

The Garantie jeunes : an analysis of the direct and indirect effects on its beneficiaries. Taking into account the non-academic skills of young people

Océane Vilches


compétences socialesrecruitmentsocial skillsprofessional and social integration[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationYouth guaranteeMission LocalerecrutementGarantie jeunesinsertion professionnelle et sociale


The evaluation of the Garantie jeunes has resulted in three main reports (Farvaque et al., 2016 ; Loison-Leruste et al., 2016 ; Gaini et al., 2018). In this thesis, we seek to find out whether this scheme has an effect on the professional and social insertion of its beneficiaries, which transits through the acquisition of non-academic skills. Using a mixed survey method, we are interested in both the young people and the recruiters likely to hire them. On the one hand, our qualitative longitudinal approach is based on fifty-five semi-structured interviews conducted in three stages with the beneficiaries of the program. On the other hand, our quantitative approach, based on the vignette method, is based on a sample of one hundred and seventy- four recruiters. First, our main results show that the GJ has a direct effect on professional and social integration but also on non-academic skills, even if this remains to be qualified. Furthermore, the indirect effect on integration, which is mediated by soft skills, does not concern all of our respondents. Thus, it is true for young people who perceived the program as a springboard, but also for those for whom the GJ did not change their initial situation. Secondly, we note that recruiters consider soft skills to be important and that the GJ has a positive effect on recruitment for its beneficiaries.
