de-fine strategic planning …

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MUV: A Game to Encourage Sustainable Mobility Habits

This working paper investigates the question of changing people mobility towards more sustainable habits involving them in an engaging gameplay. The work is performed within MUV H2020 research and innovation action. The game design, definition and features have been co-created through the involvement of different citizens and stakeholders in six European neighbourhoods. The paper discusses the game design as resulting from co-creation and co-design experiences with each neighbourhood communities involved in initial phases. The paper argues that the local co-design activities have influenced the game definition, together with the community engagement approach. The MUV gameplay approach resul…

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Reshaping the Urban Environment Through Mobility Projects and Practices: Lessons from the Case of Palermo

Transport and mobility are crucial factors in the process of adaptation of contemporary urban areas to the challenge of sustainable development. In this perspective, however, cities need to perform a more effective integration between a wide range of different policies and planning practices. Together with a more effective integration between transport policy and land-use planning, for instance, cities could take growing advantage by organisational factors, as well as the spreading of new technologies and the related processes of social innovation. Through the description of several project and planning initiatives taking place in Palermo, the fifth Italian city, this paper attempts to expl…

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A Gamified Mobility Experience

We believe in the use of urban games to define new enjoyable experiences, change citizens’ unsustainable habits and educate them to new environment-and social-friendly ones. This paper presents MUV, an innovative action that has the power to engage citizens and foster sustainable mobility behaviors. MUV complements engaging HMIs with a participatory method within an iterative innovation process called the virtuous cycle (understand, involve, co-create, implement, experiment). The innovation process has led to a new game dynamic: Mobility as a Sport. It results in a rewarding personal mobility experience; the same rewarding sensations the athletes feel when they improve their results.

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A Win-Win Scheme for Improving the Environmental Sustainability of University Commuters’ Mobility and Getting Environmental Credits

European Union Member States are called upon to meet internationally proposed environmental goals. This study is based, in particular, on the recommendation of the European Union (EU), which encourages Member States to pursue effective policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions, including through appropriate changes in the behavioral habits of citizens. In this respect, among the main sectors involved, transport and mobility should certainly be mentioned. National institutions should be adequately involved in order to achieve the objectives set; in this regard, universities must certainly be considered for their educational value. These latter, for instance, could commit to improvin…

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Art for Change

Una serie di documentari brevi (26 minuti ad episodio) che racconta quattro progetti di design per il sociale tra Italia e Spagna. Quando l’arte entra nelle aree marginali delle nostre città produce concrete trasformazioni: la street art del progetto di Borgo Vecchio Factory a Palermo, l’Accademia del Cinema dei Ragazzi di Enziteto a Bari, il Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove nelle ex fabbriche Fiorucci di Roma, la comunità di Puerta del Angel a Madrid.

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Measuring the Change Towards More Sustainable Mobility:MUV Impact Evaluation Approach

Urban areas can be considered the ground for the challenges related to the UN&rsquo

research product


Un gioco digitale per smartphone che promuove la mobilità individuale sostenibile, in cui i cittadini si sfidano in tornei: chi ha abitudini di mobilità più rispettose dell’ambiente vince. I dati raccolti dall’app attraverso processi aperti e partecipati sostengono i processi decisionali e stimolano nuove soluzioni di mobilità. Frutto di un progetto Horizon2020, è il risultato di sette anni di ricerca con più di venti partner internazionali (pubbliche amministrazioni, università, centri di ricerca) ed è stato testato in 21 città del mondo. I cittadini che hanno partecipato alle diverse dinamiche di gioco, oltre ad aver registrato oltre 180.000 chilometri percorsi in modo sostenibile, hanno …

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Menzione d'Onore Borgo Vecchio Factory

Il Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI è il massimo riconoscimento italiano al progetto, al prodotto, alla ricerca di disegno industriale. È stato istituito a Milano nel 1954 dai grandi magazzini la Rinascente per incentivare l’“estetica del prodotto” e il nascente design italiano. Il marchio del premio, che fa riferimento al compasso di Adalbert Göringer e alla proporzione aurea, è stato disegnato dal grafico Albe Steiner, mentre il compasso d’oro tridimensionale è a firma degli architetti Alberto Rosselli e Marco Zanuso. Nel 1958 il premio è stato ceduto da la Rinascente all’ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, che ogni due anni ne cura l’organizzazione attraverso le selezioni di una giuria…

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Right to the future: ideas kit for the future of Palermo

La città di Palermo, soggetta ai sempre più costanti fenomeni di brain drain e di immigrazione, si trova necessariamente a decidere cosa vuole fare da grande. Gli input che arrivano dall’esterno, e non solo, spingono la città prevalentemente verso una sola possibilità: il turismo. Eppure la visione del turismo come unica via possibile si è rivelata la condanna a morte al diritto di vivere e praticare la città dove si e nati, cresciuti ma soprattutto si è scelto di abitare. In contrapposizione a questa visione, città come Barcellona, Bogotà o Medellin si sono messe in gioco sfidando la formazione/conformazione storica a favore della praticità e benessere della quotidianità urbana. Dimostrand…

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