

S'affirmer comme un professionnel compétent ? Les usages de la psychologie dans les crèches parentales par les éducatrices de jeunes enfants

Sandrine Garcia


Sociology and Political SciencePsychanalyseMode de garde[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationJeune enfantÉducateur[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationStructure d'accueilCrèche parentale


This article is dedicated to the standard practice of psychoanalysis by infant carers in “parent-run” day care centres. This particular type of associative body, run by parents through an elected board of directors with (full) employer’s legal status may be justified precisely because the infant carers attain a privileged position often combined with a management role.The article strives to describe and analyse this specific setup linking through collective work early years childcare for professionals (mostly females) and parents/users who ensure nonetheless a job as volunteers (rather than mere service users). It shows that calling upon a “psy.” expertise by infant carers guarantees their future within the organisation; they may thus define themselves in terms of qualified professionals whilst parents are left to carry out the least rated tasks (namely, supervision).
